Chapter Eight

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"Well, what are we gonna do about this?!"
Jughead was now pacing the floors, thinking of any logical solution.
"This is a nightmare! I did this for a break, to get away from you. And yet the universe punishes me!" Jughead exclaimed to himself and Betty's jaw clenched and she stepped forward.

"You think I wanted you to be here?! I'm the one that needs a break from you! I did this for a break! You're the one whose mood changes every two seconds, so if anyone needs a break it's me!" Betty yelled at him.

"Okay, okay, we all need to just calm down here. Let's think about this," Veronica tried to calm the situation.

"Yeah, like think about which pair of us is going," Jughead spat, looking at the two girls, expecting them to turn and walk out the door. Veronica and Betty both looked at him with eyebrows raised.

"What? We were here first," Jughead reminded them.

"Look, you listen here, Wednesday Addams. We booked this place. We came here for a week long break, and we're not leaving until we get exactly that. And Veronica Lodge always gets her way. So if I were you, I kindly suggest you pack your bags, bring your extremely hot friend, and leave," Veronica sassed.

"Fine. Well, if they aren't leaving, let's go, Sweet Pea. Because I am not staying here," Jughead started towards the door.

"Hey, hey, wait! Okay, none of us have to leave. The more the merrier, right. Look we can all have fun together," Sweet Pea proposed.

"You know what, Sweet Pea, I'm willing to take you up on that offer," Veronica smiled at him sweetly and he nodded at her with a smirk.

"Don't we get a say in this?" Betty chimed in, Jughead, for once, agreeing with her.

"Well, I mean, unless you both want to go home?" Veronica recommended with a laugh and they both shook their heads.

"Well, how's this gonna work? There's only two bedrooms," Betty pointed out.

"Well, I did come here for my own bedroom, but I mean, in our situation, I say, B and I can bunk together, right, Betty?" Veronica asked to which Betty agreed to.

"Well, I am definitely not sharing with Sweet Pea, so I'll take the couch," Jughead said, throwing himself onto it as he spoke.

"Well, that's hardly fair, we can swap about if you want," Betty suggested, immediately questioning why she said it. I guess she just felt bad.

Jughead looked at her and narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, a small smile forming on his lips.
"Not necessary, Betty, I don't mind. I'll be up watching my serial killer documentaries anyway," he said sarcastically and Betty couldn't help but smile, not going unnoticed by Veronica or Sweet Pea.

"If it makes you feel better about yourself, Jones," Betty muttered before grabbing Veronica's hand and dragging her, and their luggage, upstairs to the masters bedroom. She dragged her best friend inside and then shut the door.

"V! What the hell?!" Betty whisper-yelled, so the guys wouldn't hear.

"What do you mean?" Veronica asked, confused as she put down her bags.

"I mean, you know the whole reason I came on this vacation was for us to have one on one girl time and the goal was to distract me from the Jughead situation. That's pretty hard now when he's going to be here every day!"

"Well, you know, maybe this is good for you, B. Maybe instead of avoiding him, you just have to talk to him about it," Veronica advised.

"Okay, Veronica, you don't get it. We're mortal enemies. I'm starting to think this is good for you. I bet you just agreed to this because of Jughead's hot friend. I know damn well that if it was anybody else downstairs, you would've had them out in a heartbeat," Betty explained.

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