Chapter 3: Martin

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Martin Lawrence, lifted his left arm and looked at the time. He only had about thirty minutes left, although he doesn't mind being at work since he's the creative director, so he is pretty important and he has a lot of colleagues sucking up to him. He also has his own intern personal assistant, Jamie, a beautiful, sexy twenty two year old college student from the University of Washington. She...made work extremely pleasing for Martin to attend everyday. Don't get him wrong, he was a family man, but come on, he's only human, he can still look from afar and admire this immense beauty. He could remember the first day she showed up and introduced herself as the new intern for him...JUST for him, his own personal assistant. He thought it was a prank by his colleagues, he couldn't believe this woman was showing up to become his personal assistant when she looked like she belonged on the cover of Sport's Illustrated. He shook his head away from the memory and tried to concentrate on his last few minutes at work. He started typing away on his macbook until he heard a knock on his office door. "Come in" he said, eyes fixed on the computer screen. "Sir? Is it okay If I leave now? Or do you need me to stay and help with anything." said Jamie, peering in through the door, her chocolate brown hair flowing down underneath her shoulders. Martin let out a small, uncomfortable cough, something he always did when he was around attractive women, maybe it was to distract himself for a split of a second that they were in his presence before he became aware and became uncomfortable and said something stupid. "Hi, Jamie. No that's alright, you can go, thanks!" he smiled, "Awesome, see you tomorrow!". She is so hot, he thought. "Oh, Jamie." he added, she turned her head back around the door, "yes?" she smiled. "I'll be flying to New York on Monday morning for a business meeting and flying back Tuesday afternoon, I don't suppose you'd want to join, as educational purposes, I mean, I'd let you sit in on the meeting so you can learn more and, I guess make the most of an internship?" he asked. Is that creepy? I'm not a creepy man, I have a teenage daughter...god, I hope she didn't that was creepy, he thought. "Oh wow, that would be an honour, sir, thank you! I'd love to!" she beamed. "Perfect! I'll forward you the details via email tonight." he replied. "Awesome!" she said, as she closed the door to leave. Is that a new thing? Awesome? I haven't heard my kids saying it recently, maybe it's a college thing.

Martin was packing up his briefcase to leave the office for the day and suddenly his office door swung open. "Jesus, Robert." he sighed, as he turned around due to the fright he got. "What a cheeky bastard you are!"smirked Robert as he closed the door behind him. "What do you mean?" replied Martin, with papers in his hands. "What is that I hear about you inviting the office eye candy to New York with you? Lucky bastard. I could only IMAGINE what I would do to her if I had her for a night. Woo." said Robert, perching himself on Martin's desk. "What? No. Robert, I'm married." replied Martin, raising his left hand to show off his ring. "Yeah I mean, your wife is hot..real hot. I would. But come on, don't tell me you haven't thought about that?" he shrugged Martin playfully. "Stop. This is strictly business. I'd also like to remind you that you're married too. How is Jane by the way?" Martin replied sarcastically. "Boring. Oh, I should tell you, I got signed up on this website and I've got my own little fun hun now." said Robert. "What? What the fuck is a fun hun?" questioned Martin. "She's a young, blonde girl I pay to keep me 'company' for now." he smirked. "A prostitute?" said Martin quite shocked, he would never stoop that low, never, he found that pathetic. "No man, I buy her shit, I have the money and we just spend time together, but some day, I'm hoping.." he said as he started thrusting the air. "Okay, okay, I get it." interrupted Martin. "Alright man, I'll leave you at it, go home have a nice shower. Think about your weekend ahead. Lucky bastard. See you tomorrow." he smiled as he got off the desk and left.


Martin opened his front door to be welcomed home by an argument between his daughter Danielle and his wife, once again. "Look, I know you weren't at the library! Why do you lie so much? You never used to lie Danielle!" shouted Stella to her daughter. Martin took a deep breath and walked into their spacious kitchen where the argument was taking place. "Explain this to your father then." said Stella, pointing at him. Jesus, let me fucking enter the room first before you pull me into your argument. "What's wrong now?" he sighed as he sat down on the counter stool. "Mom is calling me a liar! How does she know where I am? She's sooo certain I wasn't at the library, does she have a fucking tracker on my phone or something?" Martin sat there, looked between his daughter and his wife, trying to get a word in. "You want to know how I know you weren't at the library? Because I checked!" shouted Stella. "You checked?! What does that mean?" replied Danielle. "Whilst I was at the school waiting for JJ to finish up soccer practice I went into the library to ask the librarian if you were actually there, she said you weren't and that you haven't been to the library in months." said Stella, whilst taking out four salmon fillets filled with chives and lemon out of the oven. "What the fuck mom! You're crazy. She's an old lady, probably has dementia or something." screamed Danielle. "Stop it Danielle, I'm warning you. Don't test me. Sit down and knock it off. From now on you're going to the library and yes, I will continue checking." said Stella, pointing her finger to Danielle. I'm starving can we finish this fiasco and have dinner, for the love of god! He thought to himself. Maybe I will go take a shower and think about my weekend ahead.

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