Chapter 8~ For Tara

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Hey hoes, I feel like I've been a boring prick the last few chaps so I decided to add some laughs in here for more of my own personal enjoyment.... I freaking love my characters so I decided to have fun with them ^.^ Anyway, keep on reading my field of rice patties!! Story is almost coming to a clooossseeee.....

RiceCakes xx

It’s been almost 2 months and the kids are doing better than I thought! Sure 17 kids in a group dance is a lot, but the way I choreographed it the audience shouldn’t be over whelmed. I gave everyone a little mini solo to show their true potential, and the kids were very excited. Despite the thrill and excitement of our dance, I noticed Tara looking a little bit off today. She was quieter and she dismissed all facial expressions throughout the dance. Before she left the room I stopped her.

“Hey Tara, what’s up babe? You’re not yourself today.” She shrugged.

“I guess I’m not in a good mood today…”

“Did something happen?”

“No, it’s fine.” Without letting me reply she turned around and walked out. To think I broke the student/teacher barrier between us…. I decided to head out myself so I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door. Before I could reach it the door opened and in came Mr. Lewis casting an uneasy spell into the room.

“So, word around the dance studio is that your little rec. group is entering Parade.”

I held my chin up and replied confidently, “Yeah, afraid of a little competition?” He snorted and rolled his eyes.

“You’re joking, right? Dancers from all over the country are coming here. Need I remind you that our neighbor state, California, has some pretty fierce dancers? Don’t embarrass these kids like that Victoria, it only makes you look more of a bitch.” 

I was taken aback by his word choice. I began to feel furious at the way he was under estimating my kids. “Hey, you don’t know these kids! They have this driving passion for dance, and they only strive to be the best! If you only came here to bring down my team then you have another thing coming. They want to work for this competition Mr. Lewis, it’s all they have to look forward to.”

“That’s all very well, but I’ll have you know I’ll also be entering a junior group dance. Looks like we’ll be competing against each other.” Of course, he would do anything to make sure I lose. “I’m actually confident about this number, it’s very dark and the costumes look great on the girls.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m pretty sure the judges aren’t into little girls in fishnet like you.” He scowled at me. 

“Don’t under estimate my students, Mr. Lewis. They have this thing that your girls lack especially. My kids dance with emotion.”

With that I walked around him and met Harry and Arri in the parking lot. “Hey doll, I have the day off today wanna come to the bakery and grab a bite?” Arri and I chirped yes and before I knew it we were sitting in our usual cozy booth.

“Oh my Gooood, why can’t I look like her?” whined Arri as she pointed to Miranda Kerr from the Victoria Secret catalogue. 

“You’re right, damn Orlando Bloom has it all doesn’t he? I mean, she JUST had a baby like last month and she still has a bangin six pack.”

Harry came back with a plate of cookies as I said, “I don’t know if I wanna be her, or be on her. I just wanna look at her…” I turned around and saw Harry with the funniest expression on his face. It was a mix of shock and horror. Arri and I both laughed as we viciously ate his fresh warm cookies.

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