"I'm getting used to it in case I have to make an appearance around here,"

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       I flopped down to the floor and stared at the ground in defeat. I was supposedly stretching, but I was just thinking of Val. It'd been stupid to think she didn't have someone else, or that she could like me back. I never really had a chance. Nicole interrupted my sulking and sat down in front of me, "I know that look. You're thinking about someone and you're beating yourself up because of it,"
"How do you know?" I frowned. She opened her legs on either side of her and leaned her whole body forward.
Her chin rested on her palm, "Giles, I've known you since we were five. I've seen you get a crush before,"
I smiled, "You're right,"
"So what happened?" she asked.
I looked down at the floor, "I was about to tell her and ask her out, but I found out there's someone else,"
"Oh," Nicole was quiet for a moment, "I think you should just let her be with that person," I looked at her confused. "Hear me out," she rolled her eyes, "If you really like her, then you want her to be happy. If this guy makes her happy, so be it. If you don't want her to be happy unless it's with you, then you shouldn't be with her. Be her friend, be supportive, be nice to this guy, that'll mean more to her than if you took up pursuing her and competing with Mr. Whatever His Name Is,"
"Sammy," I supplied, "Sammy Norris,"
"Oh wow," she sat up, "I saw he was mentioned on Facebook. Didn't he knockout— You know what? It doesn't matter. What matters is that she's happy and that you don't go and get in the middle of it. We're free to pursue who we want, but so are they,"
I smiled, "Thanks Nicole,"

    I paced my room in my underwear and a bathrobe. I didn't have time for this, I needed the cavalry. "Hey babes," Frida smiled warmly, "What's up?"
"I have a date in exactly half an hour and I have no idea what to wear," I told her, "Please help,"
"Ok, where are we going?"
"He said outdoors and fun," I huffed. I didn't know how to deal with all this. My last boyfriend had been an attempted prank back in freshman year (he ended up actually liking me and then his friends lost it).
"Ok, I'm thinking your ripped skinny jeans, are they clean?" she started spouting wisdom. I nodded and started getting dressed. "Ok, get those on. Then... do you have that band shirt we cut up? The one with the deep cleavage,"
"Yeah, it's here," I pulled it on. I started looking like myself.
"Ok, grab your oversized denim jacket and roll up the sleeves just a little. Like two rolls. Then put on your ankle boots, the black ones with the tiny heel," she instructed. I did as told and showed her. She nodded her approval.
"Your usual should be fine, maybe add some nude lipstick... I'm thinking darker tones,"
"Messy ponytail," she assured me. I did my ponytail and added the "messy" look under her instruction.
"Fuck... you look good Queen," she giggled, "Can we please make you an Instagram? I'll manage it. You just pose and help me caption,"
"Fine," I sighed, "You've saved me too much to turn down your offer,"
"YES! This is going to be lit," she celebrated, "I'm thinking something super down to earth for your username. Just your name, or your initials and then your birthday,"
"Call Paige, I'll be back before midnight, so you guys came come here whenever and just chill. We can do it tonight," I offered, besides, I needed some squad time.
"We're so there," she grinned, "Have fun baby!" We hung up and I started on my makeup. It wasn't too much really: primer, highlight, eyebrows, mascara. Then the trick was choosing the right shade of nude. I texted Frida for help and she chose for me. Bless her. No one except Paige knew this, but Frida would send me a week's worth of outfit ideas every Sunday. She knew my closet better than I did and she took it as a challenge to work with something so different from her style.
    At 8pm sharp there someone rang the doorbell. I went to answer and found Sammy waiting for me. "Hi," I smiled
"Hey," he beamed, "You look stunning,"
"Thank you," I stepped back, "Do you want to come in? I just have to get my shoes on,"
"Sure," he stepped inside. He'd been here multiple times before. My mom walked out of the living room and smiled when she saw Sammy.
"Oh, hi Sammy," she hugged him, "I take it you're the date Val's mentioned,"
"Yes ma'am," he grinned like a little kid, "I've been meaning to do it for a while,"
"Well, better late than never," she winked, "How are your classes?"
"They're going well," he assured her. Sammy was doing a major in sports psychology online with the university my mom worked for.
"Let's go?" I put a hand on Sammy's arm.
"Yeah," he beamed, "It's nice to see you Mrs. Daniels,"
"I'm not Daniels yet," my mom laughed.
Sammy gave her a crooked grin, "I'm getting used to it in case I have to make an appearance around here," From inside the kitchen we heard Eurus clapping and hollering his praise. I held back from marching over and beating him up. My mom just smiled, clearly please with the answer.
"Have fun you two," she chuckled, "Be home before midnight,"
"I'll have her home before eleven," the boy next to me promised. I was impressed.
    He opened the door for me and then got into his car. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise," Sammy winked.
I smirked, "I know you well enough to know we're going for food first,"
"You know me so well," he batted his eyelashes jokingly as we left my house. I couldn't help but laugh at him. We drove with music, and his playlist was my kind of vibe. We ate at a street food festival, which I thought was really cool. After we'd eaten, Sammy asked a girl a little younger than  us to take a picture and it turned into a full on photo shoot. She had us move and pose and she lay on a table to "get the right angle". When it was over, I was impressed. "These are good," Sammy admitted.
"They are," I smiled, "I like this one," I tapped on one of him kissing my head and me grinning cheekily at the camera.
"I do too," he took my hand, "Let's go? Part two of the date is still waiting,"
"Yeah," I smiled. I liked how it felt when he held my hand. I didn't feel small, but I felt cared for. Sammy knew me, so I didn't have to make myself vulnerable for him.
    He drove us to a fair of sorts. I smiled like a child, "A carnival?"
He nodded, "Yup, let's go win some games?" He parked and unlocked the doors.
"I'm going to kick your ass," I laughed as I jumped out.
He followed me quickly and grabbed my hand, "You wish," We went in and fooled around for a good hour. We competed in almost every single game available. In the end, we called it a tie because we'd run out of games. We were loaded with prizes. In the end, we'd traded all our small prizes for one big stuffed animal each. He gave me his for "safekeeping". I had two huge stuffed animals, a tiger and a lion.
    We left with our spoils and Sammy drove me home. In the car, again, we played music and talked. He handed me his phone to send myself the pictures of the street food festival. He walked me to the door of my house and smiled down at me, "I had fun,"
"So did I," I grinned, "Thank you for tonight,"
"Can we repeat this?" he looked at me hopefully.
I bit my lip, "I'd like that,"
"Would it be too forward of me to ask to kiss you?"
"I like forward,"
"May I kiss you?"
"You may," I took a step towards him and grabbed the collar of his jacket. I tugged him down and felt his hands go to my waist. We kissed, and it didn't seem like we were going to stop until I heard Frida and Paige.
"Frida, shut up," Paige hissed. I pulled away and leaned my head on his chest.
"They do it because they care," he assured me.
I chuckled, "I'm still going to kill them,"
"I'll help you hide the bodies," he murmured in my ear.
I pulled his head down and whispered back, "I'm holding you to that,"
"Good night," he kissed my head.
I couldn't help but smile, "Good night,"

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