"Every day I try to prove it and act it, but I don't tell you,"

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    They left and I collapsed on Sammy. I let myself cry and be vulnerable. Adam paced the corridor and questioned every nurse or doctor that passed us. Eventually, a doctor came through the door and looked at us surprised, "Family?"
"Part of it," Adam explained without hesitating, "The parents are in the waiting room,"
"How is he?" I begged.
The doctor smiled gently, "Recovering. The shooter missed major organs, it was through flesh mostly. He's a fighter,"
"When can we see him?" Sammy asked, clearly relieved that his best friend was ok.
"In a few hours," the doctor told us, "I have to go tell your parents, excuse me," He left and it felt like I could breathe again. The dull ache was still there, but I knew it was just because of surgery. It was with the relief that the bitterness settled in. How had it been that someone to just walk into a school and start shooting? Why was that a possibility? Anger surged through every cell of my body until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Let's go see your parents?" it was Sammy, smiling at me.
"Yeah, let's," I smiled back. Adam fell into step with us. "Adam, thank you so much, I can't even tell you how—"
He cut me off, "Val, you're my friend. Eurus is my friend. I'm here for you guys,"
"Thank you," I murmured.
    When we got to the waiting room, my mom was crying in delight. The doctor was long gone. Harry, bless him, was the strong one and insisted my mother and I go home to freshen up. I volunteered immediately to spend the night with my brother. Harry agreed. He'd stay and keep us updated if Eurus woke up or if he was let in to see him. Sammy took us home and we dropped Adam off at his house. After a really lengthy thank you from my mom, he went in and got some well earned rest. Harry had already called my school and explained that Adam and I wouldn't be at school the next day given my brother had almost died. When presented with resistance, he told them that the same government that funded them refused to control the gun that had almost killed his son. There was no further argument.
    Sammy parked outside my house and went to open the door for my mom. "Aunt Gigi, would you like me to wait for you guys and drive you back to the hospital?" he asked her.
"No, Sammy, you've already done so much," she smiled, "and I'm so thankful for all your help. Today was terrifying for our family,"
"Your son is my best friend, I'm trying to gather the courage to ask your daughter out, and since I was a kid you've been a second mom to me," he smiled, "I would spend the night at the hospital if you needed me to. Besides, you're both still shaken and I don't want you to drive like that,"
"Thank you Sammy," my mom's eyes watered a little. She walked inside first. I went behind Sammy and just buried my face in his back, my arms wrapped around his torso. I could feel his breathing and his warmth. I liked it. I wanted to hide and stay like that forever.
"What's wrong Val?" he led me to the house while I was still clinging to him.
"I realized just now that you're fucking amazing and I'm really lucky that you like me," I muttered into his back. It was unintelligent to anyone listening, but it was hard for me to admit.
"I'm going to pretend I understood that," he chuckled, "Val, everything's ok now, Eurus is fine," When we made it to the doorstep, I stopped him and stood on it to be eye level with him.
"I said," I held his face and looked straight at those green eyes I knew and trusted, "That you're amazing, and that I'm really lucky,"
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he blurt out.
"Do you want to be—"
"I heard you," I rested my hands on his shoulders a tiny laugh escaped me. I was so tired, I couldn't even think apparently, "but your timing is terrible. My brother's in the hospital and you're asking me out,"
"I was going to ask you out today anyway. The idea was sort of ruined, but I'm not going to back down," he told me, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"What do you think?" I smiled and leaned in to kiss him.
"Yes?" he grinned hopefully. I nodded and kissed Sammy. I would've stayed there for hours gladly, but the pain in my side reminded me that there were other things outside of our little bubble.
    I broke the kiss and we went inside. While I showered, Sammy packed my overnight bag with clothes, my charger, a hoodie, etc. I came out of the bathroom and he was still in my room. After his slight surprise, he smirked at me, "If my best friend weren't in the hospital, you'd spend the night with me instead,"
"Maybe next time Norris," I scoffed and kicked him out of my room.
"I'll keep trying," he promised amidst laughter while I was pushing him out. I changed into what he'd gotten for me, leggings, his (my) UFC hoodie, and converse. I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. My mom and Sammy were there. He passed me a travel mug with what I guessed was coffee and my mom gave me two pop-tarts.
    Sammy drove us to the hospital again and walked with us to where the receptionist, who happened to be the one I'd yelled at, said my brother was staying. Mom and Harry talked while Sammy and waited on a couch. "Are you going home now?" I asked him. He trained early in the morning, and he needed to rest, but I didn't want him to go.
"I'll wait to talk to Eurus," he yawned and put his head on top of mine. I leaned on his shoulder and, for the first time that afternoon, checked my phone.  I read through texts from all our friends.

