Chapter 20: Danielle

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It was Monday morning and Danielle was rooting through her locker to try to find her biology book. "Ugh", she groaned and she tried to juggle holding about six heavy books under her arm while using the other to lift up the other books in her locker. "Where are you? I had you yesterday!" she said, annoyed. "Either you're frustrated or you're going crazy and talking to yourself...or both," said Bethany as herself and Ava walked up to Danielle. Danielle sighed, "I'm looking for my biology book, have you seen it?" she questioned, frowning. "Nope, I haven't!" answered Ava, who was applying on lipstick, using the tiny mirror hanging up inside Danielle's locker to watch herself. "Me neither!" added Bethany. "Ugh! Could I have lost a more expensive book? Out of all my school books that's the one that costs the most!" she said as she dropped all the books that were under her arm back into her locker, creating a mountain of unorganised books piled up against each other. "Girl, chill, it'll probs turn up in no time!" added Ava, who put the lid on her lipstick and threw it into her Louis Vuitton neverfull tote bag. The school bell rang, signalled after by an announcement, "can Bethany Davidson, Ava Norburn, Danielle Lawrence, Ty Johnson and Nick Powell please make their way to the principles office, immediately. That's Bethany Davidson, Ava Norburn, Danielle Lawrence, Ty Johnson and Nick Powell please make their way to the principles office, immediately.". The three girls exchanged confused looks at each other. "Ugh what's this about," said Bethany, rolling her eyes as the three girls made their way to the principles office. As they're walking through the almost deserted hallway they meet Ty and Nick, who greet them with confused faces also. 

The five teenagers all squeezed onto the sofa in Mr. Brown's pristine and perfect office, filled with antique collectables. Danielle couldn't help but get freaked out by the alarming amount of antique hummels displayed on shelf after shelf on his wall by his big wooden desk. The creepy things kept starring at her. "So..." started Mr.Brown as he sat back in his chair, arms crossed, starring down the five of them. "I have found something that might interest the five of you. Take a look at my laptop screen will you?" he said, as he turned his MacBook around so that it was facing the five of them and pressed play. It was black and white, semi grainy footage of the five of them, walking up to the punch bowl, looking around and Bethany taking out the vodka bottle from under her shirt and pouring in over half of it and mixing the punch and them taking cups of it and walking away. Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, shit, fuck, OH SHIT. Danielle, shot Bethany a look. Danielle was angry. She was the only one who said that they shouldn't do this and knew it was a bad, and stupid at that, idea! Now look what's happened. Thanks Bethany. Mr. Brown hit pause and starred at them all. It was silent. "Does someone care to explain?" he asked. "It...wasn't us?" tried Bethany. Even by the tone of her voice Danielle knew that she knew it wouldn't work. The footage was grainy, yes but it was obviously them. "Don't try and deny it Ms. Davidson, it's right here in black and white," he responded, not taking any of her bullshit. "Oh come on Mr.Brown, no one got hurt! It was just some old fashioned fun, you can understand that!" laughed Nick. "Are you calling me old?" Mr. Brown questioned. "Shit, no. I just meant that I'm know, back in the day you had your fair share of times where you had fun," he said, awkwardly trying to cover himself. "Language, please Mr.Powell! Look, this is serious what the five of you have done! Are you aware that it's against the law to even be drinking at this age, you're all five years too early to be doing this! And not only underage drinking, but spiking the punch where other students alike and teachers and parents will be drinking from! You have caused a big issue here, I don't think you know that!" he said, sternly. He was a nice man but Danielle could tell that he was getting pushed over the limit. "I'm so sorry Mr.Brown, really. We should have never have done this! We really are sorry!" blurted out Danielle. She genuinely meant it, she was sorry and she wishes she did more to stop them from doing it. She could feel the side eye from Bethany. Unlike Danielle, Bethany didn't care about getting in trouble so was confused as to why Danielle would apologise for something that they were completely in the wrong for. "I appreciate that Danielle. However, I have just called all your parents and have informed them that I have suspended you all for the week. Just because you're suspended does not mean you do not have to complete or finish any homework or assignments which are due. You will come in and drop them into relevant teachers and as for any extra curricular activities, like basketball, Mr. Johnson, will not be available to you until you're unsuspended. Do you all understand?" he said to them. "Yes," they all muttered. Danielle was thinking of her mother at this point. Damn, is she going to be mad. She was also mad though. Mad at herself, mad at her friends for being stupid enough to do this. Now look at them all, was it really worth it? "You can all go, take home any books that you will need for week and leave the school," he said to them. They all got up off the sofa and started to make their way out of the office, as the four of them did, Danielle turned around to Mr.Brown. "I've scheduled an appointment with Mr.Wright for tomorrow, am I still allowed to come in specifically to attend that?" she questioned to him. "Yes, you may come in and attend, but no socialising with other students or anything like that, straight into your meeting and straight home," he replied, neatly arranging his folders that lay on his desk. "Okay, thank you Mr.Brown. I am really sorry by the way, about what happened," she said, before she walked out to collect the books she needed to go home.  

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