"Not great, but I can say I got shot once,"

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    I got to school and there was a definite heaviness around us. Everyone knew that there had been another shooting. Some people knew the shooter and were shaken by it. Some people had lost friends and family. Some people weren't at school. I made my way to my friends. Adam wasn't there. Julia and Frida were talking, Paige was just staring at the tile beneath us. "Hi," I breathed.
Frida looked up and hugged me briefly, "Hi boo, how are you?"
"I'm ok, a little shaken I guess, What about you guys?"
"We're ok," Frida smiled, "Paige and I went to see Eurus this morning,"
"How's he doing?"
"Alive," Paige muttered, her eyes not moving from the tile, "and that's more than some people,"
Frida frowned, "Babes, don't do that to yourself, there's no way you could've known,"
"All the red flags were there," Paige was blinking back tears, "I just didn't want to think that he'd do it," Julia hugged her and soothed her. I didn't need an explanation.
    After a few minutes of silence, Paige looked up at us, "It's Val and Eurus' birthday tomorrow," I nodded. I'd met Eurus once, but I could tell he was a great guy. "She's home again tonight, I think," Paige continued, "We could surprise her there,"
"I think she'd like it," Julia smiled, "and I'm pretty sure she needs it,"
Frida nodded, "Adam texted this morning suggesting that too,"
"Where is Adam?" I cut in.
"He's at home," Julia explained, "He was with Val when she heard about Eurus and insisted on going to the hospital with her,"
"He stayed there until Eurus came out of surgery, he was exhausted," Paige added. I felt like such a bad friend.
"Val was so tired," Frida smiled, "When we got there, she was on the bed with Eurus and they were both passed out,"
"Did she go home?" I asked.
Julia nodded, "Yeah, her mom was taking the shift at the hospital," We were interrupted by the bell. We each went off to our classes. I felt a heaviness in my step. It wasn't guilt, but it was close to it. I regretted that I couldn't have been more help.

    At some point during the morning, Mom got to the hospital. "Hey kiddos, how did you sleep?," she asked us.
"Well, sleeping beauty over there passed out like a rock," I joked.
Eurus gave me an indignant huff, "I think I earned the right to sleep like a baby,"
"That's just the painkillers love," my mom patted his head. She'd brought me coffee and a muffin, so I waited for Eurus' breakfast to get there to eat together. My phone started buzzing.

Incoming Call: Babe

"Dude, last time you called me it was to take me to the hospital," I said as soon as I picked up.
"Baby," he sighed, "You can't be a little more romantic?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, calling you dude is super romantic," I scoffed. I vaguely heard my brother tell me that it really wasn't that romantic, so I shot him a dirty look.
Sammy laughed, "Ok, if you say so. Grab your stuff. I'm halfway up the stairs to Eurus' room and then I'm taking you home. You need rest,"
"I'm fine," I assured him, "I'm well rested,"
"No you're not, Frida and Paige already told on you," he laughed.
I rolled my eyes, "I got a decent amount of sleep,"
"Sure," he said. I both loved and hated that he just let me do my thing. Wow, ok... love? The door of the room opened and Sammy walked in with his phone to his ear, "You look cute when you have bed hair," I dropped my mobile and immediately tried to tame my hair. He winked at me and went to say hi to my mom. He put a hand on Eurus' head, "How you holding up?"
"Not great, but I can say I got shot once, that has to get me some points with colleges," Eurus shrugged as best he could.
"It might," Sammy smiled, "Have your friends come to see you?"
"I have three friends," Eurus offered his best friend a sad smile, "You're one of them, the other was here yesterday, and I haven't heard from Liam,"
    I'd completely forgotten about Liam. If he hadn't come to see Eurus it meant that he was either hurt, being questioned about the shooter, or he hadn't been as lucky. I excused myself from the room and went straight to the reception desk. All victims from the shooting had been taken to the hospital where we were. "Ma'am," I approached an older nurse, "I'm looking for a friend that I haven't heard of since the shooting. I got scared when his mom didn't answer, so I came straight here,"
Her smile was gentle, "What's his name baby girl?"
"Liam Hawkes," I supplied. She looked through her records for a second and frowned.
"Liam James Hawkes?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am,"
"No patients under that name. He's probably in shock still or he knew the shooter and he's with the police," she smiled, "Don't you worry sweetie,"
"Thank you so much," I smiled. I could be polite and sweet when I wanted to, that was progress. Maybe I just needed to make more friends from the beginning. I snuck back into Eurus' room and took his phone from the closet. I opened the chat with Liam

You: Liam, this is Val
You: you ok?

