"My boy Adam just admitted to being a little gay for Sammy,"

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    It was Friday. I'd explained to Eurus and a friend was coming with us. He wasn't happy, but he didn't say anything. Adam texted me he was outside and I went to open the door for him. "Hey," I smiled.
"Hi," he smiled back. He looked in awe of where he was.
I grinned, "Come on in, Sammy's getting ready to warm up," We walked through the corridors until we came to the right door. Eurus and Sammy were wrestling on the floor when we walked in. "Way to make a good first impression you guys," I rolled my eyes.
Sammy shot up, "Sorry babe," Male ego, it sucked. Usually Sammy kept his flirting minimal, but he seemed to be sending the glaring message, "I SAW HER FIRST," It was amusing. Adam shot me a questioning look.
I whispered, "Later,"
Sammy walked over and extended his hand to Adam, "Good to meet you man,"
"Yeah, you too," Adam grinned. I was impressed with his level of composure.
Eurus sauntered over, "So you're Adam," he stretched his hand, "It's great to meet some of my sister's friends,"
"You too, we've heard you're as difficult as she is," Adam joked.
Eurus chuckled, "Oh, I've got nothing on her. She almost ruining this one's undefeated status,"
"True," Sammy ran a hand through his hair, "I was scared,"
"You're scared of me anyway," I scoffed as I went to a couch. I'd let the boys have their little moment (or well, that was the idea).
Sammy followed and lay on the couch with his head on my lap, "I'm scared you'll get tired of me,"
"Get a room," my brother rolled his eyes. Adam was giving me questioning looks. I was trying to communicate, but he wasn't looking straight at me. DAMMIT CHILD WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND TELEPATHY.
    Sammy was called to warm up and we were taken to our seats. Right before he left, he grabbed my hand. Why do boys think they can just grab my hand? "Hey," he smiled, "Wish me luck?"
"Good luck," I smiled.
I could see his head working through how to word things, "If I win, can I get a kiss?"
"Only if you win by knockout," I scoffed. There was no way he'd manage.
"If I win normally it's a date,"
"You better keep your word," he grinned. I watched him carefully. He was sincere. He cared for me. I looked at his green eyes that fascinated me, his crooked grin and his dimples.
"I promise,"
    I did not expect the fight to go the way it did. In the first minute Sammy had almost killed his opponent. I leaned towards Adam, "I'm not with him. Don't you dare tell Giles. York would just hurt him if he finds out,"
"I won't," Adam nodded, "Even if you were dating him, I know you wouldn't do it to hurt Giles," He may not have understood my mental communication, but we both knew what was obvious. Giles was developing a crush on me and it needed to stop. I wasn't going to hurt him to stop it, but I didn't plan on leading him on. It didn't matter that I potentially liked him too. Adam went back to talking about the fight with Eurus. Sammy's about to murder the guy.
    I stared in amazement and horror as Sammy's opposition fell, knocked out cold. He was declared the winner. Everyone around us was going crazy. I just watched my friend as he celebrated. He was supposed to leave with his team, but he made his way to where we were and smiled at me triumphantly. I couldn't help but blush a little. He grabbed my waist and pulled me out of my seat. Oh, ok, that's happening... Before I could protest or argue my case, I was being kissed. He broke the kiss and gave me a massive smile, "I've wanted to do that for so long,"
"I know," I tried to smile.
He pulled me with him and waved our two other companions over, "Come on, let's go!"
    While Sammy changed. Adam came up to me, "You'll tell Giles?"
"Yeah," I sighed, "I'll tell him,"
"Need me to hint at it first?"
"I've got you," he smirked, "I love Giles, but if you're going to kiss someone I'd pick him over Giles any day," We cracked up laughing.
"What ever happened to the bro-code?" I laughed.
He rolled his eyes, "I'm being honest here. Have you looked at this guy?" I cracked up again.
My brother walked over, "What are we laughing about?"
"It's an inside joke," I waved it off, "My boy Adam just admitted to being a little gay for Sammy,"
Eurus raised one eyebrow, "Dude, I called dibs long ago. This one," he pointed at me, "Just ruined our chances with Norris," I was dying. Adam and Eurus were laughing more at me than about the original joke.
    When Sammy came back, he found me on the floor still giggling occasionally and Eurus and Adam looking at me in disappointment. He didn't ask. He'd known Eurus and I long enough that he didn't bother. Instead, he helped me off the floor and wrapped one arm around my waist. Eurus cleared his throat. "You're just jealous," Sammy smirked.
My brother scoffed, "Fuck no, I have Adam. We're in a committed relationship as of right now," He pulled my friend into his arms and smiled.
Adam, bless his soul, pretended to swoon and sighed dramatically, "We're thinking a June wedding,"
"I didn't know we were that committed, but sure," Eurus shrugged and looked at Adam, "You are now my fiancé, I'll pick you up from school starting Monday,"
"Are you serious?" Adam laughed.
"Dead serious," the other nodded.
"Ok," my friend shrugged, "I'll tell all the poor girls at school that I'm taken,"
    Sammy leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Should I start telling the media that there's a girl in my life?" I laughed it off, but refused to give a straight answer. The four of us went out to grab dinner and then walk around downtown. Sammy didn't leave my side and hardly ever let go of my hand. I was going to die.

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