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Alright ratchets here's the epilogue. I'm happy how this story turned out and I had loads of fun writing it! I'm a burning dancer in the closet, so I figured this would be a fun project to do ^.^ Now I can start on my new story, but brace yourselfs it's a little edgy! Go forth and read ya showerra c*nts, and remember that Miranda Kerr will always be prettier than you and I...

“For Christ’s sake Sasha, fix your lines! And ribs in!” My competition team was totally bull shitting me this week, and I, for one, am not a fan of bull shitting. I’m just happy I get a steady flow of new and potential dancers at auditions every year, dancers that actually have good lines! I heard a tap on the window and excused myself from the room.

“Miss Victoria! Hey how are you!” My eyes widened as I saw one of my alumni.

“Tara you came!” I enveloped the petite young lady in my arms and rocked her back and forth.

“Of course I came! How long has it been, like 5 years? Yeah that sounds about right….”

“So did the others come? I booked some awesome reservations and this Chinese Wok, its super fancy!”

“Yeah, Emma actually texted me she’ll be here later.” I was taking in Tara’s beautiful figure. She looks so mature, so gorgeous! I just couldn’t stop smiling, I was so happy to see her.

“This place looks great, Miss Victoria.” Her face was genuine. “You’ve come a long way. In fact, I think we all did after that competition. I know some of us didn’t pursue dance all the way, but they’re all doing great. Oh! I almost forgot!” Tara rummaged through her backpack and pulled out an envelope.

“Read it!” I parted the already ripped opening and pulled out the letter. I saw the heading and gasped.

“Chicago Dance Academy?” I hastily whispered.

“It gets better! Keep reading!” I scanned the letter.

“… thank you for your audition, blah, blah, blah….. and we are proud to inform you that you have been accepted to attend our school of dance!” I nearly screamed the last part. The both of us screamed like fan girls and started waving our arms.

“I got in Miss Victoria! I’m going to Chicago!” I hugged Tara real tight and I let a few tears roll down.

“Tara! Hey babes!” I let go of her and caught sight of my British song bird waltzing down the hall. 

“Harry!” Tara ran up and hugged him. I smiled at the both of them as they caught up. Harry has always been like a brother to her, and I always thought that was really cute.

When they were done picking on each other and all that cute stuff, Harry kissed me swiftly on the cheek and said, “I’m going back to our flat real quick to get some gear, want me to bring us lunch on the way?”

I nodded my head and he left with a cheeky grin. I glanced down at the rock on my finger and fantasized about our dream wedding. A small church, all of our close friends, and a big giant cake with the bride and groom dancing at the top. And of course, it’ll be red velvet cake!

“Hey, I expect an invite pretty soon!” I broke from my thoughts and smiled at Tara. 

“Well I’d be pretty foolish if I forget to invite one of my bridesmaids!” We both let out another shrilly squeal. 

“Speaking of bridesmaids, where’s your maid of honor?” questioned Tara.

“Arri? She’s in New York right now at The Pulse, so she won’t be joining us tonight… But hey if you want to see her she’ll be back here next week! She took her hip- hop class with her so they can learn a thing or two from the show.”

“Sounds awesome!”


They say if you love what you do you never work a day in your life. It’s an old saying, but I live my life through it. I have a thriving business, the perfect fiancée, and life- long friends that’ll always be there for me till the very end. If I were to flash back 5 years, I would never have imagined my life this perfect. Harry and I plan to make our relationship official within the next two years, and I couldn’t be happier. Arri is temporarily teaching at my studio, because what she really wants to do is act. I support her all the way.

Harry kept true to his word and used dance as a form of therapy right here in the studio. He has his own wing, and I have mine. Harry also gets hired to choreograph some dances for other companies on the side, just as long as it’s not one of our rival companies! Our lives just seemed to fall right into place after that dance competition all those years ago…. Tara finally convinced her parents to let her dance at a studio, Lily and Jake both attend my studio shortly after it opened, and the rest of my dancers either joined mine or another studio, or stopped dancing all together. It didn’t disappoint me that they quit, as long as I knew that their time with me was a positive influence on their live I’m content. 

Harry and I moved in with each other within a year after we opened our business, and the day I turned 18! As for my mother she has succumbed to many illnesses. I still feel sorry for her so I send money every month to help pay the hospital bills. Myra is an occasional visitor, always coming on holidays and bringing my favorite foods. Every year I invite my mom to our little Christmas dinner, but she would always turn us down. It didn’t bother me all that much though, I understand that her ego won’t allow her to see me after all I have overcame.

Now who could ever forget about the ever infamous Mr. Lewis? What became of him? He’s still at that old studio, but after that provocative dance routine 5 years ago his students are kind of lacking. A lot of dads themselves took the liberty of pulling out their daughters from his class. I still see him in competitions, but he pretends to never see me. Especially when my competition team prances down the halls with the large first place trophy in their tiny little hands. We still kept our name too, The Great Escape. It’s what started this whole journey, the need to escape reality and make a new one. I believe every dancer has a story behind them, and it doesn’t always have to be sad. 

Life may seem kick- ass right now, but I’m always anticipating the worst. I know I can’t have it all, and God won’t let me go home free, so I’m bracing myself. When shit hits the fan I’ll be ready. Only this time I won’t be alone, I’ll have a cheeky curly haired Casanova to break my fall. Life can be a real bitch sometimes, but like every bitch if you smile and keep going on with your day it’ll back down.

They always do.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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