Zora's Shipping Research

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Zora wondered why, how, he was here, stuck babysitting a Luck and a [y/n]. It would have been okay, if [y/n] hadn't been intoxicated, thanks to Charmy and Vanessa. Why'd they even let you near alcohol near the first place? Everyone else had left, going on a mission. Asta and Noelle, despite not having a mission, were out somewhere. Probably stalking some poor soul. Henry had to stay in the base, so obviously he was here. But the man was too slow to help much. At least his hair kept you entertained enough at the moment.

"Fluffy!" You gushed, words slurring, as you pet the poor man's white hair. "Like a sheep!"

"Luck! Get back here!" The man shouted, trying to catch the blonde who was buzzing across the common room, like a bolt of lightning. Well, quiet literally may I add, seeing how he uses his magic for mobility purposes. Zora ducked as a bolt of lightning whizzed past, singeing a part of his red hair. "Oi! This hair doesn't get this beautiful naturally! Come back here and pay!"

"I'll pay anything you want if you fight with me, Zora!" The young man pleaded, subconscious smile ever present on his face.

"Sorry, I can't do that while [y/n] is like this" He replied. Luck's eyes seemed to droop, but the smile was present.


"Because she might get in the way, and might get hurt. Do you really want [y/n] to get hurt?" Laying the guilt on thick. Zora decided to keep a reminder to give himself a pat on the back. If he was lucky, he may just make it through, without dying.

"Really? Why can't she protect herself? Or fight?"

"Because she's drunk. She can fight, but she'd most definitely end up hurting herself."


"Henry, will you be quiet? I'm trying to restrain Luck!"

"Buuuuuutttt Zooooorrrrrraaaaaa!"

"Shut up you ball of fluff!" The red head cried, trying to bring Luck down from the ceiling.



"[yyyyyy/nnnnnnn]'ssss gooooonnnnnneeee!!" Zora blinked, registering the slightly older male's words. They seemed to hit him like a truck.

"What do you mean she's gone?!"

"I loooookkkkeeed aaawaaaaaayyyy foorrrr aaa mmmoommeeennnnttt, aaaaannnnnnd shheeee waaasssnnn't theerrree!" It didn't make sense how Henry could move so fast, but talk at a pace slower than a snail's.

"Can you sense or track her mana in the base?"

"Noooo! Iiittt'sss llliiiiikkkkeee shhhheeeee diiissssaaaaaaappppeeeaaarrrred!" The man quickly shook his head. Zora sighed, his red hair long fallen out of it's style, flopped infront of his face. He ripped off his mask and handed it to Henry.

"Keep this with you" With that, he ran of the room, in hopes to find you, before you did something drastic, like set the base on fire, or open Asta's closet full of trash. He slammed open the door to the mess hall to find you standing right infront of it, wearing the crown that you loved ever so much.

"Zora!" You said with a commanding tone, pointing to him. "Who do you think should be with Asta?" Even though you said with the most serious voice, despite the slurring words, you burst out giggling like a mad man.

"I forgot, she's one of the unpredictable drunk types" Zora sighed.

"Answer the question!" You comanded, pointing what seemed to be a loaf of bread at him like a weapon. Even something of such nature wouldn't do much damage, you had your grimoire out. tHat was a safety hazard.

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