Chapter Seventeen

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This time, it was Betty's turn to take charge. She didn't know why she didn't immediately run after Jughead. Maybe it was because she didn't believe him. I mean, the mixed signals up until now would be enough to throw anyone off. But somehow, in her heart, Betty was still there. She still felt that burning want for Jughead.

So she headed upstairs. And found Jughead. Leaning on the balcony, looking out at the beautiful view.

She slowly walked through the door and towards him.

"Hi," she whispered. She was still standing a distance away from him, with his back to her. She suddenly couldn't find the right words, and felt quite shy.

He turned around at the familiar sound of her voice, and gave her a small smile.
"Hey."  "I thought I'd scared you off by now." It was a hint of sarcasm, but Jughead was really thinking it.

Betty let out a quiet chuckle.
"Of course not, Juggie. It was a lot, though. A lot to process in a short space of time."

"Absolutely. I understand, I really do," Jughead said, as his hands went in to his pockets.

"But I also thought you deserved the chance for me to at least say something."

He nodded.

Betty took a deep breath.
"I want you to understand that you hurt me, Jughead. You messed with my feelings, with my emotions, with my head. And that really hurt me. I need you to know that."

Jughead looked down ashamedly.
"I know, Betty. And I'm sorry." This time he looked at her, and the pain in his eyes was instantly visible.

Betty and him both were agonising. Their hearts were repeatedly declaring that they were meant for each other. But their heads were convincing them otherwise.

Betty could see the hurt in Jughead's eyes, and equally he could see the pain in hers. The tears were building up in Betty's eyes and she could see them in Jughead's too.

Until Jughead... just broke.
"Fuck, I'm so fucking sorry, Betty," he was uncontrollably sobbing now, trying to cover his face with his arms. "I hurt you so fucking bad, and I hate myself for it." He could hardly get out his words with his heart racking sobs and Betty's heart broke as she watched the salty tears roll down his face, that they came down hers too.

"Oh, Jug. Come here," she cried as she walked towards him and cradled him as he cried on to her shoulder. She tried to hold in her own tears, but they kept strolling down.

"I never meant to hurt you. Not ever." Betty could just make out Jughead's muffled words from her shoulder.

"I know," she sighed, "I know."

After embracing each other for some time, Betty and Jughead found it in themselves to go back inside and talk. They both sat next to each other on the small couch that was situated in Betty's room.

It was Jughead who spoke first.
"Betty, I—" He started.

"Jughead—" Betty interrupted.

"Betty, please let me talk," Jughead pleaded and Betty stayed quiet.

"Listen, I poured my heart out to you. And I know I don't regret it. It's just, all my life, I've never experienced the feeling I get when I'm around you, Betty Cooper. You're amazing. You're such a beautiful person, inside and out. I guess, this feeling was so overwhelming that I just didn't know how to control it. And I thought that pushing it away would help me stop and feel in control. But it only made me feel more towards you. And I know how you feel, I know you probably think I'm stupid, it's just, I've never felt like this before, you know. I've never had a girlfriend and no one has made me feel as strongly as you do, and that— that scares me." Jughead was afraid to look at Betty's face, to see her reaction, so he continued to look at the velvet material beneath him.

No one had ever said anything like this to Betty in her life. She pulled his chin up gently to look at her.

"Hey, hey," she started, "I'm as new to this as you are. I've never had a boyfriend before. And I'm scared as hell, about this feeling I have. But I know how I feel, Jughead. And I know that no one has ever told me anything like you just did. And, you just— you make me feel so special. And I know, that in some way or another, we can work this out. It's been a hell of a ride, and I just can't let myself get hurt again..."

"Of course," Jughead replied, nodding his head and looking to the floor. "So, I guess, the proposal is... we kinda put that feeling on hold, and we like stay friends until we work this all out a—"

But Betty interrupted him. "Friends?" He looked up and into her eyes as she slowly shook her head. Their eyes were blazing in to each other.
"Fuck that," she whispered.

Jughead grew a smile from ear to ear, a laugh escaping his mouth.

"Fuck that friend shit!" Betty exclaimed with a laugh. "Let's stop hiding it. Let's just fucking be us. Let's just follow our hearts."

Jughead's smile hadn't vanished, as he pulled her head closer to his, resting their foreheads against one another. "Yeah, I like that. Follow our hearts," Jughead smiled, "I could do that."

They both giggled and then pulled each other in. Their lips touched with the strongest sense of electricity ever. It was like the sparks were flying and everything was falling into place.

They enjoyed this moment, soaking up each other's company, as they wildly tried to keep their lips in sync.

In surprise of Betty, Jughead lifted her up and carried her towards the bed, where he threw her down and continued to kiss her.

This was the moment they had been waiting for.

Helloooooooo!!!!!! Omg hey my babiessss❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am back and better than ever!!!!

I hope I hope I hope you enjoy this coming back chapter, I tried to make it as special as possible. And before you all attack me, I know, I know, I'm a terrible person. Like it's been over a year!!!!! And I know EVERYONE has been begging me to update.

All aside, I missed this, and YOU GUYS all so so sooooo much!

If you all really want to get into depth, I posted a more lengthy version of a coming back announcement over on my rant book, if you wanna check that out ( if you're really that interested in my life which you probably are not so I don't blame you )

But if you're solely just here for the story and literally couldn't give a shit if a horse was writing this book, then that's fair. Just enjoy

I love y'all so much💖💖💖

~ @xbugheadsx ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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