"There was a shooting,"

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    Monday morning rolled around and it sucked. York had not made any contact with any of us the entire weekend. She'd been invited to Val's house, but didn't reply to the message. I was kind of worried for her, but she was doing it to herself. I opened my locker at found a single yellow rose taped on the inside of my locker door with a sticky note beneath it: Sorry I couldn't make it... I'm sure you were great -VQ. I couldn't help the smile that made it to my face. Even when she wasn't being flirty she made my day. I was so smitten with her, that a simple gesture from her made me happy.
    "Hi," a small voice said beside me. I looked and saw York. She looked dead.
"Hey," I frowned, "What happened?"
"I can't do this anymore," she started tearing up, "I can't watch someone take away all my friends and pretend she's been there for them in the highs and the lows,"
"York, what are you talking about?" I took a step towards her.
"I'm talking about Valkyrie," she let out a ragged breath as she let tears go, "I miss you guys so much. I can't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm alone every day because she's taken over every aspect of you guys,"
"She didn't take over," I shook my head and tried to not raise my voice, "All she does is be a friend and support us. She helped Adam meet his man crush and make a new best friend. She's motivated Julia to get the Kardashian body she so badly wants and she helps her get it. She lets Frida use her as a doll and try all sorts of styles on her,"
"Yes, but how long will that last?!" she sobbed, "I've been here for years!"
"And not once did you try to help us better ourselves," I let my shoulders sag, "In years of friendship you never even tried to go to a performance. I've known her for maybe a month and she tried to get tickets even if it was near impossible,"
"But you don't know her!" York huffed. I was afraid she'd make a scene or throw a tantrum right there in the school hallway.
    "What happened?" it was Adam, he was frowning at York, "Why are you crying?"
"You don't know Valkyrie. She's bad news and she's awful," York sobbed. I had no idea what to do. She was wrong, but I didn't want to upset her more.
Adam put a hand on her back, "Let's talk, ok?"
"No!" she stamped her foot. There's the tantrum. "Say it here,"
"Fine," Adam huffed, "Val has been nothing but a good friend. The only thing that's sucked about her is how much shit she's had to take from you. Every time she apologizes for supposedly ruining something is because you did something before,"
"What do you mean?" York cried, she was drying away tears with her jacket sleeves.
"Let's start with you telling a girl that Val was sleeping with her boyfriend," he deadpanned.
I turned to York, "Was that you?"
She kept crying and sniffing, "Yes! But only because she has been sleeping with him,"
"She hasn't," Adam rolled his eyes, "And when the girl you lied to talked to Val afterwards, she was completely chill about the whole thing,"
"York, what the heck?" I snapped.
York hiccuped a little, "Every time she shows up," she sniffled, "things go wrong for me. I just want people to see that she sucks, because she does,"
I sighed, "York, you're making no sense,"
Adam rolled his eyes, "Does she ever?"
"Just make new friends, come hang out with us when she's not around, I don't know," I huffed.
"You still don't get it?" she looked at me sadly, "I like you Giles, I like you a lot. I can't just make new friends. You make my days better and you make me smile more. I miss you when I'm away from you,"
"Oh cut the bullshit," Adam laughed dryly.
"York," I looked around desperately for a way to avoid it, but nothing, "I don't-"
"I already know," she took in one long breath, "We'll see if she's willing to cheat on her new boy toy instead of—"
"Why do you hate her so much?! What did she do to you?" I finally snapped.
"I just know that she's bad news!" she sobbed.
"Stop pretending you've missed us. You don't, you just need people to hide behind. Until you're ready to act your age, please stay away," I closed my locker and walked away. Adam was right behind me.
    He put a hand on my shoulder and looked me over, "You ok man?" I nodded. I needed to clear my head, so I headed to the one place my foggy brain could think of.
When I was about to walk into the school's pool, I was stopped by a commanding voice, "They're having practice right now," My head swiveled to look at who'd spoken. Val smirked at me, "Humans go to what they know, and you've only skipped class once. You were about to go to where you knew. The theater is empty if you're still feeling down," Adam looked impressed.
"I think you just shook me out of it," I admitted. She shrugged. I walked over to her, "How'd you know I wanted to hide?"
"Well, York can be very loud," Val looked at the ground and pursed her lips, "I'm sorry I caused you two to argue,"
"Don't be sorry," I smiled, "it was going to happen eventually and I would much rather it happen now,"
"I'll be off to class then," Val smiled. There was something off.
    Adam put a hand on my shoulder, "There's always Tinder. Not ideal, but it could work,"
I chuckled and turned to look at my friend, "You give it a try first,"
He shrugged, "I'm in a committed relationship with Val's brother, it wouldn't be right,"
"How serious are you?"
"He's picked me up from school every day since the fight," he confessed.
"If I didn't know you like girls, I'd think you two are dating," I joked.
Adam smiled, "I'm very much into girls, and had you not said anything I would've definitely gone for the other twin,"
"You liked her?"
"For a little while," my friend admitted, "I thought she was really cool and really hot. But then we became friends and I can't think of her in any other way,"
"And there's Sammy," I added.
"Dang," Adam sighed, "that guy... he's so cool. I'm sorry man, but Sammy's the shit,"
"He's pretty cool," I nodded, "and he's good to her,"
"Yeah, she looks happy,"

    After school, Julia came up to me and asked if we could take an off day. She had dance practice in the early afternoon and she had too much school work. I was all for that. Adam and I waited by the gate for my brother. I snuck Adam a smirk, "I can't believe Eurus is actually picking you up and taking you home,"
"Me neither, but he got super offended the first day when he saw I came driving," Adam chuckled. My hands were buried in my pockets and my hood was up. I felt a sharp pain in my side and winced a little, dismissing it quickly as a cramp or a sore muscle making itself known. It was getting colder every day. There were few things better than watching a frigid landscape from the warmth of my home and the comfort of my pajamas. After a few moments of silence, my phone started buzzing.

Incoming Call: Babe

    I picked up, "Well, hello there,"
"Val? Are you still at school?" Sammy sounded worried.
"Yeah, why?" I felt something in the pit of my stomach. The pain hadn't been mine, I just knew it.
"There was a shooting," his voice shook a little, "Eurus was getting some freshmen back into a class and he got shot," My knees gave way and I leaned on the wall. Adam went to steady me.
"Where is he?" my voice cracked, "Is he ok?"
"He's in the hospital. They've called your mom. I'm on my way to pick you up," Sammy told me, "Is someone with you?"
"Yeah, Adam's here," my voice was void of everything.
"I'm a few minutes away. Babe, please stay with Adam,"
"Ok, I will," I hung up and fell to the floor. Adam was asking me what happened, if I was ok, but everything went over my head. I couldn't register anything. All I could register was the dull ache in my side.
    Sammy arrived and took us to the hospital. Adam refused to be left at his house and went with us. When we got there, the receptionist was being difficult and telling Adam that she couldn't give information to non-family members. I slammed my hand on the desk and looked at her with tears streaming down my cheeks, "He was shot at! I don't care about protocol, I want to know if I still have a brother," She quickly directed us to the operating room where he was. My mother was there with Harry. She clung to me and I was forced to be strong for her. When she let go, she held my face gently. "He- he's going to be ok," I assured her, "He's Eurus," Harry walked over to us and spoke to my mother gingerly. They walked away and he managed to have her sit in the waiting room while he cleaned her face of tears.

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