Chapter One

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Betty Cooper was one of those girls. The 'perfect girl next door' some might say. The pretty, pastel pink, smart girl, who gets perfect grades, is a cheerleader and goes out with the captain of the football team.

Most of that was true for Betty, except the boyfriend. Betty Cooper didn't have a boyfriend, in fact, she'd been asked out by many boys, but she turned them all down. She didn't want a boyfriend. She was independent and didn't need a boyfriend on top of everything she was already dealing with.

Truth is, Betty hated being called 'perfect' because it's something she isn't. Perfect, is that one word that just makes her want to repeatedly stomp on it until it's dead and gone.
Because sometimes, it was so tough for her, and perfect was far from what she really was.

And when the times did get tough, Betty's rock, and best friend forever, Veronica, was always there to help her. Now Veronica, was the complete opposite of Betty. She was rich, bold, didn't get the best grades, and was insanely beautiful. She had chocolate, brown locks that hung loosely over her shoulders, was indeed a cheerleader along with Betty and all the boys fell at her feet.

You might think Veronica sounds like a stuck up, snobby rich girl, who is spoilt, privileged and gets everything she wants, but that wasn't Veronica. She was a very kind, generous, and loyal friend. And surprisingly enough, she was single too.


Betty quickly got up and ready for school. She picked out a pink sweater and some denim skinny jeans. She tied her hair into her neat, everyday ponytail. After she brushed her teeth and washed her face, she returned to her room to do her makeup. Concealer, mascara and gloss. It wasn't much, and she never was interested in applying pounds and pounds of makeup to her face.

She sat eating her breakfast downstairs with her mother when her phone beeped. Betty picked it up to see a text from Veronica saying that she was outside.

"That's Veronica," Betty informed her mom as she stood from her seat and picked up her bag, "she's outside." Betty shoved her phone into her back pocket and walked out of the house as her mother called goodbye after her.

Veronica's limo was pulled up outside Betty's house, and she could spot her raven-haired best friend in the backseat, tapping lightly on her phone. She turned her head to look out the window when she heard Betty's front door close and Betty jogged her way over to the car door, opening it and climbing in opposite Veronica.

"Hey, B," Veronica greeted with a smile. Betty smiled back and greeted her friend.

"So, here's the latest," Veronica started, "my mom and dad are out of town this weekend, so, sleepover at my house Saturday?"

Betty's eyes lit up. A sleepover with Veronica was exactly what she needed. She'd been working so hard the past couple of months and she just needed to relax. She also needed to spend a night out of that madhouse she called home. Also, Veronica's sleepovers were the best sleepovers you could have. So Betty immediately took her straight up on her offer.

"Oh, V, that would be amazing. Thank you!" Betty thanked her friend, and before they knew it they pulled up at the infamous Riverdale High.

They got out of the car to be met with their other bestie Kevin, running towards them and greeting them both with a hug.

"Hey, Kev," Betty and Veronica both said in unison, before all bursting out laughing and entering the school together. They were chatting whilst walking through the corridor when they were approached by Principal Weatherbee, who stopped in front of them.

"Excuse me, Miss Cooper, can I have a word with you in my office?"

Betty, Veronica and Kevin all exchanged wary glances, unsure about what Betty was being called in for. Betty rarely got called to the principal's office. She was never in trouble, and if she ever was called in, it was about an award or her grades or something of the sort. But there were no awards to receive that she was aware of, and she suddenly felt her nerves rise up her body.

I Hate You, I Love You - BugheadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora