Chapter 11: Stella

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Stella rolled over on her king size bed in which she shared with herself. The morning bright light shining in through her half open curtains was enough to wake her up. She shoved herself up so that she was sitting up against her plush headboard and rubbed her eyes. She felt like she had a hangover, but it couldn't be, she only had one glass of wine last night. It was Monday morning and Stella sat there on her bed thinking over yesterday. Herself and Martin tiptoed around each other and ignored each other when in each others presence but were civil when their children were in the room. They hadn't spoken since their fight on Saturday night after the anniversary party. That's why she she felt so groggy and mentally sick this morning. It always happened to her after something didn't go right. She didn't want to fight with her husband, in fact she hated it, she wishes they could be a normal, loving couple but they haven't been one for years. She gently shoved her duvet off and placed her two manicured feet on the wooden floor. She was secretly relieved her husband wouldn't be home. She heard him close the front door in the early hours of the morning. She looked at her bedside clock, it was 6:15am. She walked over to the back of her door where she put on her fluffy, white robe and walked into her bathroom to have a morning shower to refresh herself. What I need is an emotional shower, she thought as she tied her silky brown hair back in a sophisticated bun and started her morning facial routine.

It was 6:45 am when Stella had completely finished her morning routine, including her facial wash, shower, dress, hair and makeup. It only took her half an hour, with years of practice she had gotten it down to a T. She walked into her daughter's room and peeked through the door where clothes were displayed in a mess all over the floor and the room was completely dark due to her light shielding blinds being all the way down. She could only distinguish a horizontal lump on the bed due to the lack of light. She flicked the light switch on and said "Danielle, wake up, you've to get ready for school." in which all she got in returned was a loud, annoyed groan from the lump as it turned to face the other way. Stella rolled her eyes and left the room, purposely with the light on as she knew her daughter's pet peeve was sleeping with the light on - she hated it for some reason and it had to be completely pitch black. She decided to go see her easy child and wake him up, she walked across the hall and opened JJ's door and said "JJ, come on, get up and get ready for school" whilst walking over to him. "Ugh. Alright" he replied, sleepily, as he scrambled slowly out of his bed. He's so easy, she thought as she walked down the stairs to start making breakfast for herself and her kids.


Stella arrived into her office, donut box in hand at around 9:00 am. She plastered a smile on her face, she couldn't let her employees know about her personal issues she was currently going through. "Hello everyone!" she said, trying to sound as cheery as possible, although she couldn't help but think and frown after she said it after how fake it sounded. "Stella, we've had about three calls from people who attended the Hewitt's anniversary party asking whether we could cater for various upcoming events for them," explained Margaret to Stella as she walked to her office. "Great! Send their details onto me and I'll contact them," Stella replied, smiling to her employee. Yay, she thought to herself, more business! Her catering company was quickly becoming one of the biggest in Seattle, they're currently competing with another company who is the bane of Stella's existence as she absolutely hates the people who run it, they're rude and obnoxious and she hopes that they give the people that they are catering for next food poisoning and go out of business and as a result, let her company come out on top as the winner! 

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