Chapter Twenty-Two - Prom Night

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Kathlyn's POV

April 3, 2017

Why are things so spontaneous with me?

I immediately started dating Grayson.

My memories came back with one fell swoop.

And Jackie just blurted out what she was keeping in for years.

I ran a hand through my hair obsessively, although my hand caught a knot in it. It was greasy and tangled and I was not at all ready for prom, which was in two hours. The sun shone through my window as I sat on my bed, my knees pulled up to my chest, but the sun didn't mirror my mood.

A hear a faint knock on my door. "Come in," I saw quietly, almost like a whisper.

"Hey, are you getting ready-" Julia walked into my room with her hair wrapped in a towel and a robe tightly tied around her waist, "Why are you moping around?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," I get up to walk to the bathroom, but Julia crosses her arms in the doorway.

"You know, back in Maryland, we told each other everything. We were best friends. And now you're so closed off."

"We still are best friends. But you're closed off too, Julie. I just don't feel like talking right now." I pushed passed her, and she let a small sigh escape her lips in response, but she didn't follow me.

When I stepped in the shower, it felt cold at first, but then I turned the knob so that it would warm. It felt like searing hot raindrops were grasping onto my back, but I could care less.

In an hour, I had half-curled hair and my dress on. It looked beautiful; it was a baby blue color with small diamonds sewn around the neckline and my waist. It was off the shoulder as well, and fell to the floor. This lifted my spirits up the slightest bit, so I was excited to see Grayson, but there was a nagging voice in the back of my mind that kept on yelling at me that I shouldn't be going, I didn't deserve it.

~Julia's POV~

My dad and Elisha walked into my room as I was trying to tie the back of my dress together. When they saw me, my Dad had a look of shock on his face, which made me feel a pinch of embarrassment.

"You look amazing, Julia. God, it feels like you were four just yesterday." His black and white pepper and salt hair is short, just like the stubble on his face, and he wears bags under his eyes, but his blue eyes themselves, the ones that are almost identical to Kat's are glassy.

"Are you crying, Dad?" I smile at him, straightening out the dress.

"No!" Elisha giggles, and pushes him into the doorway.

"Save the tears for later, Joey. I want to help Julia, so go on downstairs and get the camera ready for when the twins come," Elisha's small frame has me towering over her, especially since I'm wearing heels, but she walks around me and ties the corset-like back. My dress is lavender at the top, but it fades into a jet black at the bottom, and has tiny embroidered lace that stands out at the bottom, which cuts off at my ankles.

"I know it was hard for you to move here, but I want you to know I'm proud of you." Elisha smiles at me in the mirror.

"Thank you, Elisha. I think Kat needs your words right now more than me, though."

"I know. She's been through so much, and you were always there for her, Julia. You really had to grow up once Daniel left. So I'll be the one to be there for her."

"Alright, I'll be down in ten minutes," all Elisha does is nod, and she walks out of my door.

In a few minutes, another figure opens the door to my room, and all I see is Ethan's red cheeks and open mouth as he manages to stutter out, "Y-you look be-beautiful."

I grin ear-to-ear and walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his chest. I take in the scent of cologne on him, and he lifts my chin up from his chest to bring his lips to mine. All I feel is a sudden drop in my stomach, as if I was going down in a rollercoaster, but it didn't feel bad, it felt right.

"You know, you don't look too terrible yourself." I whisper into his ear, laughing in between the words.

"Oh, shut up, you know I look irresistible."

- - -

The four of us are crowded into the middle of the school gym as we all rock out to our favorite songs. Kat and Grayson are laughing at each other, doing stupid dance moves. More like, actually, Grayson doing the stupid moves, and Kat trying to teach him the right way. She looks the happiest she's been in a long time, and I really hope it'll stay that way.

Ethan has gotten me to stop thinking about my past, too, which makes me feel good, but I'm silently praying that I won't ever have to face it.

"Come on, dance with me!" I yell over the blaring music, because Ethan and I are just standing in the corner of the gym.

"You know I don't dan-" I grab him arm and jerk him into the crowd, giggling.

"You know you have no choice," I pull his arms back in forth, trying to get him to smile, and finally he does as we dance terribly out of sync. I don't mind in the slightest, because all I was focused on was tonight.

- - -

"Come on, let's go get Burger King!" Grayson yells.

"No, Burger King's gross, Grayson!"

"Shut up, Ethan, you try to act like you don't like it but you do!"

"Stop being so annoying, Gray!"

"You're the annoying one!"

"Would you two shut up?" Kat blurts.

"No!" They say in unison.

And so we pulled through the Burger King drive thru in Grayson's car. Ethan and I sat in the back, and Gray and Kat sat in the front. Both of my hands sat in my lap as I read the neon-green time on the radio. 1:34 AM.

"The workers are going to be so confused why four teenagers pull up in fancy attire to a Burger King drive-thru at 1:30 in the morning." I shake my head, a piece of my hair falling into my face.

Ethan's hand reaches to push my hair behind my ear, and he grabs my hand, triggering roses to bloom on my cheeks, "I know, but I'm hungry!"

"Is food all you think about?"

"No. I think about food and you!"

"You two are gross, get a room already!"

"Shut up, Grayson!"

- -

Heyooo! Okay first off, I know I haven't talked much about the twins and know this happened a couple of weeks ago but I am so so proud of them for making the Hawaiian Party video! It has inspired so many people to come out and I just am so happy that they made it! I am a big supporter of LGBTQ+ and have many friends who are part of it and aghhh I'm just so happy!!  Here's the QOTD, and don't be afraid to answer in the comments!

Question #22 is... what is your sexuality? I'm straight, but feel free to talk about this in the comments!

I have to go all you beautiful people! Bye!!

-Tashi :)

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