Chapter 13: Martin

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"So how did you think your first sit-in meeting went?" questioned Martin to Jamie as they both walked through the modern and spacious lobby of their New York hotel. "Oh, it was very interesting!" she smiled as her stiletto heels tip-tapped across the marble floor. It was 5pm, they had arrived in New York at 10am and the meeting was at 1pm, they had both been up since four in the morning to catch the flight to New York so were pretty exhausted. "Hey, why don't we go and get a drink? Celebrate your first meeting," grinned Martin to Jamie as he pointed at the fancy, dim lit bar in the hotel. "Oh, that would be nice! Are you sure? I don't want to take up any of your time," she said, tucking her shiny chestnut brown hair behind her ear. "Please! It would be nice" he responded as they both walked into the bar. 

"My friends in university were so jealous when I got this internship," admitted Jamie, as she spun her straw around her drink, "and I hope this isn't inappropriate but they were even more jealous when they found out how much of a hottie you are," she smiled at him. "Oh, so you think I'm a hottie? Hmm, interesting," laughed back Martin. "You know what I mean," she laughed as she gently pushed him and continued, "to be honest, I've kind of had this little crush on you," she giggled. WHAT? Oh my god, is this real life or am I dreaming, thought Martin. "Seriously? Amn't I a little bit too old for you?" he questioned, with an eyebrow raised. "I don't think so," she replied, flirtatiously gazing at him. Martin took a deep're married, this is dangerous, stop, he thought, but then his mind went back to his controlling, perfectionist of a wife and how they fought the last time they were with each other. "What are your opinions on me?" she said seductively, placing her chin in her hand to rest it whilst she stared into his eyes. "Uh...I mean, you're very attractive, Jamie. But I'm married," he replied, holding up his left hand to show his ring off. Jamie slid her fingers in between his other hand which was on the table and said gently "I don't mind." She is killing me. Martin fidgeted in his seat and let out an low voiced uncomfortable cough...why do I always cough?  He knew he was finding it really hard to fight this. He was thinking about asking his wife for a divorce is it really that bad? I bet if the roles were reversed and Stella was in this position with a young, attractive man who worked at her catering company she would find it hard to resist him too? But before he knew it, he was letting Jamie guide him by his hand upstairs to her hotel room. Deep down he knew what he was doing was wrong, but he just didn't even care at this moment. 

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