Chapter 19: Martin

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"I have to go," smirked Martin to Jamie as he caressed her face. She looked up at him pouting. "Don't make me feel bad," he laughed. "Ugh, alright. I'm already looking forward to coming into work next time," she winked at him, as she picked up her dress and stepped into it. "Can you zip it up for me," she asked, as she turned her back to him. They were in his office and it was 6pm on Wednesday, most employees had gone home and he had the luxury of having a lock on his office door. He knew his wife would be wondering where he is, however he no longer cared. He was lost himself, quite confused. He wasn't sure what he was doing and what he wanted to happen. All he knew was that being with Jamie has made him happier than he's ever been within the last five years of his marriage. He wasn't about to lose everything, his family, probably his house and probably his job too because there's strong rules about dating colleagues in his work place in order for him to start a full on relationship with Jamie. He liked her a lot but he was well aware of what this could do to him and his relationship with not only his wife but his children. He would constantly reassure himself that he wasn't technically cheating since his marriage was basically dead as it is. "Hey, I was thinking of going to this local art fair next week where they display paintings, sculptures and all that, would you maybe want to go with me?" she smiled up at him, as she leaned over to put one of her stilettos on. "Hmm, I don't think that's a good idea," he replied, as he walked over to his wide window in his office with views of the Seattle city streets below and towering skyscrapers. She looked at him with a confused look on her face. "Look, if people see us together, outside of work, they're going to start asking questions!" he said to her. "Yeah but, we could just be bonding outside of the workplace or something," she said, using air quotes on the word bonding. "I don't think it's a good idea," he replied as he walked over to her and put his hands in hers. "Fine, I'll just go by myself then," she sighed as she rolled her eyes. "Stop!" he laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow," he finished as she gave a small wave before leaving his office. 


Martin looked at his watch as he opened his front door. It was 7pm, way later than he usually gets home. He knew by this time his wife and kids would have already eaten. The hallway was dimly lit by only lamps on the hallway table. He walked into his kitchen, which was also dimly lit and didn't notice until a few seconds the silhouette of his wife sitting at the kitchen island counter. "Oh," he said, surprised by his wife sitting all alone in the dark. "Are you ok?" he questioned, "why is it so dark everywhere?" he added, confused as he walked over to the light switch to turn it on. "Yes, I'm fine. Just had a rough day. Where were you, you're always home at 6?" she questioned, as she took a sip of wine. She looked pale and her face seemed puffy and her eyes were red. He noticed she was wearing a jumper, leggings and slippers, something she wouldn't usually wear. He always, no matter what thought his wife was beautiful, however she looked drained, exhausted and upset tonight. "Uh, just had some extra work I had to get done at the office," he replied as he walked over to the bottle of white wine sitting by her wine glass and poured himself one. "You sure you're ok? You look...," he said as he tried to think of the most appropriate way to tell his wife she looked dreadful, "upset?" he settled on. She let out a sigh. "In all honesty Martin, I'm not okay, I had the shittiest and most embarrassing day ever and I'm sorry to blame it on you but I'm pretty sure you played a huge part in the fact that it was one of the most shittiest and embarrassing day of my life," she spat out. "What?" he questioned, "why's that?". She leaned backwards so her back was resting on the backrest of the bar stool and said "I tried to talk to you last night about our recent...issues and I offered to do anything to get us back to how we were, Jesus I even said couples cancelling which would be the last thing I'd want to do, however you just don't seem to care and I just need to tell you this..." she began before pausing. He blinked, waiting for her to continue. "Yes?" he questioned. "Obviously, I don't know what you're thinking or why you're being so stubborn over our marriage, acting as if it doesn't even matter, but we have invested seventeen years together Martin. We have two children together and have made this beautiful life together. I am not throwing that all away just because of your own laziness!" she threatened as she got off of the stool and walked out of the room, before walking back in to say one more thing. "At least I'm trying here! All you're doing is shutting me out and not caring about what I'm saying to you! We're getting back to how we used to be Martin, I'm telling you now you're going to have to work a little bit more fucking harder at our marriage," she said, with an icy stare before leaving the room for good. He slumped down on the barstool and poured in the rest of the wine from the bottle into his glass and took a big gulp. 

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