Chapter 5~ You Don't Need to Say I Love You

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Kay there's more crying and some Victoria/Harry cuteness :3 Gosh I love that couple....

Anyway, keep reading rice patties!

Making pink, green, and blue glittery fliers made me feel 10 years younger. Having a whimsical female companion added some more effect. 

“Victoria’s Recreational Dance,” Arianna read aloud. “I don’t know, man, sounds too boring. How about… Tori’s Bunheads?”

“No, we don’t only do ballet, we also do hip hop, jazz, and contemporary,” I said almost robotically as I stared at the blank word document. “If you’re going to be a dance group then you better think of a kick ass name, I mean “The Elektrolytes”. Now that sounds cool.” 

Then a thought came up…. “The Great Escape….”


“The Great Escape. It fits right? It’s like…. We’re escaping reality and coming into this whole new world. It’s called dance. Dance has nothing to do with our world; it’s about art and storytelling. We could completely block out those around us, and come up with our own little utopia in our studio. We can dance a world of fire, a world of energy, anything we want. What makes it so great is that we can lose ourselves at anytime and anywhere, and once we do get out it makes it worth all the while. We all have something we want to get away from, and what better way to do than with dance? The Great Escape…”

Arianna stared at me and said finally, “Dude I think I’m crying.” I smiled and gave her a little nudge. We printed out about 20 fliers (thank God the library lets us do that without any charge!) and we set out to promote my little dance group.


“Hey, so we never really discussed in complete detail about your date,” smirked my evil friend. I sighed as I stapled a flier to tree. “I told you! He made me Macaroons, stared into my eyes and professed his love for me! He then carried me bridal style out of the restaurant and we made out in the rain!”

“You are such liar Victoria!” exclaimed the little prat. “Seriously! Stop bull shitting me and tell me!” We continued walking slowly towards the elementary school. “Okay, fine.” I gave in. “I told you how he had all the pastries all set up and how he suggested this fantastic idea and stuff.”

“Uh- huh, keep going…”

“After he told me he uh… He… Might have held my hand…”

“He what?! Then what happened?! Why the hell didn’t you tell me this sooner?!”

“Calm down! Okay, I was nervous and he could see that. He told me he loved it when I smile because it makes him smile…” I felt my cheeks prick up at the thought of that perfect moment. I had this tickle in my stomach every time I think about it. “He also said that he wants me to be comfortable with him and that I have nothing to be afraid of when I’m with him. He’s so sweet Arianna; he makes me so happy and wanted.”

I look at my best friend and see her crying in her hand. “Arri, what’s wrong?” She just shook her head and sniffed. “I am so happy for you Victoria,” said Arri through sniffles. “I’m so happy that you found someone that loves and cares for you as much as I do. You’re like my sister girl, so if you’re happy I’m happy.” She pulled me into a hug and a tear or two rolled down. I couldn’t exactly remember the last time I cried out of joy before. 

“Okay, dry your tears Arri!” I pulled away from her slowly. “Let’s go get us some new aspiring artists!”


Well, today is the big day! I got a totally of 17 emails and phone calls over the weekend saying I have 17 students in my class. To avoid any awkward run ins with Mr. Lewis I chose the empty room next to Arianna’s dance class which is all the way on the other side of the building. That means I get to see her and Harry every day! Oh, and we are definitely an item! Since we are an ‘item’ he wished me good luck today and kissed me on the forehead. It wasn’t on the lips, but who the hell am I complaining? As a few girls walked by after witnessing Zeus himself kissing me they sent me inflamed arrows with their eyes. 

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