Chapter 11~ Surreal

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Hey cupcakes, honestly I just want to finish this story and start on my new one.... I swear I'm getting chest pains just thinking about it... Any whooo I'll be uploading on weekends because I actually like good grades in school(; But this is the 2nd to last chapter, the epilogue will be up next week.... If any of you care at alll...... Ah, well take care, eat breakfast, and enjoy sweets in moderation.....

xx RiceCakes

The music came on and the lights slowly filled the auditorium. Lily came on first bringing the dance to life. She bears a teddy bear, holding it tightly with each spin. Her facial expression was sad, but mostly scared. I chose her and Jake to be the two stars, the main characters. They were both are around the same age, height, and they both had adorable little faces. For lack of better words, they’re the perfect duo. I had them both stay after with Arianna so they can use their emotion and acting skills on this piece. I have to say, it really paid off.

Then Jake comes in, looking all snazzy with his bow tie. This is the part where they fall in love, and he twirls her and lifts her up on her leap. Then 5 angels dance around them and they swiftly lift her raggedy bonnet revealing her realistic bruise on her cheek. She tries to hide it, but he comforts her. Then they both run together and do various leaps and mid- air twirls; holding hands of course. Throughout the routine the angels would subtly rip away an article of clothing revealing a new bruise, and with every bruise he would graze it with his hand and spin her on his finger. As the two dance together, the angels are on the perimeter of the stage fluttering and doing tendus, and cute stuff like that. It just added to the scenery. Finally, the two love birds exit the stage, hand in hand. Coming from the opposite of the stage came out Tara, also dressed in the same clothes as Lily, looking pained and scared. She runs to pick up the bear that was abandoned by Lily and holds it up high and spins with it. She collapses down into a sitting position and holds it tight, a few angels come to her and gently caresses her with somber expressions.

Tears were brought to my eyes as they all exited the stage. A few people from the audience, including myself, Harry, and Arri, stood and clapped. Harry hugged me tight and Arri squeezed my hand. I was so proud of my little angels, they looked gorgeous up there. The costumes were magnificent, the choreography was beautiful (if I do say so myself!), and their acting was really moving! There is absolutely no way they wouldn’t place in the top 10!

“They were lovely babe, you did really good with them,” commented Harry. 

“Hey, I couldn’t have done it with my two favorite people in the whole world!” I looked at Harry and Arri and they both did little ‘awhhs’. 

The announcer announced the next dance. “Alright ladies and gentlemen, next is ‘All I Need Is Vegas’!”

 As the girls entered I already knew it was Mr. Lewis’ group. They were doing this jazz number, and they did a little bit more posing than actual dancing. A few girls did some acrobatic routines, but other than that it was just prancing, posing, and controversial stretching. I already know, he thought he would woo the judges with their outfits and show off how flexible his girls are, but Parade wants to see dancers, not early exotic dancers with daddy issues.

“Aw, they have no boobs yet in their little blue bras…” whispered Arri. 

“Take a peek at the judges,” whispered Harry. “I just saw one shake her head.” Mr. Lewis, you have got to try harder if you want to beat me. His choreography is usually decent, but he’s trying too hard with this one.

When all the numbers have gone the three of us met my group in the dressing room.

“Hey, hey, hey!” I greeted cheerfully. “That was the most amazing performance I have ever seen! Oh my gosh, I am so proud of each and every one of you. You all did amazing, we were driven to tears by your amazing acting, and I have to say if you don’t make it into the top 10 then I have to declare this competition rigged. I watched the other number out there, some were really amazing, but I think you guys have a good chance at taking home the trophy.”

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