Day Seven - The Rekoning

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Blake is gone-

No words can truly describe what I am feeling right now.  The pain of losing Blake is literally tearing my insides apart piece by tiny piece, leaving nothing but an empty black void in its place.

My head pounded.  My eyes burned.  My mouth dry.  My body felt like every organ was shutting down one by one and the first thing to go was my brain.  I couldn't think of Blake's lifeless body still curled up on that bed next to Agnes and it was becoming obvious from the pain in my chest that my torn heart would be the last to go.

I had been lucky in life.  I had never lost anyone before.  I still had both of my grandparents.  My parents were still happily married and my small circle of friends were alive and well.  Until now.

I had been so distracted with everything going on around me that it had only just dawned on me that I may have no family left.  I never truly appreciated the pain that Blake had to live with his entire life until this very moment.

He is- was- my exact polar opposite.  Where I had been lucky in life-  Extremely lucky, I now realise- He had faced things in his life that no child, teen or man should have to go through, ever. He'd lost everything and if it wasn't for my family he would have died on the streets before he had even hit puberty.

My shoulders sagged and a lump jammed in my throat as I felt only an ounce of Blake's loneliness.

I sat on the hallway floor staring at the closed bedroom door.  I had been here all night and my ass was numb.  I was grateful that at least one part of my body was.  

After Blake had passed, all hell had broken loose.  The usual fun loving and jovial Connor dragged over his dresser, threw his fist through a wall and put his foot through his front door as he walked away.  Leaving a path of blood smears, tears and destruction behind him.  Although his actions were shocking and devastating to witness, they were also a reasonable reaction to what we had all just gone through.

What worried me the most was Agnes's reaction or to be precise, the lack there of.

When Blake collapsed, she curled up on the bed in front of him sobbing her heart away.  She comforted him right up until the end and then nothing.  Her tears dried up with Blake's lungs and now she just stares at him completely unblinking and refusing to breath in hope she can either join or revive him.  At first panic filled me.  She was so still that I was convinced that she had left me too.  I was about to shake her when she shifted her arm brushing Blake's hair quickly out of his eyes before going back still and staring.  She repeated this motion every few hours as if she was on a never ending loop of misery.

I stayed sat grieving our loss at the end of the bed just watching the haunting sight in front of me but after a few hours witnessing the same masochistic act over and over, I couldn't take it any more.  But I couldn't bare to leave and that is why I have been sat in this hallway staring at the door all night.

My body was now screaming at me to find some relief so I decided it was time to stretch my legs and do the necessary.  It would probably be the only relief I would feel but needs must.  I also needed to check on Connor.  I was ashamed to say that he had barely crossed my mind all night as I selfishly only thought of what I had lost.  It was time to start thinking of others which hopefully would be a welcome distraction. 

My legs trembled with exertion and lack of use as I raised to my feet and my muscles burned when I stretched once I was fully vertical.  My neck clicked when I stretched it out.

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