The Funeral

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Your POV
*time skip 2 days later*

Heather Chandler's funeral was massive. People were in every pew. No seat was empty. I guess this was a proper goodbye to the person that was Heather Chandler. She was had a red bouquet of flowers and was dressed in a white gown and she looked beautiful even in a casket.
"I blame not Heather but rather a society that tells its youth that the answers can be found in the MTV video games. We must pray that the other teenagers of Sherwood, Ohio, know the name of that righteous dude who can solve all their problems. It's Jesus Christ and He's in the book" the pastor says.
"Amen" the crowd says in unison. JD looks at me in disbelief. I can't believe we caused this.
I walk up to Heather's casket to speak to God. "Hi, I'm sorry. Technically I did not kill Heather Chandler, but hey, who am I trying to kid, right? I just want my high school to be a nice place. Amen. Did that sound bitchy?"

*time skip 1 day later*
I walk into the Yearbook Club's room. Since I work for Yearbook Committee, I just decided to check up on whatever they're going to do to commemorate Heather.
"Hey y/n how are you doing? Yesterday's funeral was rough huh?" They ask me.
"I'm okay, and yeah, yeah, sure" I reply. At least they somewhat care.
"We're adding in a Heather Chandler yearbook spread in the front of the yearbook. Here's pictures of her and her suicide note. What do you think? It's more tasteful than it sounds" Dennis says. I close my eyes in disbelief.
"I don't know, Dennis, this stuff leaves a bad taste in my mouth.." I say.
"Like last night, y/n?" says Courtney.
"Excuse me?!" I ask. "I don't get it."
"What you did last night. Kurt and Ram told us of your date with them and let's just say he was really detailed" Courtney says giggling.
"Shut up, Courtney" Peter says, defending me.
"No, don't shut up, I'd like to know what I did" I say, now getting mad. Peter grabs my arm and drags me away from them.
"What was that?" I ask Peter.
"I rarely listen to Neanderthals like Kurt and Ram but they said that they had a nice little sword fight in your mouth last night if you know what I mean" Peter says, leaning against the door. I stare at him in shock. This can't be happening.
"Ew!" I say in disgust. "Those sons of bitches!"

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