Chapter 23: Danielle

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"You don't have to explain to me why you got suspended, because I already heard," announced Mr.Wright as he took a sip of his coffee whilst sitting at his desk opposite Danielle in his office. It was Tuesday morning and Danielle had made her way into school specifically to attend to her weekly meeting with him. "Yeah...about that I know that it was stupid, believe me! You're like the tenth person I've said that to by now," she responded, as she shifted in her seat. She couldn't help but notice how annoyingly uncomfortable his leather seat was. "Look, obviously it was dumb and yes, sorry but I am using that word. Can I tell you what I think?" he added, as he started sharpening multiple pencils after another in his mechanical pencil sharpener. The loud buzz of it irritating Danielle. She looked at him, waiting for him to finish. "I correct me if I'm wrong, that you're getting influenced and dragged into stuff that, otherwise you'd have nothing to do with by your friends, especially Bethany Davidson," he finished, using air quotes when he said the word friends. She made a face at him as if he was crazy. Although deep down she knew he was right. It was their fault. No, it was technically Bethany's fault. She didn't want to spike the punch but she went along with it, otherwise she would be dumped right then and there by them, which she didn't want because she would then fall to the bottom of the social scale once again, fall hard, like an apple falling off a tree and making a hard thump sound when it hit the grass, getting all bruised and gross looking. "They are my friends," she replied to him, crossing her arms. This was a defence mechanism that she seemed to have picked up by her mother. They both always crossed their arms during conflict. It was like it was something genetic that travelled from her mother's DNA into her's. "Yes. But they're not true friends, are they? You told me last week how they're mainly the reason why your grades have slipped and why you're having trouble in your personal life at the moment" he said, staring at her. "Yes, but they're still my friends," she responded, getting a bit annoyed at his patronising tone. "Look Danielle, I don't mean to upset you but it's obvious what is happening at the moment and within the last few months! Since you've became friends with them you've put on an image, an image that makes you seem like you're one of them, as if you're badass and don't give a damn about this or that, but the truth is that is not who you are. I can see that by just talking to you weekly for thirty minutes!" he said. Shut the fuck up, you don't know me! "Okay, no offence Mr.Wright but you don't even know me!" she retorted. "True, and I did say to correct me if I were wrong. Obviously you know your situation better than I do but as I said, I'm a psychologist, and I'm trained to read people," he smirked as he pointed to his framed certificate hanging above his head, like a proud child showing their parent their finger painting that got an A+ from the teacher. "Fine," she began. "I guess, in some way you're maybe a tiny bit correct in what you're saying". He sat back, listening. "I didn't want to spike the punch, but Bethany pulled out the bottle and kind of, not physically or anything but in some sort of emotional way forced, well the rest were on board but nearly me to do it with them. I said I didn't think it would be a good idea, but she told me to stop being such a baby. You don't know what she's like," she sighed as she looked down at her lap. "Well you have a few options here. I know you feel as though you're stuck in a hole that you can't climb out of but that's not true. You can either tell Bethany and the rest of them how you feel and how you wish they wouldn't force or drag you into things that are going to end you up in trouble , go on as you are and continue being miserable and getting into situations which aren't good for you or, tell them you don't want to be their friend anymore," he said to her. She sighed. She still wanted to be their friends, not only because of the popularity it brings them, she's not just full of selfishness, but she does have fun with them when they're all just hanging out. She feels as though she relates to Ava the most...maybe I can talk to Ava about it? She has seen Bethany a few times belittle and walk all over Ava, so maybe Ava deep down feels the same way. "I mean I still want to be friends with them, especially Ava because I feel, even though we're very different we still get on well and she's just a genuinely really nice person. I don't think talking to them about it will work they'll either laugh in my face or dump me right then and there," she responded. "So what if they dump you? You don't need them! You have plenty self worth by yourself, okay?" he reassured to her. "Thanks," she sighed. This seemed to be a bigger problem than she estimated. She felt stuck and unsure on what to do exactly. "I'm going to give you my phone number and if you ever need to talk, just give me a call okay? Whenever. I see how much you're struggling with this," he said, as he took out a sticky note and started jotting down his number to give her. "Thanks and thanks for your help today," she smiled as she took the sticky note off him and put it into her pocket. "Don't worry Danielle, everything will be fine!" he smiled back.

As Danielle was walking through the quiet hallway to leave the school she heard someone yell from behind her "Danielle!". She internally sighed because whoever it was, she wasn't in the mood. She quickly turned around to see who it was and it was Ty running towards her. "Hey!" he smiled as he caught up to her. "Oh, hey," she replied as she walked on with him beside her. This was her first time talking to any of them since the principles office. Sure their group chat was constantly pinging however she never sent in any messages. She needed space and she figured her suspension week would be the perfect time to get it. "You haven't been talking in our chat, you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I've just been busy, trying to catch up on some work I'm behind on that's all," she responded to him as she pushed open the exit door of the building that went out to the parking lot. "Oh, well I don't know if Bethany told you but her parents are going out of town on Friday and she's thinking of having a huge party, I'm talking kegs kegs and more kegs, you down?" he asked. "Of course she is!" she replied, rolling her eyes as subtly as possible. "What do you mean?" he questioned, confused as they continued walking. "We just got in a shit tone of trouble for something that was illegal, does she really think throwing a party right now is the best thing to be doing?" she retorted to him. "I's Bethany, does she ever think things through?" he said, with a small laugh. "Don't worry about it Dani, it's fine, once we get back to school on Monday everything will be okay," he finished. "Yeah, I guess," she replied to him, "anyway Ty, I gotta go home, I'll see you sometime," she said as she parted ways with him the school car park. 

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