Chapter 30

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" What do you know, Neville ?" Harry asked.

After Neville had delivered the news, the three had froze in their places, wands still tightly clutched in their hands. The state seemed to have been contagious for even Neville stood stock still until an auror chanced upon them and threatened to arrest them for infringing upon legal investigation, not recognising who Harry was. 

That had been all that was needed to bring them back. 

" Where is Ginny?" Harry asked, his powerful stiles leading his friends and encouraging others to stay clear of them.

" She went to get the map – she said Luna was still in the castle, how she knew I don't know." There was a hint of helplessness in Neville's voice that furthered his resolve even more. It would be a fool that would cross him and his friends for all would lay down their lives for any one of them. 

And while the so called Greatest Wizard of Time was no fool, he had great power and responsibility. And with that comes greater mistakes. 

" Harry, where on earth are you –?" 

" Headmaster with all due respect, I suggest you get out of the way before your bloated arse is forced to shrink." 

Snape had seemed torn between sneering at the blatant disrespect towards his employer and smirking at the blatant disrespect towards his employer. He settled for something between a grin and a sneer, which produced a face even Voldemort would be wary of. 

" Harry." There was reproof in his voice.

" Headmaster, one of the students has gone missing in the castle. One of the students under your care. And I have it under good authority that the student is still in the castle, most likely, hostage. And please do everyone a favour and do not do anything that could tip the Death Eater off, element of surprise and all. Good day." 

And with that Harry had pushed past the Headmaster and his entourage, Ron purposefully brushing past Dumbledore's shoulder. 

Which brought them to their currant situation, that was deep in the tunnel in the cellar of Honydukes, a race to reach to Hogwarts and save Luna. 

"Not much. " Neville grimaced. " We noticed her gone and Ginny had this weird feeling that she was hostage in the castle. But her eyes had flashed in this unnatural way, like magic was telling her this." He had an idea of what had caused it but it was no time to be throwing ideas around. 

Luna had been the first one to completely accept him. The others, including Harry had taken some time to get past his clumsiness, treating him like a China dish at times. Though, with his childhood, he could not blame Harry for having to take time before opening up to him. 

But now, despite all these friends he still felt like a failure at times and now, the first person to not make him feel like a mistake was in trouble. Neville could feel that fire burning in him. And it burned bright. 

" We'll get her." Hermione reassured them, sounding like she was convincing herself. 

" Yeah, its Luna. She must be driving her captor crazy by now. " Ron said, managing a small, feeble grin. 

Seeing the end of the tunnel, he immediately burst out from it, knocking into his sister. 

" Ron!" She growled. She shook her head as if to say, 'not now'.  " Its Pettigrew." She breathed to the dawning horror of all. " Pettigrew has her. In the dungeons." True to her words, the map in her hands said the same thing, a discreet prompt to hurry. " Come on!" She yelled, leading the way. She was dammed if she was going to let her first and childhood friend get hurt. 

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