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"Taekwoon, I'll be late today too. You should eat dinner first. There's no need to wait for me.... x o... x o, yeon–tsk." Taekwoon clicked his tongue as he read out the notes writen on a sticky note on the fridge, and shook his head.

He slammed the fridge door close after he took a banana milk- which, of course, Hakyeon's. He drank it as he glared at the notes. Half of him cringed at it and another half was... pissed off? or was it upset?

Why don't he just tell me directly? It's not like I'm not here. Taekwoon chew on the straw.

He thought a lot about Hakyeon lately, like, why is Hakyeon rarely home? What's he up to? He's probably busy with assignment, that's okay, but still, Hakyeon should at least home on time. Where would he be so late anyway?

Ever since that day he introduced Wonshik to Hakyeon, he has been busy spending his time outside. Taekwoon rarely see that tanned guy, rarely listen to his annoying voice and also freed from the gay sexual harass of Hakyeon.

It was great for the first few days but then it somehow makes Taekwoon feel abandoned. He feels.. lonely.

He was sure he heard Hakyeon get back early the other day, but before Taekwoon could greet him, he was all gone again. Taekwoon was so sure it was Hakyeon because he could hear the door to his room clicked.

I'm definitely abandoned by that cocky yeon!

He gasped, snapped out of his thoughts. Clenched the emptied drinking box, he muttered to himself.

"What the fuck am I thinking?"

He sighed heavily and threw the box into the trash bin.

He took a deep breath, trying to clear his head.

He then noticed how weird he was to be frustrated over things like this.

He clicked his tongue and took another banana milk in the fridge.

  sighs, I think I'm going insane. ❞


im back on this lol

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