Espionage and Sabatoge

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You stood in the common room of the Black Bulls' Hideout, dressed according to Finral's, not very high mind you, standards. A simple silver dress that hugged your figure. You were a Silva after all, you had to wear their colors out in public.

"Are you ready, milady?" Finral asked, taking your arm, and sending a wink towards you.

"Save it, Finny, my boy. I'm not your date" You replied taking his arm. Your other grabbed Luck's arm, who complained about not being able to fight, with that creepy, yet adorable smile on his face. Sometimes you wish you could just eat his face up. Not literally, of course. That would count as canabilism, and you'd rather not. "Shall we?" You asked.

"We shall" Finral created a portal, and the three of you stepped in. You could have sworn that the three of you weren't the only ones in the portal, but you decided to ignore it. After all, you had a date to look forward to, at least by ruining Finral's.


Noelle and Asta jumped through the portal, thankful that it remained open a couple of seconds after the three of you had gone through. The two partners landed in the castle town of Clover Kingdom, thankful for the crowd. They stealthily followed the trio, constantly hiding and pretending to work in various places.

The destination of the double date, triple since Luck was here for some reason, which was probably not to blow Finral's date to pieces, was the same place Asta's first mixer had been. Oh the memories! Noelle couldn't even look Asta in the eye when the manager asked who she was spying on this time. But thank the Lord that he had still hired them.

The two Black Bulls stealthily wandered around, keeping their eye on the table where the trio sat. You were sitting between both of the males, making sure that Luck didn't attack Finral, or anyone else for that matter. A small doll, oddly similar looking to Luck sat in your lap, hidden from anyone who didn't know where to look. You kept it firmly seated on your lap, keeping Luck firmly sitting on his chair, despite his efforts to move. A doll representing Finral sat in your bag, along with blank stuffed figures, yet to be turned into a person, ready to be turned incase of an emergency.

You were too prepared for something to go wrong. While Noelle would like to say that she was worried, she could understand where you were coming from. In the past three years, she and Asta had gotten managed to end up in life threatening situations, while just randomly lounging around the Black Bulls base. Plus you never knew when Finral would chicken out and need controlling.


So far the dates were nowhere in sight.

"Finral!" You drawled, catching the attention of many of of the people sitting around you. "When are they getting here?" You were sure that Nozel had seen you behave in this way, you would have gotten a stern talking to. Thank God for the Black Bulls.

"They should be here any minute." Looking around, his eyes landed on the struggling Luck "You have the doll, right?"

"When do I ever go anywhere without them?"

"I meant his doll!"

"Luck wouldn't be struggling this much if I didn't have it" You replied simply.

"Well can you make him seem a bit more normal with his expressions?" You turned your attention to the ever smiling face of Luck and sighed. "Finral, I can control his movements, but even I haven't mastered complete control over my toys. His smile has nothing  to do with his thoughts, which I can not completely control. Most of our expressions are made consciously, his is subconscious." Finral looked at you hopelessly. Well, at least he tried to get a date. "But I can make him stop fidgeting, if that'll calm your fidgeting. That, or we could always go with plan B" You gestured towards your bag.

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