Chapter 10~ Lights, Camera, Action!

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Alright eggrolls, one more chap and an epilogue? Yupp this is coming to an end faster than any of you kittens could see it ^.^ If you stayed through this whole ride then congrats... Cuz it's gonna be 12 chapters worth of your time that you'll never get back LOL. Adioooss beyaatch

RiceBunni xx

The bus was filled with my excited little dance kids jumping around, all excited for the competition. Tara sat next to me yapping my ear off as I was trying to do her make- up.

“Hey Miss Victoria!” said Jake form the corner of my eye.


“Are you and Harry boyfriend and girlfriend?” I almost smeared Tara’s eyeliner when I heard him. The other children giggled as I looked at them and smiled.

“Yes we are, now keep your voices low you don’t want to distract the bus driver!” Kids say the darnest things…

Since Arianna and Harry were competing as well they had to follow their own team in their bus. Too bad, I could really use a hand with these children! You think waking up at 5 would make them into zombies, but apparently that’s just me….

In 2 hours the bus pulled up in front of the school where the competition was taking place. Just by the looks of it I knew this was some bad- ass rich kid school. Ha, it brings me back to the time when Arri told me all rich kid schools are filled with coke heads because they can ‘afford’ it. But hey, go big or go home right?

The kids unloaded their bags and we made our way in. The halls were filled with kids in their fancy team coats and sweaters, while my kids were dressed in normal clothes. I suddenly began to feel a little out of place, but then I heard this loud high pitched scream behind me. I turn around and surprise! It’s Arianna.

“Hey dude, you made it! Come on, your dressing room is right next to mine! They even have shiny name plates let’s go!” My bubbly little friend dragged us along behind her, until an annoying and persistent rat brushed by us.

“Oh, Victoria I see you’ve decided to come.”

“Yeah, nothing’s stopping me.” I looked at Mr. Lewis in the eyes with confidence.

“I guess they let anyone come in and compete now, don’t they….” I narrowed my eyes at him and I could feel Arianna tugging at my arm. I shrugged her off and took a gander at his competition team.

“Oh, so I see you’ve ditched the fishnet and went with thigh high socks. So what’s you’re theme, Grisly Teen Sex Trade?” The members of both our groups did little gasps. His girls started fidgeting in their skirts and avoided any eye contact with me. I was far from angry; how dare he insult my kids like that? After 5 whole seconds of silence and uncomfortable shifting Arianna finally pulled me away from them.

“Damn Victoria,” whispered Arri. “Was that necessary? I mean, in front of his dancers?”

“He deserves more, but I decided to spare him. Besides, I know a few of those girls. Nothing more than a shower of cunts…” (Another 1D reference ;D)

I prepped the rest of the kids in our dressing room (which is basically a classroom), and this time Arri lent a hand. 

“Remember guys, this is a very emotional number,” said Arri. “Remember what I told you about using your acting skills? You have to make the audience feel the pain of that poor child being neglected and abused. Make Miss Victoria and myself proud, and I expect to see tears streaming down the judges’ faces!”

Harry burst through our door and swung me in the air. “Hey babe, you made it! Wow, is that the dress you bought at the mall?”

“You should know, you helped me pick it out!”

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