Chapter Fifteen

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Betty had always wondered what it was like to wake up wrapped in strong arms. To feel warm, and glimpse at the beautiful rested face next to you. To feel at peace with herself, and feel safe, cosily snuggled into those arms, inhaling that familiar and oh so amazing scent and laying on a chiseled chest. Of the person you love. Your other half.

And no, don't even think for a second what I think you're thinking about. Hahaha. You thought.

Betty had always wondered who and when she'd meet this mystery someone... but she wondered.

No. She did not wake up next to Jughead. If that's the sentence you're waiting for.

In fact, after their hot tub makeout session, it wasn't really what you'd call romantic at all. Sure, it was great, and they both thoroughly enjoyed it in the heat of the moment. But really, nothing more became of it. Actually, once it was over, they both became very awkward and uncomfortable. I mean, this was Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones. They were completely opposite. It would never happen.

And so, basically, they agreed to forget about it and put it to rest.

So Betty woke the next morning, alone, and with a cold empty space next to her. She didn't feel right about it all. She did like Jughead, so much. But now, he was definitely giving her mixed signals.

I mean, seriously, one minute it was pure hatred, then it was somewhat friendship, then it was annoyed again, all of a sudden within a minute he was all over her, as if he'd been waiting to kiss her forever, and then he wanted to forget about it. The boy was so confusing.

She went down to the breakfast table the next morning, and being very unusually a late comer, she felt awkward joining the party, who were already sat around the table laughing and joking as they tucked into their bacon, eggs, toast, sausages and whatnot. No one had forgotten about her antics last night in the hot tub, and she still hadn't spoken to Veronica about it, so she decided she needed to. And Jughead? Maybe she'd leave that one for later.

Everyone fell silent as Betty approached the table, all watching as she took a seat and started to fill her plate. She awkwardly half smiled at them as they glanced at her, until she finally spoke up.

"Okay, Veronica? Can I please talk to you?" Betty asked, with pleading eyes.

Veronica waited for a moment, almost considering it.
"Sure," she said, not making an effort to get up and take it somewhere else, inviting Betty to spill her heart out in front of the other two boys, who stuffed their faces as they watched.

Betty looked uncomfortably around at her audience.
"Uh, I meant, in private."

Veronica never spoke, just rose from her chair and walked towards the living area, not once bothering to glance backwards to see if Betty was following, and lowered herself on to the grey velvet chaise-longue. Betty quickly scurried towards her and sat next to the girl, and it was silent for a moment, as they figured out where to start.

"V, I want to start by saying I'm sorry, and I want you to listen just for a second. In the tub last night, I didn't mean to lash out at you like that. I never should've and I take back how harsh I was on you, I would go back and change it if I could. I know I overreacted and took everything to extreme, like the drama queen I am, and I know I ruined yours and everyone else's night. So, I'm really, really sorry. You're my best friend, and I don't want us to argue whilst here, we're supposed to have fun. I really hope you can forgive me, Ronnie. I'd really appreciate it if you did."

Veronica looked at the girl for a second, before breaking out into a huge grin and pulling Betty into her in a tight hug.
"My B! I can never stay mad at you. I love you so much. Of course I forgive you. And I'm sorry too."

Betty and Veronica both sat for a while longer talking. (Betty even told her about the kiss, to which Veronica really wasn't that surprised,) and then they headed back to where they wanted. Veronica went upstairs with Sweet Pea as they went into their different rooms to change. Betty didn't know where the hell Jughead was, but she didn't think she was ready to properly face him today. Not after last night, and his quick decision to forget about the kiss.

Just as she was leaving the kitchen, to head upstairs and wash, Betty felt an arm pull her hips back and push her up against the wall. Betty blinked twice, before fully realising what was actually happening. It was Jughead. He had her pinned against the wall, his hands placed flat against the plaster on either side of her waist, and the look in his eye, the hunger that she could see staring into her, the hunger that also grew inside her was overwhelming. They both went straight in for it. Betty got lost in him, her arms wildly finding his hair and uncontrollably rummaging through it. He was devouring her now, his hands had moved to hoist her up so he was lifting her, her back still flat against the wall for support.
This lasted for maybe 10 minutes minimum, until they heard the familiar humming and footsteps on the staircase get gradually louder and closer to them.

"Hey, B, have you seen my—"

Before she looked up, Jughead let go of Betty and she untangled herself quickly, and started to fix herself up, urging her flushed cheeks not to show. They both looked guilty, for sure, and even an idiot could tell they were just eating each other less than 30 seconds ago. Betty was still near the wall, Jughead in front of her.

Veronica stopped mid sentence, and stared at them both curiously and quizzically.

"Did I... interrupt something, orrrr?" Veronica asked.

"What? No!" Both Betty and Jughead replied, guilty.

"Okay, okay," Veronica said, putting up her hands in a surrendering gesture.

Betty couldn't stand there any longer and lie to her best friend, or even get caught and become more red, so she quickly blurted out,
"I was just going to go up and get ready, so I'm going to now," and made for it up the staircase, while Veronica was left with Jughead who shrugged his shoulders.

And although Betty quickly ascended the stairs, she still heard the two's faint voices from behind her.

"Uh," Veronica scoffed, "is there something going on between you two? Don't even lie to me, Jughead. I know you have a spot for her."

It was the part that followed, that sank her heart, and sent her trudging to her room in disappointment.

"Nah, Veronica. We're just friends. Barely, if even. Nothing will happen. It's Betty, come on."




i hate to make excuses, but many of you have been asking why I was so inactive and telling me to update and I feel I owe you all an explanation. I was still on Wattpad, checking on my account, and reading my favourite stories and stuff, keeping up to date with everything. I've had such bad writer's block on top of schoolwork and I've been telling myself every day how I need to keep writing this story for you guys and I'm NOT giving up on it. I'm sorry if this chapter is a flop, but I promise and I hope it will get better. It's quite a long one and you all deserve it after my inactivity

Once again, I'm SOOOOOO sorry my lovelies and thank you all for still staying active and keeping supporting me!

I love y'all xoxoxoxo

~ @xbugheadsx ❤️

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