Chapter Two

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Betty definitely saw the change in even the cleanliness as she gradually grew closer to the Southside. It was her first tutoring session today and she felt nothing but dread. She knew the students would hate her. To them she was a privileged, spoilt Northsider. She sat deep in thought as she stared out of the bus window, her mind clouded with endless possibilities of how the evening would go.

She sighed, as her bus drew up to the bus stop and she made her way off, to be met with the run down building of Southside High.
She took a deep breath. Here we go, she thought, rolling her eyes.
Come on, Betty, you can do this. Just three hours and then you can go home.

She entered the building and slowly took in the layout. There were still students roaming the halls, probably getting ready to leave school and she didn't know where to go. Everyone looked scary to Betty and she felt at the least out of place. She spied two kids at their lockers whispering something she assumed was directed at her and then they giggled. She slowly started walking backwards, curious to see what they were saying until she bumped dramatically into something hard and all of her papers went flying out of her hands and scattered the floor.

Betty immediately turned around to see the most attractive boy she'd ever seen. He had dark brown curls, covered by an odd, crown shaped beanie. His eyes were ocean blue and Betty had to mentally punch herself to stop staring into them.

"I'm- I'm sorry" she mumbled, frantically bending down to pick up the papers that were showered across the floor, expecting him to bend down and help her or even at the least mumble an "it's okay" or something, but instead he looked down at her, and muttered,

"Maybe watch where you're going next time."

Betty looked up at him with shock, mouth agape as she quickly gathered the rest of her papers and stood to face him, now annoyed by his pointless comment. He just glared at her and she glared back.

"Well, sorry, I don't go here and I don't know where I'm going," she raised her arms in gesture as he looked her up and down.

"Yeah, you couldn't half tell." He muttered, looking at her pink sweater.

"What's your problem? I said sorry," Betty asked, annoyed by his presence.

He just scoffed, before handing her a pen,
"Here, you dropped this, blondie"

Betty snatched the pen out of his hand, mouth agape at his cheek. He looked at her and laughed before walking away, and around a corner.

Betty murmured curse words under her breath as she angrily made her way to the library, eager to get this evening finished. It was already off to a bad start.

Her students made it even worse. The first boy she tutored was called Stanley. It was like everything Betty was telling him just went through one ear and out the other, and every time he responded with "I dunno" she felt like slamming her tongue in a car door.

The next student was a girl named Bex. She was quite bright and did try hard, which Betty appreciated, but it was still tiring. Betty decided she was at least a bit more co-operative than Stanley anyway.

She sat with her head in her hands, waiting for her next and final student urging the clock to move faster. And as if her night couldn't have gotten any worse, he walks around the corner. It was the rude but hot boy from earlier on and he exaggeratedly rolled his eyes when he saw her. Betty silently shook her head in disbelief as he approached her table and sat down throwing his bag down and not looking at her. Betty didn't even bother to start talking either and it was him that spoke up first.

"So you're my tutor?" He asked, to which Betty nodded her head.

She decided she should at least try to start on a clean slate again, since she was going to have to see him for an hour for 3 days a week for the next couple of months.

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