Chapter 12: Danielle

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"I've been texting you since Saturday night, are you ok?" questioned Danielle to Ava worryingly, as she caught up with her friend walking through the crowded high school hallway. "Oh, hey. Yeah sorry about that I had a lot going on," she replied, looking straight ahead as she walked on. "Hey," said Danielle, touching Ava's arm in order to gently make her stop walking. "What's going on?" she questioned. "Ugh," Ava let out a sigh, before dragging Danielle into the school bathroom. She quickly looked under each stall to see if people were inside and once she knew they were alone she continued. "I went to Robert's house on Saturday night. He broke it off with me, he was so angry," she said, her face frowning. Danielle couldn't help but notice how puffy her eyes were. Had she been crying all night? "But no offence Ava, I didn't think he meant that much to you, I kinda just got the impression that you used him for gifts and stuff," Danielle questioned, leaning against the sinks. "Yeah, well I kinda put on an act. I don't know why but I suddenly developed really strong feelings towards him and the fact now that I can't even see him anymore, it kills me. You must think I'm so stupid," she sighed in response. "No! Ava, I do not think you're stupid, but I do think it's for the best that you guys don't see each other. I mean, he works with my dad, he's like basically my dad's age...he could get in a lot of trouble!" replied Danielle. At this point she could tell Ava's eyes were welling up with tears, so she went and grabbed her some tissues from the bathroom stall. "Thanks," sniffed Ava in response before she continued, "I guess he was just different to other guys you know? First of all he was older, duhh, so he was more mature and had more knowledge about everything...ugh whatever! It's stupid for me to be crying about him. I know I'm hot, I could get any guy I wanted!" she claimed, before blowing her nose into the tissue and throwing in the trash can. "Exactly! There's plenty more guys out there for you...plenty more guys who you can be in a relationship with legally!" replied Danielle, giving a slight smile to try to cheer her friend up. Ava let out a small laugh, "yeah, I guess. It just sucks right now you know. I mean I'm not saying I loved the man but I definitely felt something strong for him. I've also never had a man turn me down, so that equally sucks!" Ava said, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry, I promise you, you will get over it!" said Danielle, before going over to her friend to give her a hug. 


"So guy's are you all going to this lame ass carnival fundraiser the PTA are hosting to earn money for our formal?" asked Bethany as she swung on the swings in the local park after school. "Meh, might go for a minute or two, fuck shit up then leave," smirked Nick, as he took a drag of his cigarette. "When is this again?" questioned Ava, who was sitting up on the climbing frame platform, on her phone. "This Saturday? IDK, Dani, your mom is basically like running it, is it this Saturday?" questioned Bethany to Danielle, who was sitting crossed legged on the grass. "Yeah it is, I saw them putting up posters around the school today being like "six days until the big day!"...LOL, so lame," she scoffed, trying to sound cool. She always did enjoy the fundraisers that the school would set up in order to raise money for their formals. Last year, it was a space theme, she wasn't sure how her mother would pull that off, but it went really well and she had a lot of fun, herself and Lauren dressed up as space aliens, something she would never do now unless she wanted to fall back down the social scale to right back where she was this time last year. "Aw, let's go! I love carnival rides..think of the pictures we could get!" beamed Ava who seemed really into it. "It might be kinda fun," shrugged Ty who also took a drag of his cigarette. "Ugh, fine we'll go, but if it's lame let's all go back to mine and have some fun of our own!" said Bethany, digging the tips of her shoes into the sand below. "Yay!" smiled Ava, doing a little clap. 

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