"This has been as awful as usual,"

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I waited by the school gate for my brother to pick me up. Usually, I would've driven myself, but my Jeep was in the shop after a close encounter with an old lady that was filthy rich and nearly blind with age. I smiled to myself, remembering how I had to comfort the old lady, assure her everything was fine, only to have her promise to have my Jeep repaired and checked for anything else it might need and then have that fixed as well. The result was dependence on my brother for a ride to and from school.
The dork I called a brother parked his car a few feet from me and jumped out of his car, "Val! Get over here!" he called out. I grabbed my bag and made my way to his car, "Hey you,"
"Hi Eurus," I climbed in, "How are you?"
"Eh, you know, a kid at school commented on how there was this really 'hot chick' at your school how he'd totally bang her. I asked a name, said it was a girl named Val,"
"Poor fellow,"
"Yeah, he got a punch to his stomach,"
"Sounds fun," I grinned.
He frowned, "The principal didn't have the heart to give me a detention when I explained everything," I laughed. We played music while I told him about my day. We got home and stopped short when we saw a black Jeep parked outside. Eurus parked next to it and we got off.
Low and behold, our father was sitting on the couch when we stepped into the house. He looked up and smiled, "Hey guys,"
"Who the fuck let you in?" Eurus frowned.
"Mind your language," our father snapped.
"I'm sorry," I put a hand on my brother's arm, "Whom the fuck let you in?"
"I am your father and—"
Our male birth-giver was cut off by our mother walking in, "You will not speak to my children like that," she snapped.
"Hi Mom," Eurus and I chorused.
"Hi my loves," she smiled, "How was school?"
"I punched a kid for picking on another guy," I informed her.
She smiled, "Harry's going to be proud, but we'll talk about self control later,"
"Why's he here?" Eurus asked.
"He wants to see you guys," she told us.
"He's seen us," I shrugged.
"Talk to him for a while," she ordered, "If he's an idiot, then you can go,"
"Fine," we both muttered and sat down.
Our father sat down across from us and cleared his throat, "How are you both? How's school?"
"School's fine," I pursed my lips.
Eurus nodded, "Yeah, same,"
"You guys go to different schools?" he asked.
"They couldn't handle us together," I explained, "Our last teacher is still seeing a therapist," There was an uncomfortable pause.
"Your hair is still blonde,"
"Yeah, the doctor said it was non-reversible," I played with my hair, "I'm stuck with white hair,"
"Where are you guys going to college?"
"Far away from you," Eurus informed him.
"Why do you hate me so much?" our father huffed.
"Hmmm... I think it's because you made a family in Syria with another Marine while we were still around," I raised an eyebrow.
"Damnit," he growled, "You can't forgive, can you?"
"It's proving very hard," Eurus smiled.
"Hey kiddos!" Harry yelled from the door, "Hi Gigi!"
"Who's that?" our father demanded.
"That would be our future step-dad," I informed him, "Harold Daniels,"
Harry walked into the living room and his usually happy demeanor faded into a cold gaze, "Mr. Queen,"
"Mr. Daniels,"
"This has been as awful as usual," I walked towards the door, "I think it's about time you leave Robert,"
"Val's right," Eurus started pushing our father towards where I was standing.
"We'll see you," I grinned.
Eurus waved him off, "Hope the Middle East treats you well,"
"Send our contempt to your lover," I added. Harry was watching us, somewhere between confused and amused. Our father left and we mentally high fived. One day he'd give up, or at least we hoped he did.
Harry frowned, "I think I should make pasta,"
"Too late," Mom walked in, "I'm already making tacos,"
"Well, hello to you too Georgina," he snorted.
"Hi darling," she smiled before heading back into the kitchen.
"How was you guys' day?" Harry asked as he shed his jacket and shoes. He rolled up his sleeves and we followed him into the kitchen.
"It was ok," Eurus shrugged.
"I punched a guy," I smiled.
Harry beamed at me, "That's my girl!"
"Harry!" Mom slapped his arm, "Don't encourage her!"
"She must've had a point in doing it, it can't have been for fun," he reasoned.
Our mom rolled her eyes, "She still can't go around punching people,"
"I'd rather she get in trouble at school than not be able to stand up for herself," Harry replied easily.
"You're impossible," my mom laughed at him.
He pecked her cheek, "And you're still marrying me," Mom rolled her eyes at him.
No one mentioned Robert Queen, the man whose last name I regrettably carried. As soon as my mom and Harry got married, the adoption process would start and we'd get to cut off our father from our lives. I watched Mom and Harry together and figured that I had a little too much of my dad in me to get used to a nice life. Mom was a professor at a local university. Harry was part of the board of directors in the biggest marketing company in the city. We lived comfortably, life was nice and calm. The exceptions to the calm were my brother and I. We would occasionally brawl at school and pick fights.
My poor mother had a handful. The one thing that no one could say was that we caused our mother grief. My brother and I were well behaved for her. We had nothing but respect and adoration for the woman who raised us. Harry went through hell to be able to get my mom on a date. When she came back smiling, he became part of the family. We were eleven at the time, and at seventeen we were just as attached to him (if not more). "Val, would you wear pastel pink?" Harry asked me, drawing me out of my thoughts.
"Hell no," I snorted.
He nodded and turned to Mom, "See? We can't have the bridesmaids wear pink,"

Adam, Julia, and I sat on the stools at the breakfast bar eating pizza. My parents were working, as usual, so we were hanging out. Julia was talking about a guy that went to her gym. "He's just too good looking," she frowned.
"What's his name?" Adam asked.
"Eurus Queen," she sighed. I nearly chocked on my pizza.
"You ok mate?" Adam asked.
I waved it off, "Yeah, it just went down the wrong pipe,"
Adam passed me the water, "But yeah, that guy's sister is supposed to be quite the character,"
"What'd you mean?" I asked, partially recovered.
"She's just really badass," he shrugged, "I mean like- kick boxer, crazy smart, but super rebellious. And not the cool kid rebellious, we're talking spent a few weeks with the Marines because her mom couldn't handle her during the summer,"
"Oh my word," Julia poked him repeatedly, "She goes too! She's ripped. They spar at the gym, and she does it in her sports bra... the girl has abs like an Olympic volleyball player, and her butt is so freaking toned. I dance and I still don't have those legs,"
"Does anyone actually talk to her?" I blurted out.
Adam shrugged, "If I did, my girl would slap me,"
"I don't," Julia admitted, "I've heard she's trouble, so I try to stay away,"
"She's not that bad," I muttered, "She's actually fairly nice,"
"I don't know man," my friend shrugged, "I just haven't had the chance I guess," I then pulled the most childish move I'd pulled in a really long time.
"I dare you to talk to her," I told them both, "At any point within the next week. Talk to her,"
"Fine," Julia laughed. Adam shrugged, but nodded his agreement. I smiled.

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