After a few minutes, Liam replied.

Liam: Val, yeah, I'm fine
Liam: Eurus is ok? Someone said he was in critical condition
Liam: stupid cops don't let me leave the station

You: yeah, he's ok
You: more worried about you than himself

Liam: fuck, yeah, I'll get out of here and go see him

"Let's go Val?" Sammy asked, "I'll drop you off at your house if you want,"
"Yeah, I'll just grab my things," I replied smoothly.

You: gtg, room 211 level A

    I snuck the phone back into the closet as I grabbed my things and went to say bye to my mother and brother. I kissed my mom's cheek, "See you at home,"
"Take it easy ok?" she soothed my hair. I smiled, a silent promise that I would.
"Don't die," I ruffled Eurus' hair, "Not before your wedding with Adam,"
"I'm holding out just for that wedding night fu—" he caught himself, "fun, the wedding night fun with our most cherished friends and family,"
"I'm sure that's what it was," Mom gave him a pointed look.
He pulled his blanket up, "It's the painkillers talking," Sammy and I made our escape. He took my hand as we walked to his car.
    "So, should I show up with the mariachis at midnight?" he grinned as he opened the door for me.
"Don't you dare," I laughed, "Frida would be furious if you got to bring mariachis and she didn't,"
"Fine, I'll cancel on them then," he sighed.
"The saddest bit," I ran a hand through my hair, "is that I'm not sure you're kidding,"
"Well, I'd looked into it, but they're too happy and excited about life for you,"
"That almost hurt," I chuckled.
He kissed my cheek, "But I like you that way. Do me a favor? Grab my gym bag from the back please?"
"Yeah," I turned around and started scavenging for it. After some failed attempts and nearly pulling a back muscle, I grabbed the bag and tugged it to the front of the car, "What am I looking for?"
"My wallet's in the side pocket, there's some cops down the road and I don't want to be looking for it if they do ask to see a license," he explained. I opened the pocket and searched through it. At first, I didn't find his wallet, instead I found a blue, velvet box. I did not want to know, so I shoved it as far down as possible and got the wallet out.
"Here you go," I put his wallet on the center console.
"Thanks babe," he smiled. The rest of the ride was comfortably quiet. We listened to music and didn't say much else. I figured that I was making a big deal out of the box. It was entirely possible that that's where he kept his ring during his training sessions. We were officially dating, but he was under no obligation to get me something for my birthday. I was being stupid.
    He parked outside my house and walked me to the door. I stood on the step like I had the previous night and smiled at him contently. I liked his company. "What are you grinning about?" he raised an eyebrow, "That's a smile I've only seen when you knocked out a guy you were sparring with," Ah, yes, true happiness.
"It's nothing," I lied.
"If you say so," he rolled his eyes, "Are we really not doing anything tomorrow?"
"I'll probably go back to school," I shrugged, "Eurus got shot, I didn't, so administration will want me back in class soon,"
"What do you say I take you out for coffee after school to celebrate? Then I can take you to the hospital to see Eurus," Sammy offered.
"Do you want to just come over later in the day? I pick up my Jeep today, so I'll go to the hospital after school," I smiled, "You can come over tomorrow and we can make dinner,"
"Sounds good to me," he kissed my forehead, "Call me if you need anything ok babe?"
"I'll be fine," I rolled my eyes, "You worry too much,"
"Well, I have good reason to do so. Have you looked at a mirror?" he chuckled and he went back into his car and drove away.

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