"If I were a guy, you'd be familiar with the ER,"

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I was used to the teasing and the shoving around, the "Are you gay?" questions. I chose my extracurricular activities, I enjoyed them, and I wasn't taking crap from anyone. What I was not used to was getting physically assaulted by a Neanderthal. "Hey," someone shoved my shoulder, "I saw you checking out my friend the other day. I thought you weren't gay,"
"I'm not," I replied calmly.
"I don't know if I feel safe with you watching me," the Neanderthal towered over me.
"I'm sorry you have those insecurities. I'm sure someone would gladly work through that with you,"
"You little bitch," he growled. I suddenly regretted everything. I forgot that the guy had two braincells (that number has since diminished).

I knew Abel (or as I liked to call him: Ape) and it was not looking good for the poor dude that was looking at him defiantly. I stepped in and shoved Ape back, "Back off," Diplomacy be damned, I'd waited way too long to punch him in the face.
"Who the fuck are you?" he growled.
"I'm the person who's not taking any of your crap. It's too early in the week for this much brainless activity," I snarled back, "Why do you feel the need of shoving him?"
"He's gay, and he was ogling my friend,"
"Well, let's see," I turned to the first girl I saw, "How many times has this dude given you inappropriate looks?"
"Daily," she looked at the ground, "for the past year," My heart broke for her a little and my resolve to hurt the moron standing in front of me grew.
"Thanks, I'll take care of that," I smiled at her before turning back to Ape, "Now, let's do something. You think this guy was ogling your friend once. You've been ogling this poor girl for the past three hundred sixty-five days. What about this? I take one punch from you for the one time he checked out your friend, and then I beat the shit out of you for every girl you've made feel uncomfortable,"
"If you were a guy, I'd already have beat you up," he scoffed.
"If I were a guy," I shoved him back forcefully, "You'd be familiar with the ER,"
"Look sunshine, I'll let this slide because you're a girl," he laughed.

I didn't need to know her well to know that he'd just asked for her to prove her point. Before anyone could react, she'd punched his jaw and her knee had made contact with his rib cage. He held his face in pain. I watched her alarmed. "Go on to the office, I'll wait," she smiled and sat on the ground next to the locker where I was standing. Her smile grew, "Tell them a girl punched you," The Neanderthal cursed her out and then walked away with his pack. I didn't know if I should hug her, scold her, cling to her, kiss her feet and worship the badass goddess sitting next to me... We kept silent until everyone that had been watching dispersed. I just looked down at her occasionally. She stayed on the floor, but she eventually looked up at me, "You ok?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "Thanks,"
"No problem," she grinned, "The name's Val, by the way,"
"Well Giles, try not to get beat up," she stood up and sauntered back to her bag and away from where I was. I didn't get to reply or anything. She just left. After two seconds of looking around the halls for her, I gave up and figured she was lost forever.
When lunch finished, I made my way to class and sat next to my friend York. She raised an eyebrow, "What happened to you?"
"Got shoved around by a moron," I shrugged, "Nothing serious,"
"Tell me who, I'll be them up so bad they won't be able to move the next day," she promised.
I laughed, "No need, someone already punched him," York wasn't the kind of person that would actually beat someone up. She'd talk badly about someone behind their back and snap at them once in a while, but she wasn't confrontational.
"Who?" she frowned.
"A girl named... Val?" I shrugged.
York's frown deepened, "What's she look like?"
"Um..." I tried to recall her features, "Tall, athletic, hourglass figure,"
"Thanks Sherlock, you just described about fifty girls in this dump," she rolled her eyes.
"Platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, dark eyebrows..?" I listed off as many things as I could remember from looking at her sitting on the floor.
"Do you mean Valkyrie Queen?"
"I guess," I shrugged again, "She just said Val, and I don't think I have any classes with her,"
"Do you take any AP courses?"
"Yeah, two,"
"She's in those classes,"
"How do you know this?"
"All her classes are AP level," York explained, "She's crazy smart, she plays like five different sports, she does kickboxing, her mom's a university professor, and her dad's a retired Marine,"
"You guys are friends?" I asked, very surprised.
"Hell no," York scoffed, "She seems great, but she's a pain. She's rebellious, and reckless, and spoiled, and she's trouble,"
"You have very strong opinions about someone that you don't know," I commented.
"Oh, I know enough," she glared, "I saw her at the mall with Marie's ex boyfriend. He had his arm around her and kissed her forehead,"
"Did it occur to you that she didn't know they were dating and got played too?"
"He's come to pick her up from school before," York scoffed.
"I have no reply to that," I nodded, "She did still punch a dude for me,"
"And she probably did it so you'd fuck her in a closet later today," York frowned.
"I doubt it," I laughed, "I wasn't getting any sex appeal vibes from her,"
"I'm telling you she's bad news," York huffed, "Just please stay away from her?"

I sat in the office, waiting to have the principal talk to me. "Come on in Ms. Queen," our principal called out from his office.
I walked in confidently and grinned at him, "Good morning Mr. Brewster, your mustache looks fantastic today,"
"Thank you Valkyrie," he sighed, "Why did you punch Abel Davidson... again?"
"Did he omit the part where he was shoving another student around, shaming said student for the sexuality he doesn't even identify as, and being straight up sexist?" I asked as I unrolled and rolled up the sleeves of my flannel, "Also, that he's been continuously sexually harassing girls at the school,"
"He did," the principal massaged his temple, "I don't know why I bother calling you in anymore,"
"Because I put things into perspective, and I'm great at wasting time," I supplied, "But you know? I'm sure Ms. Navas would gladly waste time with you. She got a new perfume, and she cut her hair," Ms. Navas was our school doctor and possibly one of the softest and most loving people on the face of the earth.
"Valkyrie!" Mr. Brewster hissed.
I got up and left the office quickly, "See ya Mr. Brewster!"
Just as I was walking out, Ms. Navas was at the door. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you had a student," she smiled coyly.
"Don't worry Ms. Navas, I was just leaving," I grinned, "That's a lovely shirt by the way. It really makes your eyes pop,"
"Why, thank you," she smiled. I left the room and heard Mr. Brewster commenting on her new haircut. I was amazing.
I walked into the AP US History class and took my seat. I was early, but the teacher knew I'd been in the office (thanks to my skills with befriending the secretaries). "Ms. Queen," my teacher skimmed through the textbook, "Would you be willing to help a student with studying for the test next week?"
"I'd be willing, but I don't know if the student would like that," I confessed.
"Why would that be?"
"I've been told I don't have the best reputation among students," I shrugged, "Can't imagine why,"
"I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fondness of band shirts and denim jackets,"
"Of course not," I looked at him indignantly, "It has to do with a girl seeing me with my brother and thinking I was trying to steal him away from his then girlfriend,"
"You have a brother?" my teacher raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, a twin brother," I informed him. He looked like he wanted more information, so I continued, "Our mother refused to have us in the same school. She saw we caused trouble the first day of kindergarten and since then has kept us at separate schools,"
My teacher laughed, "Is he like you?"
"Sarcastic, condescending, aggressive, and struggles with authority?" I shot my teacher a devilish smile, "Mr. Borkette, I'm surprised you thought he isn't,"
"One can hope," he smiled, "Should I tell my student to find another tutor?"
"Nah," I shrugged, "I'll do it,"
"Good," he smiled, "It'll be good for both of you,"

Unstoppable, Immovable जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें