Chapter 4~ Saving Me

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Hello my little rice patties, so how's the story? Anyone else see Harry Styles and Mila Kunis together?? Well this chapter has a nice sprinkle of romance, which was really fun to write!! There are a few 1D puns in there, but hey I am a pretty dedicated Directioner(; If you don't like them, then you probably won't even notice! The puns are like inside jokes to us Directioners, so you'll live(;

Keep reading my little rice patties!! 

xxx RicexCakes xxx

Arianna and I laughed in the car as we drove to our dance studio. She was doing her impersonation of Harry the first time we stopped by at his bakery. We had placed such a large order that the guy behind the counter gave us weird looks. We ordered a bunch of small little cookies and such since we would’ve felt bad if our order was too large. When he was done writing our order he told us it might awhile to prepare and bake everything. We said it was fine, and Arianna asked the man if Harry Edwards can prepare them and serve it to us. He gave us funny looks and asked if we knew him, we said yes he’s our friend. Playing along with our joke, we heard him yell in the back that he has a large batch to prepare and serve. When he finally came out with this huge platter his eyes nearly popped out at the sight of us laughing hysterically as we saw the veins of his arms pop under the weight of a dozen cookies, 4 cupcakes, Angel Wings, and Eclairs. “Are you guys really going to eat all of this?!” she mimicked. We both busted out laughing. We arrived at the dance studio and we were still laughing all the way to the door. Our dance rooms were placed on total opposite sides of the building so we had to fork off. Once Arianna had left the office lady stopped me.

“Miss Utely, will you please come here?”

“Um, sorry Mrs. Zeigler but I’ll be late to class.”

“I’m sure Mr. Lewis will understand.”

I walked over to the office lady who wore a worried expression. 

“Is something the matter?” I asked. My heart was beating rapidly.

“I was informed today that your tuition was cut. I’m sorry, but you’re not a part of our company anymore.”

I felt like a bus she ran over my legs. The words were caught in my throat and tears pricked my eyes. My tuition…? Cut? Is she serious?

“Please… Please tell me this is a sick joke,” I managed to croak out. The lady behind the desk, whom I’ve seen nearly every day for the past 13 years, just shook her head. I covered my mouth and took in the news. The more I let the idea of not dancing anymore nail into my brain, the deeper the gash in my heart became. My sorrow turned into bitterness almost instantly. I knew exactly who was behind this.

I sped walked home, letting hate and anger fill me up. That bitch knew that dancing was my life. Dance was the only way I could escape her sick clutches and be happy for 2 short hours. She’s sick, she’s sick! Who the hell does she think she is? She just loves to take everything I have, doesn’t she? My dream was to dance all the way to college and hopefully get shipped out to some foreign country so I can happily dance without seeing her face ever again. Even if that meant putting up with Mr. Lewis for 2 more years. I fiercely pushed open the Iron Gate and didn’t even bother closing it. Someone will close it eventually, or someone will rob us and take my mother hostage and we don’t have enough money for ransom.  

I ran straight up to her room, ignoring Myra’s warnings. I pushed open the double doors and saw her lying in her bed, wrapped in silk. Her eyes shot open by the noise. She didn’t see me right away, but when she did she said, “What the hell do you think you’re doing in my room?” I was breathing heavily, about to explode. 

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