Chapter 3⃣

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Jacob's POV

Santo worked the shit outta me yesterday. When I came home every part of my body was in pain. I took a nice hour long hot bath which made me feel much better. I spent the rest of the night watching one of my favorite movies. I drifted off asleep into a dream.

💭😴 Jacob's Dream 😴💭

I was in a training session with Santo and I felt like my throat was caving in. He had me doing burpees nonstop for forever. Oh, and on top of that, Santo thought it would be a good idea to force me to do them with weights in each hand. I was to the point where I thought I was tasting blood in my throat and I couldn't pick the weights up to save my life. "Uughhhh" I groan breathing heavily, "I can't do it Santo." He's sitting there looking at me like he's confused or something. a slight smirk forms on his face before he walks over to me and does something completely unexpected.Santo walks over to me and presses his body against mine, grabbing my wrists, helping me pick up the weights. "Yea you can, you just have to try." he whispers in my ear. I turn around and look at him surprised and in shock. He's standing right in front of me looking at me with a serious expression on his face. We stood there staring at each other for the longest for no reason. Santo takes another step and keeps coming forward until he's right in my face. As soon as he begins to lean in the fire alarm begins to go off and water begins to soak our clothes

💭😴 End of Jacob's Dream 😴💭

I wake up to my dog, Beans, licking my face. I realize that the "fire alarm" in my dream, was just my phone ringing extra loud. It's an unknown number but I answer it anyway. "Hello?..." I say in a tired voice. "Hey Jacob!" I hear Santo say. Why the fuck is he calling me right now? "I just wanted to call you and make sure you were ready for day 2 of your training?" he says in the most enthusiastic voice ever. "Hell no bruh! My body felt like it was gonna fall apart yesterday. I need some rest." I reply kinda loudly. "Ha, Jacob get your ass in here in the next hour or I will come an get you myself. You did a great job yesterday, I can tell you're willing to put in the effort that it takes to train." He says laughing at me. "Alright, whatever. I'm gonna be there in the next 30 minutes Santo." I say mumbling. "Great! We're gonna work on some cardio today." he says. "Yea yea ok bye I'm coming." I say hearing him laugh before I hang up. I drag myself out of the bed. Handle my hygiene and make my way to the gym. I walk in feeling like I've already written myself a death sentence. Santo is crazy af.... He has all types of weird equipment in his training office today. "Hey Jacob, you ready?" I think he already knew the answer by the look on my face. "Okay well I was getting breakfast while I was on the phone so I grabbed you something to eat. I figure you would skip breakfast." he says. "Yea I did actually, thank you." I say wondering why he was being so nice. Me and Santo are sitting here eating our breakfast...almost like a date. We made small talk while we ate, all I could think about was my dream. I also can't stop thinking about how he said my body was cute yesterday. I must have zoned cause I can ear him screaming my name. "Jacob!!" Santo says as he waves his hand in front of my face. "Sorry, sorry, I was just thinking about something." I say as I stand up and throw away my trash. "Coo, lets get started." he says walking out to the cardio exercise equipment. I have a long ass day ahead of me😕.


I feel like no one's reading this so it's pointless, or the people who are reading it don't like it....😕

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