"Goddammit Giles, don't do that to me!"

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I sat on the bleachers and stared at the opposite wall defiantly. I hated that I had no control over what people thought. It was stupid. If I did, then the world would work a little better (who was I kidding the world would be fucking amazing). I tried blinking back tears, but it proved useless. I let them slip out and onto my lap. When I heard footsteps it was like the tears got sucked back into my eyes and my face hardened. "Valkyrie?" I knew that voice. It was the fluffy kid that started this whole mess (Greg? Gary? Gavin? Gilan? Giles? Giles!). He needed defending and I stepped in.
Trying to be nice wasn't really working out for me. I'd stick to being heartless next time. Yeah... heartless was good, heartless worked.
He approached and finally saw me in the dim lighting of the pool, "Hi,"
"Hey kid," I leaned forward, "What's up?"
"I'm sorry for my friends," he muttered.
I raised one eyebrow, "You didn't tell them to do it,"
"I didn't stop them either,"
"Why should you?" I laughed a little.
Giles got to the first step and leaned against the railing, "Because no one should have that level of prejudice against them," I didn't say anything, so he continued, "Are you purposely being difficult?" he huffed his hair out of the way.
"No, I just choose not to filter," I snorted and leaned back again, "You're in for some nasty surprises in life if you're that idealistic all the time. Have you gone through every person in school and had a conversation with them to figure them out and treat them accordingly? I doubt it. Prejudice is about all we have. First impressions are prejudice. Observations can be prejudice. The only thing that's not fair is that no one will say to my face all the shit they talk behind my back,"
"You know?" he frowned.
"Of course I know," I looked down at my fingers and played with my rings. "I'd have to be stupid or blind to not know. We both know I'm not stupid, and my eyesight is better than 20/20," Giles laughed a little. It was such a nice laugh. Deep. Lively. Unadulterated. I liked his laugh.
His face fell for a second and his eyes settled on my hands, "I'm sorry,"
"What are you apologizing for this time?" I frowned.
"Well, I can't control other people, but I'm sorry for judging you. You never did anything that should've made me question you," Giles suddenly held my hand. I was going to pull away, but he started playing with my rings, "Why do I feel like all your rings have a story behind them?"
"Have you figured me out then?" I joked.
He smiled, "No, but I plan on it,"
"Good luck," I scoffed. He made me scoff a lot, but he was also amusing. I'd have to see if he was worth keeping.
"I have a plan," he winked, "But about your rings..?"
"Yeah, they all represent something. This one was from my mom," I flexed my pinkie, showing off a simple, silver band, "This knuckle ring my brother actually made for me," I flexed my middle finger, and he looked more closely at the way the aged, silver wire was braided around the tiny semi-precious stone, "and then my mom's fiancé, Harry, got me this one," I motioned to the last one, a silver ring with delicate sapphires all along it, resting on my middle finger.
"Your mom's boyfriend got you a ring?" Giles asked me, seemingly surprised by the fact.
"Yeah," I looked down and played with it, "He got it for me when I was thirteen. He said that because my dad couldn't realize he was leaving behind two wonderful women, didn't mean that he'd get scared off by two strong, independent ladies," I couldn't help but smile sadly at the memory of my soon-to-be-step-father. He was a great guy, and it wasn't fair to him that the woman he loved had two fiends as children.

She was human. She had insecurities and she had a past outside of her reputation at school. I grabbed her hand to guide her elsewhere, but nearly threw her into a cardiac arrest instead. She tensed up and pulled her hand out of my grasp. Valkyrie grabbed my wrist and twisted it back, "Goddammit Giles, don't do that to me!" she let me go and checked me for injuries, clearly panicked, "I didn't hurt you, did I? Sorry, I acted solely on reflex,"
"No, I'm sorry, I forget you're trained to kill," I joked.
She rolled her eyes, "You don't attack to kill unless needed, you attack to injure. An injured opponent is more work for its allies and gives you an advantage,"
I just watched her, both terrified and a little attracted to her strength. She cracked a grin, "I'm kidding... sort of,"
"Well, before you keep scaring me, I want to show you something," I offered my hand this time, but she just stood up and brushed off her pants.
"If you take off your clothes, I'll murder you," she informed me.
I blushed and looked down, "I didn't mean it like that,"
"Then by all means, lead the way," she bowed dramatically. I rolled my eyes at her.
We walked through the now deserted halls. Our conversation had gone on for far longer than it had seemed. I led her through the halls until we almost ran into a patrolling teacher. She pulled me into a janitor's closet and we waited for the teacher to pass. "Where are we going?" Valkyrie asked.
I shook my head, "It's a surprise,"
"Well, unless your surprise is worth getting a detention, I suggest you spoil it," she grinned, "I promise to act surprised,"
"The theater," I replied.
She chuckled to herself, "You're a little bit cliché, aren't you? Ok, follow me,"
Instead of going towards the theater, she went towards the lockers and opened what I guessed was her locker. From a notebook, she got a yellow slip of paper. "You have passes?" I asked.
"I don't think you understand," sheltered as she filled it in, "These are signed passes,"
"Don't question it, and if we find a teacher, just go along with whatever I say," she gave me a cheeky wink. We kept on our quest to the theater. A teacher stopped us, and Val explained we had to make up a test that we'd missed due to the incident with Abel Davidson. The pass was inspected and we carried on unquestioned.
We walked through the halls and I began to see how fascinating she was. Every movement was confident and meaningful. She didn't second guess herself. Her platinum blond hair was in one thick Dutch braid down her back and the tip of it moved while she walked. That's what I focused on while we walked the halls. She didn't talk, and I didn't want to start rambling. "We're here," she suddenly stopped at the door, "Should I act surprised now or do you want to be cheesy and have me cover my eyes until we're inside?"
"Let's be extra cheesy and I'll cover your eyes while I guide you inside," I joked.
"That seems like a safety hazard," she frowned, "but I guess we can try," I stood behind her and covered her eyes gently.
"Do you trust me?" I whispered in her ear jokingly.
She shrugged, "Oddly enough, I do," The comment caught me off guard, but she ruined the moment, "Not to say that if you drop me or make me fall I will hesitate to injure you severely,"
"The saddest part is that I think you could do it," I sighed.
Ever so slowly, we made it to the stage. I hated that she smelled great and that I knew she could feel my heartbeat against her back. She fit perfectly in my chest and she was tall enough that I didn't have to bend down to cover her eyes, but small enough that I felt like I could protect her.

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