Chapter 9~ Basic Bitch

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Just a filler chapter to lead up to the competition ^.^ I added in a bitch in the story to "spice" things up a bit in this lovely stew of.... tofu.... That actually sounds pretty good right about now... Kay I'll go now....

Pee Esss: I'm anxious to close up this story cuz I REALLY want to start on my new one! I'm stepping up my game, so this should be good(;

Harry and I ran over the dance with the girls for like the 100th time before I realized I've been zoning out for 10 minutes.

"Victoria! Are you even listening?" I blinked and stared at Harry. "Uh, yes?" He shook his head and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"I said I need to step in and help Jake with his lifts so it doesn't look like he's lifting a sack of potatoes."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Well I would, but you're gonna have to get your legs off of me." The feeling of embarrassment washed over me as I hastily removed my legs from his lap and back to the floor. The big competition is this weekend and I have to say my little cabbages are ready! Arianna got them costumes and today we're fitting them.

The dance was about a neglected child who finds a boy and falls in love with him. He helps her through her time of need, but in the end there's another neglected and abused child because this concept never ends. The rest of the kids are dressed as angels and are dancing around the characters throughout, so it's really pretty.


"I vote that we go have drinks in my place," chimed in Harry as we waltzed around in the mall. Arri and I needed to find cute dresses to really flatter our dance bod for the competition this weekend.

I raised an eyebrow at Harry. "Harry are you finally rebelling against society?"

"Depends, are you into a Bradford Bad Boy?" I sighed.

"First of all, you're not from Bradford. And second- "

"Victoria I told you never to say that in public! Now everybody knows...." He started to pout and I giggled and punched his arm.

"Besides, aren't your parents home?" asked Arri.

"Nah, they went out on a business trip back to London. They have this massive bar just sitting there. Being a healthy adolescent such as myself, it has become my duty to have a get together and invite my girlfriend and her best friend to get absolutely drunk off their arse."

"We are so in! Who do you plan on inviting?"

"Probably two or three people from the studio. You're free to bring anyone you like, Tori." I thought about it and I wrinkled my nose. I came to a conclusion that just about everyone that I have ever met in that studio were complete bitches.

"Alright, so it's settled! Let's get this party started!"


In about an hour or so Harry's best mates arrived at his house. He only invited two guys, whom were perhaps a little too friendly, and one girl that I've only seen five times this year at the studio.

"Victoria you know the lads, this is Mike and Nathan. This right here is Effy, she just started in our studio this year so I thought I'd invite her." I smiled at her and she replied with a weak smile. She was really cute; she's like a really good mix of Asian and white, but she was a little tan.

Harry made his way around the bar and put on a captain's hat. "So what can I get the ladies? Victoria since you're my girlfriend you can go first."

I felt really flattered by his words and I blushed a little bit. "I'm kind of reminiscing my crazy days as a freshman, and I'm feeling some White Russians right now."

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