Chapter Seven

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"I'm coming, V!" Betty shouted out the open front door, responding to the continuous honks of André's car. Today was Friday, the day they were going on their week long trip to the cabin. It was very cold out in Riverdale, and most likely even colder in Shadow Lake. Betty had wrapped herself up, and was currently hugging her mother goodbye before she started hauling her two extremely heavy suitcases out towards the car. It was at that moment she knew she'd overpacked.

As she reached the car, André helped Betty with her bags and loaded them into the car and then Betty got in to the warm car beside Veronica and they headed towards their destination.

"Ugh, can't you just feel the relaxation, B? 'Cause I know I certainly can," Veronica sighed, in content, sinking back in her chair and resting her legs on the warmed leather.

"Just the thought of it, I already feel calm," Betty spoke smoothly as she also reclined herself.

"Yes! Just the two of us, I mean, what could go wrong?" Veronica asked, rhetorically.


"Oh, my God! It's all gone wrong!" Veronica shouted as the car pulled up to the cabin.

Betty put her arm on her friend's shoulder as she looked out the car window also.

"Why is there another car in the driveway?!" Veronica squealed.

"Hey, V! Calm down, okay? You know what, it's probably just the owner, clearing a few things up for us," Betty suggested.

"No, B! It's ruined. It was supposed to be our week, together. And now some home crasher has just ruined that," the brunette cried.

"Okay, you know what? Ronnie, we should just go in there, see who it is, and ask them to leave."

"Yeah, you're right, let's go," Veronica said boldly, stepping out of the car alongside Betty and retrieving their luggage.

"That'll do, André. Thanks for your help, but we'll take it from here," Veronica said to the chauffeur, before he nodded and drove away.

Veronica had the keys in her purse so she opened the door and stepped inside, Betty following.

"I don't care who you are, just get out. I'm not looking for trouble but my bestie and I are supposed to—" Veronica paused once she met eyes with the two 'home crashers' and so did Betty. Betty's jaw dropped open then clenched as she spotted the two young men, sprawled on the couch, playing video games and munching on tortilla chips.

"Oh. Hi there," Veronica spoke, completely gobsmacked at the two gorgeous boys in her cabin. Veronica walked towards the two boys, that were now sat upright and staring quizzically at them both. Betty followed and looked at him and rolled her eyes.

They both said in unison, rolling their eyes and staring each other down, spitefully.

Veronica turned on her heels and looked at Betty, mouth open and then looked at Jughead.

"Oh. Jughead. You mean, Jughead, Jughead?" Veronica questioned.

Betty eyed her friend in annoyance.
"What other Jughead's do you know, Veronica?"

"Well," Veronica started as she looked Jughead up and down, "I mean, I know you said rude, hot and obnoxious, but damn Betty, you didn't say young Leo DiCaprio."

Jughead furrowed his eyebrows at Veronica and then looked at Betty and raised them in question. Betty rolled her eyes at her friend.

"So, I'm Veronica Lodge. This is Betty Cooper, who you already know, aren't you going to introduce yourselves?" Veronica questioned, focusing on Jughead's friend.

"Jughead." Jughead said.

"Sweet Pea." Sweet Pea nodded at them both.

Veronica's smile turned to an 'o' shape.
"Oh, very um. . . unique."

It was quiet for a minute while Sweet Pea and Veronica flirted with their eyes and Betty and Jughead frankly avoided eye contact with each other.

"Okay. What are you doing here?" Betty blurted out.

"Um, we're booked here. What are you doing here?" Jughead fired back at Betty.

"No, we're booked here, see," Veronica showed them her phone with the confirmed booking.

Sweet Pea looked confused as he also got up the booking on his phone and showed Veronica.

"Well, uh, when did you two get here?" Veronica asked.

"About an hour ago," Sweet Pea answered.

"How long are you staying for?" Betty asked.

"A week."

"Oh, my God," Betty murmured under her breath.

Oh, my God.

Heyyy I'm back! Sorry for the slow updates school has been kicking my ass with work😭 but hope you enjoy this chapter, next will be out soon.

Thanks again for all your love and kind messages it really does mean a lot to me❤️

ALSO THOUGHTS ON THAT WHACKED UP RIVERDALE EPISODE?!??!? (I mean the flashback was AMAZING and they all played the parents characters so well but THAT ENDING WTFFFFF)

~ @xbugheadsx ❤️

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