Chapter Four

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Today was Saturday and Betty couldn't be happier. She'd been eager to get to Veronica's house all day. Veronica had said she can come at whatever time she pleases, but Betty's mother insisted that Betty doesn't "intrude", which she wouldn't, because it was just Veronica there and her security, her mother and father were out of town so it's not like she was interrupting "family time" or anything,but Alice said she'll drop her off no earlier than 5 o'clock. Which was a good thing, because it would have been 7pm after dinner, but Betty excused this by telling her that she and Veronica had planned everything and they would eat dinner together at Veronica's house.

Betty rushed down the stairs with her bags and everything ready at 4:47.

"I'm ready Mom, can we go now?" Betty asked eagerly.

Alice raised her eyebrow in suspicion.
"Why do you want to leave so early, Betty? Are you two going out to do something I or the Lodges wouldn't want you to do?"

Betty furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, so Alice elaborated,
"Or meeting someone? A boy perhaps? Because you know how I feel about—"

"God, no, Mom!" Betty cut her off from her cringeworthy and plain uncomfortable rant.
"Like I said, Veronica's parents are out of town on business and Veronica wants some company. Besides, it's not like we're alone. All her security and maids will be there. Also, Ronnie and I haven't had a sleepover in forever."

Alice still looked quizzically at her daughter, knowing something was off, but she couldn't place her finger on it. She usually could, but she'd never seen this behaviour from Betty before. She gave in.
"Oh come on then, I suppose I can drop you off a bit earlier," Alice said and Betty let out a sigh of relief before opening the front door and getting in the car while Alice grabbed her keys and handbag and followed her.

The drive to The Pembrooke felt longer than usual and Betty willed the red lights to turn green faster. Her legs were bouncing in anticipation.

They finally pulled up at the Pembrooke and of course, Veronica was standing in the doorway waiting for them. Betty immediately exited the car and got her bags from the trunk, sending a huge smile towards her best friend who gave her a wave. Betty leaned in the car window to her mom and said goodbye, telling her she would text her and everything like that, before bounding up the steps to Veronica Lodge who greeted her with a warm hug, before entering the house.

B and V made their way up to Veronica's bedroom, Betty leaving her bags there before getting into their pyjamas. They then sauntered downstairs to get some food. Before Betty came, Veronica had ordered pizza but it seemed to only arrive now, so they dug in.
Veronica started talking first.

"Okay, Betty, just spill it already!"

Betty looked at her,
"Um... I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Veronica quirked her brow and rolled her eyes in a playful way.
"Sure, Betty. So you're gonna tell me that it was ordinary how quirky and on edge you were upstairs, like you wanted to say something. And hey, I know your mom can be a handful, but I've never seen you that eager to get away from her. So you're gonna ignore all that and tell me it's nothing?"

Betty sighed, before swallowing a bite of her pizza. She started,
"Okay, it's actually quite a long story.."

Betty explained everything to Veronica. Everything about Jughead, from the first time she saw him until yesterday when he ran out. Betty finally finished with a deep breath and Veronica had an intrigued expression on her face, taking everything in.

"Okay," Veronica started, "so Jughead, yeah, well... okay he likes you, like a lot."

Betty sat back in her chair and sighed.
"I don't know, V, he sure doesn't act like it. I mean, it has crossed my mind, like why else would he run out when I talk about a boyfriend? But I don't know..."

"Betty, come on! It's so obvious! Okay, so everyone knows that fighting is a sign of love. So, here's the deal, from my experience with guys and dating. Jughead likes you, I mean totally obvious, the running away when you talk about a guy, the questions on the phone to Kev, getting all defensive over it, the soft spot he did show to you, and he got all confident when you said you thought he's hot! Which means, he knows you like him, so he can be as cocky as he likes. It's all falling into place. He didn't know you had a boyfriend and he knows you find him attractive, acts all flirty and confident, starts ignoring you to avoid answering if he thought you were cute and then as soon as you mention the boyfriend? Boom, he's gone. God, I wish he'd make it more subtle."

Betty thought about what Veronica said and sat back, sighing in confusion.
"Ugh, everything you said is true, Ronnie. But, I just, boys confuse me!"

Veronica gave Betty a sympathetic smile.
"Tell me about it, B. He's not making it easy for you, anyway. Boys are... confusing, but he'll open up in the long run. We're talking a lot about Jughead's feelings... how do you feel about it all?"

"That's the thing! I don't know how I feel Veronica. I've never reacted this way over a boy! I always tell myself that I don't need a boyfriend. And like every inch of my body hates him. I hate his attitude and his behaviour, especially how mean he is towards me, it makes me want to punch him, it makes my blood boil, but then there's this tiny part of me that thinks he's cute and sweet, and can't stop thinking about him. But that seems to be the only part I feel, do you get me? Ugh, of course you don't. None of that made sense." Betty groaned in frustration. She really didn't know how she felt about him, and that's what was driving her insane.

"No. Actually, it did make sense. I know how you feel, B, from previous boyfriends I've had. You've never felt this way because your body is reacting to love! You've kept pushing it away, telling yourself that you don't need a boyfriend, but now your body's telling you that maybe you do need a little love outside of your friend and family circle. And if you keep thinking about him, I know he sounds like a real asshole, even though I haven't met him, but if you think about the sweet and kind version of him, chances are... you're falling for him, Betty Cooper!" Veronica smirked, finally seeing her best friend in love. She was amused at how confused and frustrated Betty was about it, and she couldn't help but laugh to herself, when Betty threw her head back off the chair and screamed in confusion.

Betty went to bed that night, processing what Veronica had told her. She was right. She probably did like him. No, who was she kidding? She did like him. She still wanted to punch him for his attitude sometimes, most times, but she genuinely did feel butterflies around him. And all she could think about as she lay in bed that night was,

"You're falling for him, Betty Cooper!"


Hey everyone!! Here's chapter four I hope you all enjoy! Let me know your thoughts on this book, or anything I could do to make it better for you guys!!

Q: Thoughts on the 'supernatural' aspect of Riverdale? (I personally don't like it)

Thank you so much for the love on the book!!! 

~ @xbugheadsx ❤️

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