Chapter 7~ And The Show Goes On

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Hello my International Patties (wtf did i just call you...?) things shouldn't look so bleak from here on, and if you've read this far then... thanks.... I love writing, especially this story, so after this I have a SPECTACULAR new story idea, and if you're a One D hater then.... I guess you can tolerate it...? It's not a fanfic you cheeky bastards(; It's not about the boys themselves either, they just happen to be in the background somewhere... And if your still reading this then Idk why you want to listen to my words... Kay here's the story.......


"Harry what's the rush? Neither of our classes starts for another 20 minutes!" Harry was running me through the building and was obviously excited for something.

"Just come on!" He dragged me to my class and he pushed open the door. It was dark at first, then the lights clicked on and revealed my little munchkins and Arianna holding a very large card filled with hearts all over.

"Welcome back Miss Victoria!" They all chorused. I squealed and let out a long 'awwwwwwww' and ran to the children for a group hug. Harry and Arri joined in on the fun and pressed their faces' against mine. 

They all started to let go and little Tara sprang up and insisted I open the card, and I quote, "RIGHT NOW!!!!" 

"Miss Victoria Harry told us that you weren't feeling good so we decided to make you a welcome back card!"

I smiled at Harry and kissed him in the cheek before opening it. There were little doodles of me and the kids with all their names signed on it. In big purple painted letters read 'Welcome Back!'.

"You guys are the best kids in the world!" I beamed.

"Victoria there's another surprise," said Harry. "Every year there's this massive competition called Parade . This year it just happens to be held in Phoenix, and I had this brilliant idea that you and the chaps here could enter! First place overall in group dances is $1,000 that's how big it is." I stared at Harry in disbelief and I looked at Arri, then the kids. The children all gasped in excitement and Arri gave me an encouraging smile. 

"Wow, I don't know... Um, do you kids really want to do this?" They all screamed 'Yes!'. I thought about it some more, I mean a thousand dollars. I could do a lot with that. Get my own place, support myself and Harry, and maybe save up for our wedding.... The thought of our wedding made me feel jumpy inside. Okay, yes we are young and maybe completely out of our minds, but I really love him. I can't picture myself with anybody else. I even did the five year test! In five years I see myself and Harry living together in an apartment having laughs as we do our college course work together with scones and tea on our dining table.... You can't go wrong with the five year test.

I smiled happily and said, "Okay, we'll enter! BUT we all must give this our all and we must work very hard. Parade is in like, what, 3 months Harry?"

"Yeah, you guys have three months to learn and perfect your dance. I, of course, will be helping you guys. Arianna will you join me?" He smiled at Arri and gestured his hand towards her.

"Duh! What are friends for?" I gave her a big hug before letting them run off to their own classes. I already have this spectacular choreography buzzing in my head for these wonderful children, and we are doing a Jazz routine. With these new bubbling ideas bursting inside me I quickly went through warm ups and taught them the first few 8 counts. I just love choreographing as much as I love dancing. The kids looked like they were having fun, which gave me even more confidence about this routine.

"Okay guys, today was really fun and you guys are picking up quick! Remember those moves tonight and practice! So what was that new thing we learned today?"

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