Chapter Two - Tryouts

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Julia's POV

August 16, 2016

  Yesterday's meet-up with Ethan was okay. We just got some work done and then left the library, not really discussing anything but our work. Today was my day for tryouts, and I was at lunch, sitting with Kat and Grayson. They seemed to really like each other, which made me feel like a third wheel. Grayson couldn't stop looking at her.

They do look cute together, though.

I sat in front of my food and homework, only eating an apple. My hand vigorously wrote on my English homework, eager to get it done.

"Jules! Slow down, you're gonna give your hand a stroke," yelled Kat.

Grayson chuckled, "Yeah, why are you rushing?"


'I look up, a piece of my hair falling onto my face. "I have to finish this. I won't have time to do homework after tryouts. Keeler's workload is bigger than Einstein's. Plus, Ethan doesn't help much with our project. He just complains about how much he hates him, which I can't blame him for."

I push the piece of hair back over my ear, and finish up the paper.

"At least eat something more than an apple. Like you said, you have tryouts. You need your strength."

I grab a bite of my sandwich and pull out my history homework, which earns several more glares from Kat and more laughter from Gray.

~Kat's POV~

"Psst! Kat," I hear Gray whisper loudly right next to me. I turn my head, and see him holding out a note to me. I quickly grab it and smile at myself as I read it.

Wanna hang out after school? Like go somewhere?

I quickly scribble a yes and then hand it back to him. He smiles, that same smile that makes me feel weak to my knees. He literally makes me want to look at him all day long. His perfect chiseled jaw, his chestnut hair, not to mention those gorgeous hazel ey-

"Miss Hollis, please pay attention. Your daydreaming is so disrespectful towards me."

I mumble a sorry but I'm really thinking, oh shut up, if you were my age you would be doing the same thing too. Finally, the bell rings, and we go to the last class of the day.

"So, where do you want to go?" Grayson asks as we start walking together out of school.

"How about the state fair?" I ask. It's been open for about three weeks now, and there's only a few more days that it'll be here. Grayson smiles at me.

"You haven't been yet?" Grayson questioned and I nod lightly. "Well," he says, "You're going to have the night of your life."

~Julia's POV~

I'm standing by the pool, waiting for our tryouts to start. I'm wearing just a regular black swimsuit, and I have my cap on. I walk to the edge of the pool and slowly make my way into the blue abyss. The water is cold at first, and makes my skin have goosebumps. But then I get used to it and emerge my whole body into it.

Coach June starts to scream orders to us for warmups, and I do as I'm told. I start off with stretches and then begin the real work.

"Come on! Out of the pool ladies, I have your results! Well done if you've made it - don't screw it up, if you didn't, well try harder and hope for next year." She's really not the type for sympathy, I guess.

She barks the following names, "Addison Turner, Julia Hollis, Chloe Johnson, Meghan Davis, Charlotte Brown, Lauren Wilson, Hannah Smith, Jessica Williams, Sophie Jones, Emily Garcia, Lucie Martinez, Emma Jackson, Hollie Thomas, and Katie White!"

Several girls leave, heads hanging low or in tears. I wrap myself in a towel and cheer myself on in my head. I did it, and I can't wait to tell Kat. The girls crowd into the locker rooms and we take showers and get changed. I grab my bag that's laying on the bleachers.

When I look up, I see him.

Ethan. He's sitting there, headphones on, doing nothing else. Why would he be here? I stare at him, and he looks up, and those eyes pierce me once again. I look down quickly and walk out, through the double-doors.

"Julia! Wait," I feel Ethan's hand on my shoulder and I turn around, flinching from his touch.

"What did you need?" I ask. He runs his hand through his hair, for some reason, nervous.

"Uhh, do you want to work on our project tomorrow?" We're walking at this point, down the sidewalk, towards my house.

"Sure. Is there anything else?" He shakes his head and mumbles a 'bye' and 'see you tomorrow.' He turns the other way and walks quickly, hands in his pockets. That was weird. He's usually just calm and bored, and acts normal.

My feet start to ache while I walk, and I groan to the thought that I have to walk twenty more minutes to get home.

~Kat's POV~

"Gray, stop pulling me!" I giggle as he grabs my arm and yanks me on a ride. He laughs, and keeps his face turned away, practically running towards a ferris wheel. When we walk up one of the assistants gives us a little car. It's a light blue color and has a metal bar across from it to keep us safe and away from danger.

I sit in first, and Grayson sits next me, his perfectly chiseled face almost making me shudder. He grabs my hand, and my arm tingles, but holds on. "I think it should be the time to tell you this," he says, staring into my eyes, "My brother and I make YouTube videos. I'm assuming you don't watch much youtube?"

I'm dati- I mean, I'm friends with a famous internet sensation?


I snap out of my daydream and reply, "No, I didn't know. Well, that's amazing, Gray." He looks down at our hands, and then out towards our moving car.

"Yeah, thanks." He seems kinda sad.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"It's just, I've been wanting, I-I've been wanting to do this."

And just like that, our lips meet, and it feels like a perfect harmony. I feel sparks erupting into my chest and I lie my hand on his chest, my mind screaming but mouth saying nothing.

I think I'm in love.

Am I, though?


Hey Guys!! So if you didn't know, my Quotev version of this story has already six chapters, so I will be uploading all six at once today, just to let you all know. Also, this new story is making me feel really inspired and that's amazing because then I feel like I'm giving you guys better chapters! Well, why don't I give you guys the question of the day?

Question #2 is... Who's lane are you in? Grayson, Ethan, or Nolan (hehe, Nolan Dolan)?

I'm in Ethan's lane! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I gotta skedaddle (that was the cringiest thing I've ever said and I will never say it again)!

Have a good day/night, goodbye lovelies!!

-Tashi xx

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