Chapter 5⃣

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Jacob's POV

I can't get the thought of seeing Santo with that lady yesterday outta my head. I didn't get to see who it was. He was all up on her and everything. He's sending me mixed signals I swear. Or maybe it's just me, maybe he's just nice and I'm misunderstanding. I also can't stop thinking about how he said I had a nice body, and how he smiles extra hard when he sees me. I snap out of my thoughts when my doorbell rings. I get up and look through the peephole and see my close friend Jasmine. "Wassup Nigga." she says when she walks in, immediately making her way to my kitchen. "Hey Jas." I say looking in my cabinet and handing her a bag of chips. "Hehe, thanks." she says plopping down on my couch. "So what do you want?" I ask. "Well damn you aren't happy to see me? I just wanted to see what you were up to. How dare I be a good fri-" she replies and then I cut her off. "Jas I know you. You like gossip." I say giving her a look. "Ha yea you're right. So wassup with you?" she says eager for a response. "Of course." I say before sitting down next to her and telling her all about Santo. "Woow. Oh my god! Yassss Jacob you got a nigga!!" she says looking all excited. "Jas he's not my nigga. I don't even know if he's straight or not. He's making me hella confused." I say. "Wellll when you train tomorrow try to flirt with him a little and see what happens, see how he responds. and then call me as soon as you get home and lemme know what happens." Jas says. "Whatever I'm going to bed." I say standing up and walking to the door. I open the door for Jas and see her sitting on my couch still eating up all my chips. I stare at her until she notices, "That means you need to leave Jas." I say laughing at her. "Damn Jacob, you rude af." she says laughing while she walks out the door taking my chips with her. "Stole my damn chips" I say to myself, shaking my head and as I make my way to my room to go to sleep.

Santo's POV

"Mrs. V I'm really proud of you! You've worked really hard and I'm amazed at the progress you have made" I tell her with a smile on my face. "Thank You Santo. I couldn't have done this without you." she replies smiling back at me. "Only a couple more training sessions before you're good to go." I tell her, giving her a hug goodbye. I watch her leave and walk back to my office to get ready for Jacob. I finally got enough courage to try and flirt with him. I kinda need to know if he's gay or not cause I dot wanna waste my time. I wonder how he will respond.

Jacob's POV

Wow, maybe he is straight. As I'm walking down to the gym doors I see Santo and the same lady smiling at each other really hard. she turns her head and I realize it's Nicki's friend Violet. I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I see Santo give her a hug and watch her walk away. I'm scared to go on with what Jas said. Alright Jacob, you can do this. I walk into the gym and sign in. I continue on to Santo's office and see him bending over placing weights on the floor. Damn, his ass bruhh. He turns around really quick and looks at me. Shit! Did I say that out loud??. "Hey Jacob!" He says giving me his big perfect smile. "Hey Santo" I say smiling back. "Alright we're gonna work on your muscular strength today." he says beginning to tell me the plan for our training session.

Santo's POV

I swear to god I just saw Jacob staring at my butt. I swear I did. I explain our plan for the day and we get started after a few stretches. An hour later me and Jacob are still practicing lifting weights. "Santo this shit is hard. My fucking arms are boutta fall off." he says. He still has the weight bar at his shoulders and he needs to lift above his head. This is my chance. I look him in the eyes and grab the bar I slowly lift it and stand closer and closer to him. His breathing slows down and he begins to look like he's going to faint. "You okay?" I say in a sort of seductive voice. his lips part from each other but nothing comes out. I slowly put down the weights and grab his hand guiding him to where he can take a seat. He's still looking right into my eyes like he's thinking about something serious. "Jacob? Are you okay?" I say. he blinks repeatedly and nods his head. "Yea I'm fine." he says as I sigh in relief. "We're gonna have to work a little more on those weights." I say. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Nigga, that shit is hard. My arms are so sore." I laugh at him, "It will get easier Jacob." I tell him. "Easy for you to say Mr. Muscle Man. You're arms are all nice and sexy and muscular and shit while mine look like bones." he says. After a couple seconds his face looks like he's scared as shit. He thinks my arms are sexy😏. "Santo, I-" he begins before I cut him off. "You, will have nice sexy arms like this if you keep practicing. It won't take you long, you have lots of other sexy things to make up for it." I say before walking back into my office, leaving a look of shock on Jacob's face.


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