"I heard you, I was giving you a chance to drop it,"

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    I was wearing Eurus' old, leather jacket, a hoodie, skinny jeans, and combat boots. I didn't look friendly... at all. And somehow this girl decided to talk to me. "Hi," she smiled.
"Good morning," I replied gently.
She wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm, "You go to Spartan, the gym, right?"
"Yeah," I watched her carefully. She was freezing.
"Would you mind helping me work out?" her teeth were chattering a little.
"I'm sorry, are you cold?" I frowned.
She nodded, "I left my jacket in my mom's car,"
"Well, take this," I rummaged my locker and found a hoodie, "I'm getting colder just seeing you,"
"Thanks," she relished in the warmth as she pulled it on, "Well, what d'you think?"
"Letting me train with you, just for two weeks or so," she bit her lip.
I pursed my lips, "I don't want to sound arrogant, but I don't think you'd be able to keep up with what I do,"
"I'm in a lot better state than I look," she assured me.
"Tell you what, you try one day, if you can't keep up I'll make a similar routine for you, just not as intense," I offered.
"Really?" her eyes widened.
"Sure," I nodded, "What's your name?"
"Julia," she smiled, "You're Valkyrie, right?"
"Yes..." I raised an eyebrow, "You know me, how?"
"Your brother is very loud, and you guys train at the gym I go to," she explained.
I nodded, "Fair, I'll see you today at 6pm,"
"Oh, we start today?" Julia looked surprised.
"Yes, because starting on Monday is completely fake," I closed my locker and walked off, "See ya,"
"Hey," she called after me, "If you're not busy, come hang out with my friends and I,"
I smiled, "Paige is sick and Frida's traveling, so I may as well. Thank you,"

    I was with York, Adam, and his girlfriend waiting for first period to start. Julia walked towards us with the most unexpected person next to her. Valkyrie Queen looked like she was willing to take down the world. "Hey guys!" Julia chirped, "You all know Val,"
"Hello everyone," Val smirked, "Can I crash the party?" No one spoke. For a split second she looked hurt, but once again the same cocky smirk returned as she laughed, "Don't all say hello at once,"
"Sorry," Adam smiled, "How are you?"
"Doing ok," she smiled, "You?"
"Pretty good," he nodded before his eyes widened in surprise, "Is that a Sammy Norris, UFC hoodie?"
"Yeah," she looked down at herself, "My friend gave it to me,"
Adam frowned, "Who's this friend?"
"Sammy Norris," she smiled sheepishly.
"Sammy Norris? As in the undefeated rookie UFC fighter? The prodigy that came from this very city?"
"Yes..." she mumbled, "My brother and I used to train with him, but he and I weren't that close,"
"And yet, you're wearing his hoodie, which isn't supposed to even be on the market yet," Adam rolled his eyes.
"It's not," Val explained, "this is his. I didn't take a jacket when we hung out last time and he gave me his hoodie,"
"Wow," Adam chuckled. The whole exchange happened without anyone even trying to intervene. York was the first to speak.
"As if," York scoffed, "I highly doubt he gave you his hoodie or that you know him,"
"He's not famous or anything, it's totally possible," Adam frowned, "I know he still trains at his old gym sometimes. What's it called..?"
"Spartan?" Julian asked.
Adam snapped his fingers, "Yeah, that's it,"
"That's where we go," Julia motioned to Val.
York raised one perfectly manicured brow, "Whatever. I still don't believe it,"
"You do you boo," Val muttered as she typed away on her phone, "This is for you," she passed her phone to Adam and tapped her screen.
    A voice I didn't recognize spoke. "Hey, what's your name?" Adam panicked for a second before replying.
"I'm Adam, hi," he grinned.
"Hey man, this is Sammy. This'll sound a bit corny, but Val texted me and said that you'd recognized her hoodie. It really means a lot that someone from my city knows my name and stuff,"
"Dude, I think you're amazing. I saw one of your first big fights here, and I've tried to keep up since then," Adam stammered a little. I grinned.
"Which one?"
"Against he guy with a pink man bun,"
"Oh!" the guy I assumed was Sammy Norris laughed, "I lost that one,"
"Yeah, but you almost killed the guy before going down. It was crazy," Adam was smiling from ear to ear.
"I have another fight coming up," he offered, "Nothing big, but you could come with Val and Eurus. I was planning on hanging out with them before and after anyway,"
"I'm down, thanks man,"
    Adam passed the phone back to Val. She took it off speaker and talked for a little while. After she hung up, Adam nearly tackled her in a hug. "You're a hero," he told her.
"Oh, it was all his idea. I just texted him that you recognized this thing," she briefly motioned to her hoodie.
York raised an eyebrow, "How'd you two meet? Did you get in the middle of his previous relationship too?"
"York, cut it off," I hissed.
"Pardon?" Val looked up.
"I asked if you had to fuck him too," York huffed.
"I heard you, I was giving you a chance to drop it," Val shoved her phone into her pocket, "I can't really answer that question. I didn't sleep with Sammy... that would be weird. I also didn't sleep with, or date or kiss, your friend's ex-boyfriend, that guy's a bit of a moron,"
"We saw you," York scoffed, "He kissed your head,"
"I'm sure your dad has kissed your forehead at some point, am I to assume that you guys sleep around?" Val asked.
    York looked like she was going to hit Val. And she tried to. Before any of us could react, York had slapped Valkyrie across the face. The recipient just looked at York surprised, "That was cute, it almost hurt," Val turned to Julia quickly, "Sorry if I made the morning suck. I remembered why I don't like big groups. See you at the gym," I watched her leave towards the school's pool. Once she was far enough away, I glared at York, "What the hell?"
"She's a slut," she hissed.
"I thought you were a progressive thinker that believes that no one should be shamed for their sex lives?"
"She got in the middle of a relationship!"
"Aren't relationship only social constructs? I'm sure there was consent,"
"That's not the point," York almost yelled, "She's—"
"That's exactly the point," I cut her off, "I don't give a shit about how you want to try and explain it. You were being a bitch," I followed after Val. School was supposed to teach you about life, but it rarely did. People taught you about life, and I was slowly realizing I'd been in a bubble for a really long time.

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