Chapter Twenty - What Are We?

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Kathlyn's POV

March 9th, 2017

I sat on the stage, surrounded by my dance team. One of my friends, Layla, held my arm tightly, smiling at me. She had a duet with a girl named Karlee on our dance team. She did really well, and I knew she would place, but I didn't think she got first. As expected, she placed second, which was still amazing, but now my legs shook and my heart pounded as they prepared for the winner of the solo competition.

The announcer grabbed the mic. He was dressed in a neat, black suit. His head was balding, and he looked about fifty years old. "Our last category," he states, "Is for the solo competition. First place gets awarded a full-ride scholarship to the University of California in Los Angeles! They will also be awarded five-thousand dollars to do with whatever they please." He cleared his throat, "Our third place winner, who will be awarded one-thousand dollars, goes to Adam Stevenson, who performed Wild Nights!" A boy with black, short-cut hair climbed up on stage, taking his trophy and smiling ear-to-ear. He shook hands with the man, and went off stage.

My stomach dropped as I saw I either had won nothing, second, or first place. Layla's hand gripped my arm tighter, and I smiled at her, my hands wracked with nervousness. "Kat! You could have won!" she smiles at me, her gray eyes sparkling. My eyes widened as they announced a different girl for second place, who won a part scholarship and two-thousand dollars. I look into the audience, searching for Grayson once again, and all he does is shoot me a thumbs up. Very helpful.

"Our first place winner, the winner of a full-ride scholarship to the University of California in Los Angeles, is..." He opens the card, taking his time, which makes me more anxious by the second, "Kathlyn Hollis, performing A Thousand Years!" I screamed as I got up, feeling my eyes brimming with tears. I won. I actually won. In less than two years, I was going to be in California doing what I love. I actually won! I thought to myself. I shook the man's hand, and he gave me a hug, seeing that I was crying. "You deserved it," he smiles, "Congratulations." Even the judges were smiling, and I saw Grayson running down the aisle and up onto the stage, enveloping me in hug as he twirled me around. I cried onto his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist. All I could hear was the deafening applause from the crowd as I continually sobbed tears of utter joy.

~Julia's POV~

I had gotten changed into a sweater and some black jeans, trying to look at least presentable when I came to Ethan's house. The dew had still begun to drip off the trees as spring came, and so I needed something warm. My feet pounded against his front porch as I climbed up it to ring the doorbell. In less than ten seconds, Ethan opens the door. He sees me and smiles, stepping outside and closing the door behind me. "Hi." he says.

"That's all you're gonna say? Hi?" I bite back without thinking, "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

Ethan seems unfazed by this and just murmurs, "I've been confused since the moment you left my house. You just walked out, and didn't say anything else. I thought you felt the same."

"I do, Ethan. But I was confused, too. There are a million girls that want to be with you. Why me? I'm not spec-"

"Julia, don't even say that!" Ethan bursts out, "I won't let you do that to yourself. You are special, in a million different ways and I won't stand here watching you beat yourself up."

I feel roses bloom on my cheeks, and I know it's not from the cold weather. A drop of water falls on my head from the cover above us. "Then what are we, Ethan? I don't want the same thing to happen to me like it did to Kat. It ruined her, and I want to be with you, but what will we do?"

"I would do anything, I'd tell them to stop, and they'll listen, I promise. You don't know what I feel like when I see hate towards you or Kat, it just makes me so angry that an amazing person like you is being treated like that. So can we please stop arguing?"

I sigh, seeing my breath leave my lips, "Yes. We have to stop. But what does this mean?"

"It means I'm asking for you to be with me, Julie," Ethan places a hand on my cheek and I see his cold face blushing red and his eyes that always seem to change every time I look at them. All of a sudden, I feel an insane urge to kiss him. So I did. I pulled his lips close to mine, and it was soft, and sweet, and almost like you were eating honey. He smelled like mint and lemon, different from before. His hand is placed on my back, and he pulls me closer to him as I run one of my hands through his hair. I let go, but don't want to as I gasp for breath. "You know what," I say, looking into his eyes, "It's worth it. I will be with you," and he smiles at me, flashing his pearly teeth, and brings me in for another kiss.

hello!! I am back with another chapter! I thought this ending was cute, don't you think? Well, a big thank you to anyone who votes for this! Love you all to bits :) Here's the QOTD!

Question #20 is... What is your favorite item of clothing currently?

Mine I actually got yesterday, but I'm obsessed with it! It's a slightly cropped, navy blue sweater with embroidered flowers on the sleeves! Let me know what yours is!

Hope you all liked this chapter! Have a great day/night wherever you are!

-Tashi x

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