Paige: I heard about Eurus? Is everything ok?
Paige: you're probably going crazy right now... I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you
Paige: Adam texted, I'm glad everything is ok. Love you girl

Julia: I heard about your brother, where are you?
Julia: how is he?
Julia: how are you?
Julia: please call me or text me if you need anything

Frida: baby girl
Frida: I heard about Eurus
Frida: I don't want you to stay home alone, spend the night here
Frida: we'll go to see him in the morning
Frida: Adam texted saying you're staying with Eurus, call or text if you need anything
Frida: love you babes

Giles: I hope everything is ok, and I'm sorry I can't be more help

"You can go in now," a nurse informed us. Sammy and I shot up and followed my parents. Eurus was laying peacefully in bed.
"Well, hello family," he croaked. I wanted to slap him. He smiled, "I don't really have anything to say— Sammy! You're here?"
"I couldn't miss my first nephew," he joked.
Eurus frowned, "Sammy, it was a girl. It's your niece,"
"My mistake," Sammy smiled.
Mom sat down next to Eurus, "How do you feel kiddo?"
"I feel great," he smiled, "I could take on the power couple over there— oops, they're not a couple yet," My brother giggled.
"He's on strong painkillers," the nurse explained, "so he's not making much sense,"
"Oh, he never does anyway," I grinned. I was too happy to see him to be harsh with anyone.
    The doctor walked in, "Ah, the family, aren't we missing one brother?"
"A brother?" Harry looked at me for an explanation.
"My fiancé," Eurus tried to sit up, "He hasn't come to see me?"
"Your fiance was here but he had to go home," Sammy told him.
"The guy that was here isn't our brother. He was just talking for me since I was panicking," I told the doctor.
He nodded as if it made sense and kept talking, "Well, Eurus will be fine. He'll be here for a few days so that we can keep him on some stronger painkillers, but he should be out of here by Friday,"
"Thank you doctor," Harry nodded. He left with the nurse. Harry and Mom talked to Eurus while Sammy and I just made sure it was real and that he was actually ok. A soft knock on the door caught my attention. I walked over and opened it.
"Hello," a petite woman looked at me with big, soulful eyes, "Is this the boy that got hurt at the school?"
"Who's looking for him?" I frowned.
    The lady wiped her eyes with a trembling hand, "My daughter was one of the girls that he got into a classroom. I wanted to thank him,"
"Oh," I opened the door further, "He's a little delirious, so he might make some stupid comments. Come in," The small lady followed me inside and waited patiently while I explained who she was. She approached Eurus, "Thank you for saving my daughter," she was tearing up, "I can't imagine what would've happened had you not been there. My baby, she'd be—"
"But she's not," Eurus smiled, "Does she have red hair like you?" The lady nodded. He smiled, "She's smart, she patched me up with a scarf until the police got there," There was more crying, and I think I checked out at some point. I only remember Sammy stroking my knuckles with his thumb while I thought about what I would've done, how I would've reacted, who I would've protected, and why it had been permitted that a seventeen year old had to wonder about such things.
    After everyone left, Eurus and I were left to finally talk. It had been a really long day and we both just wanted to sleep, but sleep was avoiding us that night. "Val?" Eurus mumbled.
"I was scared," he sniffed, "I didn't know what was going to happen. It was blurry, there were people everywhere... I was so scared,"
"You scared us too," I stared at the ceiling, "I thought I was going to lose you,"
"I realized that I don't tell you that I love you," he blurt out, "I do. Every day I try to prove it and act it, but I don't tell you,"
"I know you love me," I smiled, "Why else would you put up with me?"
"Val, I'm serious," his voice hardened, "I thought I wasn't going to see you again and I realized that I never tell you that I love you, or Mom either,"
"I love you Eurus," I whispered breathily.
His voice sounded like he was about to fall asleep, "I love you too Val,"

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