The Cigarette

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After Kurt and Ram's "horrific" deaths, y/n and I camped out in her car in the school parking lot. As we wake up in the early light of day, y/n sits upright in the driver's seat. She reaches into my coat pocket. I move her hand away and give her a cigarette. She puts one in her mouth and I do the same.
"So we killed them, didn't we?" She asks, staring in space.
"Of course!" I reply. She looks at me with disgust and reaches for her lighter. She presses the top of it against the palm of her hand and shrieks with pain. I grab her hand and use the burn to light my cigarette. She sobs with pain.
"Ich Luge bullets! I'm such an idiot!" She yells.
"Look, you believed it because you wanted to believe it" I console her. Assholes like Kurt and Ram that hurt people like y/n deserve to die anyway. "Your true feelings were too gross and icky for you to face" I say.
"I did NOT want them dead!" She yells.
"You did too!" I reply.
"I did not!"
"Did too!"
"I did not!"
"Did not"
"I did not"
"Did too!"
"Did not, did not, did not"
"Did too!"
"Shut up, I didn't not want them to.."
"Come on, you did, you just.."
"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb!"
"I know you did!"
"I did not want them dead!"
"Yes, you did!"
"Did not!"

And that went on for quite a while.
"Football season is over, y/n. Kurt and Ram had nothing to offer this school but date rapes and AIDS jokes" I say to her.
"Sure" she says sarcastically. "Can we make a slushee run before the funeral?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"Why not?"

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