Chapter 6: Martin

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"How's Stella? She stressed?" questioned Robert to Martin in the cafe in the lobby of the Pryatt Advertising Agency building. Martin finished pouring in a packet of sugar into his black coffee and stirring it around with one of those small, wooden sticks. "What? Do you mean because of the Hewitt's anniversary party tomorrow?" replied Martin, now taking a sip of his hot coffee. "Yeah! Is she crazy at the moment?" said Robert, "she's always crazy" blatantly replied Martin. "Nah, I mean she's stressed because they're family friends and she's afraid something is going to go wrong, she's terrified of screwing up anything, you know her, the definition of a perfectionist." he added, rolling his eyes, taking another sip of coffee. "Yeah. Valerie made me go to the dry cleaners to pick up my suit for this thing, why is this anniversary such a big deal?" questioned Robert, rolling his eyes in return. "Who knows! Women" replied Martin sarcastically. "I'd love to see Stella's face when you tell her about you bringing your hot little assistant to New York with you on Monday" smirked Robert, changing the subject. "Are you kidding? I'm not telling her that, she'd jump to so many conclusion it would be crazy. And you, need to get your sexual frustration out on something, I don't know why you think I have some plan up my sleeve in relation to Jamie? She's just a good assistant, that's all." answered Martin. "Oh come on! Stop lying to yourself man, you'll be in New York, what happens in New York stays in New York!" replied Robert, staring at the butt of a woman who just walked by and Martin rolled his eyes. "That's Vegas" said Martin, "same thing, what I'm saying is that Stella will never find out. I mean you said you were thinking of asking her for a divorce anyway and that you weren't happy in your marriage anymore?" questioned Robert. "Don't ever say that out loud again!" snapped back Martin, "I know I said that and to be honest, our marriage is a joke, she's so caught up in trying to be the picture perfect family, this would kill her and it's too complicated what with the kids and all" he continued. "Whilst on the topic, how is that young, blonde girl going for you?" smirked Martin to Robert. "We met up last night, she makes me feel so young man!" he replied, putting his hands in a prayer to emphasis how overjoyed he is. "Well, just remember you're not young, you're 45 and she is?.." questioned Martin, "19!" beamed Robert, showing how proud he was. "God, that's three years older than Danielle, you know you're sick Rob" laughed Martin.


"I'm home....Jesus, what's all this?" exclaimed Martin, entering his front door after coming home from work for the day. Dresses were splayed out all across the island and kitchen counters, followed by empty shoeboxes with tissue displayed all over the floor. "I ordered in multiple dresses from Saks for tomorrow for myself and Danielle" said Stella, in a a pair of yoga pants, her hair tied up in a top knot, wiping away a small bead of sweat from her forehead. This is a rare site for Stella, she is usually in a dress, hair perfect and makeup flawless. Does picking out dresses actually make people sweat, thought Martin. "Good luck in trying to get new Danielle to wear a dress" scoffed Martin, as he stepped over boxes of shoes to get to the fridge to get a snack. "No no, don't leave, sit down I'm having a family meeting!" demanded Stella to Martin as he was in the middle of leaving the room to go upstairs. "I just got home! I've been at meetings all day now I gotta have one here?" he questioned, a pissed off tone in his voice, he was pissed. "Yes" replied Stella, simply. "Danielle, JJ!" she shouted. Danielle and JJ both shuffled into the kitchen, their annoyance highlighted across their faces. Stella ushered the two teenagers to sit down. "Okay, so tomorrow, I need everyone to look good and behave well, alright?" she started. "Danielle, I thought you could wear this?" continued Stella, walking over to the mass of dresses jumbled together to create a violent sea of colour on the kitchen island and picked up a simple, elegant lace cream dress with a pair of classy, gold heels. "Ugh" scoffed Danielle, folding her arms. She knew there was no point in arguing with her mother, especially since she has to look 'perfect', it's the Hewitt's 20th anniversary party! "JJ, you're wearing the navy suit I put on your bead earlier and Martin, I've your suit hanging up in the closet upstairs" she said. "What are you wearing Mom?" asked JJ, looking around at the mess. "Well I was thinking this emerald green dress? It's nice right?" she smiled, holding it over her body. "Mmm pretty, can I go? I was video chatting with Beth and Ava" said Danielle in a bored tone. "Fine, go...but one more thing! Remember how everyone acts tomorrow is a reflection upon this family, me and most importantly my catering company! Think about that, please" replied Stella, holding up a finger, before returning to her mass of dresses.

Martin, in his room, checked his emails and saw that he got one from Jamie. He smiled at his phone before he even opened it. It was a reply to his earlier email about the information about the New York trip and the itinerary.

"That's great, Martin, thanks so much for this opportunity (you're my fav...sorry to not be professional, but I feel if it's in brackets it doesn't count as the actual message ;) ) - Jamie"

Martin let out a small laugh after reading and heard himself say out loud "so cute".

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