"I'm guessing you didn't pay attention at all, because that's just you,"

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I walked into class half expecting to see Val moodily leaning against a wall. Instead, I saw her sitting cross legged on the teacher's desk just talking to him. I took a few more steps and saw her smile, "Hey kid, not getting into any fights?"
"No," I smiled sheepishly.
"Was the fight this morning yours?" Mr. Borkette frowned at me.
"Not at all," I explained quickly, "I was getting shoved around by another guy and Val stepped in,"
"That's when things got fun," she scoffed, "Ape Davidson was getting too cocky,"
"Valkyrie..." Mr. Borkette warned, still obviously amused. She shrugged and got off the desk.
Just as she got to her seat and leaned against the wall, people started filing in. I took the seat diagonal to hers, but since she was sitting sideways, she was facing me. Immediately, people started whispering and gossiping. I guess it didn't look good that I was here practically alone with someone that everyone seemed to think poorly of. "We are trying a new seating chart," Mr. Borkette informed the class. He hadn't mentioned anything previously, "Frank, Giles is your reference point, sit behind him. No, Angelina, you're one over, thank you," he directed people around until everyone had a seat. "We'll see how this goes, but it might get shuffled around a little," he smiled, "Now, who can tell me what the major problems were with the industrial revolution in our country?" Class started and we were reviewing for the test we had. I knew nothing for it. When the period ended, Mr. Borkette approached my seat, "Giles, I noticed you aren't really confident in your knowledge for the test,"
"It's just a broader subject," I tried to explain, "I'll study a bit more,"
"Actually, I'd like you to study with Valkyrie. She knows the subject very well, and she's a good tutor,"
"Thank you sir," I smiled tightly, "I'll get ahold of her during study hall,"
I left the room and headed into our free period. I bought a snack, changed my books out, and started walking towards the library. I had no real intentions of finding Valkyrie. York would've killed me. I sat at one of the tables and tried to study for my history exam. Not five minutes after I sat down, someone pulled a chair across from me and sat down, "I can't help you from across the library," I pursed my lips and looked up at Valkyrie.
"You don't have to, really," I tried to talk her out of it, "You've helped me enough this morning and I'm starting to feel like a bother,"
"That's not it," she scoffed and ran her fingers through her hair, "You just don't want to be seen sitting with the girl who's fucking with your friend's ex boyfriend,"
"I didn't—"
"I'll save you the trouble," distaste dripped from her voice, "I never got in the middle of that relationship. That guy's name is Eurus Queen, he's my brother. Your friend was just stalking him and saw us when I was on the way to go meet her," I didn't say anything, I couldn't. She'd basically read my mind and completely dismantled all taboo around her. She shook her head and picked up her bag, "Good luck on your test," she huffed and left the library.

I finished taking the test and just sat at my desk. Mr. Borkette walked up to my desk, his crutch at his side like always, "Wanna talk about it?"
"I'm just done with people thinking they know everything about me," I growled.
"Keep going,"
"They're shallow. They think that they can read a few Tumblr posts about body language and suddenly they know everything. They see me slouching against a wall and they immediately assume that I'm reserved and that I'm hiding something," I rolled my eyes, "when the reality is simply that I can see everything when I'm against the wall so I sit there,"
"And there's the deal with your brother,"
"Exactly!" I got out of my seat and started pacing, "They assumed the worst of me, but my brother was unaffected by the incident,"
"And I'm guessing Giles triggered all of this," Mr. Borkette smiled sadly, "I'll write you a pass. Go to the nurse's office and take a mental break,"
"Thank you," I mumbled.
"And Val, don't pay attention to them... they don't know you," he assured me.
I went to the nurse's office and lay on the bed for the rest of that period and a little bit of the next one as well. I got to class and took my usual seat. Next to it was an anomaly. I raised an eyebrow at the intruder before sitting down. The lecture continued, and the person next to me took fervent notes. I was starting to get bored. My attention was caught once again by the teacher switching from her usual monotone. "The person next to you will be your partner, please answer the questions written on the board," I groaned internally. Of all people, why York Cameron?
"I'm guessing you didn't pay attention at all," York started talking, "because that's just you,"
"No," I cut her off, "I just don't fancy listening to stuff I already know,"
"Oh, then please tell me... Why can't the international community interfere in national politics unless it's considered an overt violation of human rights?"
"Easy," I smiled, "The international community would be making a political statement against a recognized, sovereign nation, and that's a no-no... plus it very often doesn't affect their economy and this world loves money,"
"Whatever," she mumbled.
"You're welcome," I gave her my most patronizing smile.

I stretched on the floor while my thoughts tried to catch up to everything that had happened. Valkyrie said she wasn't the bitch everyone thought she was, and she really didn't have any reason to lie to me. It carried on into my dancing. My form was perfect and my movements immaculate, but my mind was elsewhere. It was following a blonde as she went through the rest of her day, trying (and failing) to figure her out.

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