Chapter Three

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The next few tutoring sessions had been boring. Jughead had just sat in silence this time, reading a book, not interested in any games this time around. Betty wondered if it was because of the last asked question, because he knew he would have to answer. She couldn't help but think that he might find her attractive too, but then pushed that thought to the back of her head. She was Betty Cooper, for God's sake, she had a reputation to uphold. She simply didn't need a boyfriend. She wasn't going to let a rude, annoying, but very cute Southsider get in the way of that. Why did she keep thinking of being his girlfriend? How his soft, luscious lips would feel on hers, the spark of electricity she would feel, how he would change and be nice towards her...


Nope. Maybe not nice. Still the same mean Jughead. Betty was snapped out of her daydream by Jughead himself. It was a Friday afternoon, and Betty couldn't wait for the weekend to start. She'd only had one other tutoring session with Jughead since the first one. It was on Thursday and it had been boring. Just how this one was going too. Again, Jughead sat, book in hand, while Betty sat reading too. It seems like she must've imagined the actual friendliness he showed on Tuesday, because he was now back to, rude, mean and harsh Jughead. She hadn't realised she'd been staring at him while in her daydream, and her cheeks blushed when she saw the frown on his forehead when she met his gaze.

"Quit staring at me," he ordered. Betty was growing annoyed by his change in attitude, where was that smirking, daring Jughead?
It seemed like he was in the ground, because the last few days it had all went back to square one.

She rolled her eyes at him before taking out her phone to text Veronica. They'd been organising their sleepover for tomorrow night from the day Veronica had mentioned it and it all sounded good so far. Betty hadn't realised she was smiling at her phone while she texted and obviously Jughead had noticed, because his book was lowered, not covering his face anymore, and he eyed Betty curiously.

"What are you smiling at?" He questioned.

Betty looked at him in utter disbelief. Why would he even care? After all of this, he now starts talking to her. How dare he? She decided that two could play at that game.

"Why do you care?" She fired back, earning an eye roll from him.

"I don't," he defended, "you're just... distracting me."

"Distracting you how?" Betty asked in oblivion.

She noticed that his cheeks blushed red and he didn't answer her, which caused her confidence to blossom and she now smirked at him.

"And anyway, I was smiling because my boyfriend texted me." Betty burst out laughing inside her head, but kept to the cheeky smirk on her face. His face was priceless, he actually looked... jealous. If only he knew the real her.

"I thought you said Kevin wasn't your boyfriend?" He queried, looking extremely confused and she swore she saw his eyes turn red.

"He isn't. I said Kevin wasn't my boyfriend. I didn't say I didn't have one. Kevin's not the only guy I know," she said, folding her arms.

"What do you call your boyfriend then? What makes him so special that the Betty Cooper would want him? Seeing as you're all feminist and all for women's independence," he argued, and Betty seemed shocked at how much he remembered about her. He was obviously staring at her if he remembered the books she was reading about.

She had to quickly think on the spot of someone, any boy from Riverdale High's name. She decided to go for the last guy who asked her out.

"Archie. He's actually really sweet. He's really protective, and he's captain of the football team. He's really hot too," Betty said dreamily with a wide smile on her face, although she genuinely wanted to projectile vomit over the whole library. She saw nothing in Archie, and found him boring and uninteresting. Jughead's face was filled with fury at Betty's description of Archie. She wanted to laugh out loud and tell him it was all a joke, but his facial expression, the clenched jaw, the squinted eyes, the heated face, she could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears and this only egged her on further.

"What's wrong, Jughead? Looking a little jealous over there?" She laughed, but he didn't even smile. He sat there in a rage.

Betty's face was confused. She expected him to come up with a witty response but none came. Does he actually like me? She thought, why else would he be so jealous?

He suddenly stood up and grabbed his belongings.

"Where are you going?" Betty asked quickly as he turned to start walking away, "We still have fifteen minutes left."

"I have to go," he muttered, "I just realised I have to... do something." And with that, he was gone.

Betty sat back in confusion. She was in shock. Why did he react so weirdly over a stupid joke? Was it so bad that she made him leave fifteen minutes early?
Too many questions were racing through her mind that only Jughead himself could answer, and she wasn't prepared to ask him them. So with no reason for her to be there any longer, she gathered up her things and made her way to the bus stop, her mind overflowing with thoughts.

He was all she thought about on the way home. A part of her thought she liked him. But about 99.9% of her was certain she hated him with a passion, so she didn't know why that 0.1% was somehow the only thing she thought of.

The only thing she could think of was,

I need to tell Veronica.


Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry I'm not so frequent I'm just trying to make my new book even better and I want to make sure I work hard on them and don't rush them so I can make sure I did my best in every chapter and give you all good content!! But here's the third chapter and I hope you like... little bit of drama to spice things up😉

Omg, Riverdale!!!! I watched the first episode last week and I know it was controversial, some people hated it but I LOVED it! And I literally can't wait for the second episode later, I hope y'all who watch on the CW enjoy it before me😭 Let me know your thoughts on s3 (without spoiling too much) and I'll probably reply since I have so much to say and having a good conversation with someone about it would be good!!!

Thanks for the support guys, I love you❤️❤️

~ @xbugheadsx ❤️

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