Chapter Twenty-Four - Kathlyn's Birthday

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Kathlyn's POV

May 17, 2017

"There's the birthday girl!" Was shouted from the living room as I walked down the stairs. My Mom sat on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand, and Luna laying on her lap. I smiled as Mom stood up, sending Luna to jump off and run around me. She pulled me into her arms and I suddenly realised that it was my golden birthday. May 17th, seventeen years old! I was suddenly whisked into the kitchen, and Julia stood in front of the stove with an apron on and her dark locks pulled back.

Julia turned and smiled at me and mom, and ladeling batter into a pan. "Happy birthday, Kat!" She gasped, "Oh wait, look on the table, your present from me is there!" I thanked her as my Mom went to go prepare the backyard for the party. The Dolans were coming over, a few friends from school, Sam, and Abby. I didn't want to think of her, so I didn't even bring her name to mind because I just didn't want to face that on my birthday.

It was a peculiarly small present, wrapped in silver paper and tied with a bow of my favorite color, teal. When I unwrapped it, a white box encased a moleskin lined journal, that had my name stitched into the front. "I thought maybe you'd want to journal when you're in LA. We might be separated for a bit, and I don't want to miss anything, so write it all down for me, please." Julie comments.

"Of course," I gush, turning to her and hugging her batter-stained apron, "Thank you."

Soon enough everyone is here for the pool party, and I look out the window from my room to see everyone laughing and smiling outside. I suddenly just felt, I don't know how to explain it other than sad. I had no desire to go and spend time with the people I loved. And then I saw Julia, swimming with Ethan, smiling. I felt a surge of anger course through my body. Why was I jealous? She's dealt with bad things happening to her and has the daily stress of swim and volleyball and school, and I share that stress, too. So why was I so angry? My hands balled into fists as I thought of her always getting what she wanted; friends, good grades, and people who just loved her, even if she didn't know them. She didn't get hate when she started dating Ethan. So why the hell did I with Grayson?

"Why aren't you outside?" I look to see Grayson himself walking towards me and I let my fists unclench. I suck in a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

As exhale, I reply, "I'll be out in a second. Just save some food for me, okay?" I grab my swimsuit from one of my drawers as Grayson's eyes follow me.

He reaches for my hand and I cringe, not wanting to look at him. "What's wrong?" He adds, "You shouldn't be stressed on your birthday, and I can tell you are."

"Nothing's wrong," I sound a lot meaner than I meant, and a flash of hurt spreads across his face.

"I know that's not true. Kat, we've been dating for a while, you should tell me stuff." I turn from him, trying to pick up things from my floor, anything to not see the worry on his face. I didn't deserve him. He always worries about me, and I never even blink twice about it. He deserves someone better, who can look out for him, too. I was stupid to try to impress him when I first met him. I'm just holding him back. He turns me back around to him and puts a hand on my cheek as I resist the urge to cry.

"Please, I don't like seeing you like this."

It makes me want to scream what I'm feeling but I don't want to worry him further, "I'm okay, seriously," I say softly.

"Kat, stop putting it off, please."

I grit my teeth so hard it makes my jaw hurt, "I said, I'm fine, Grayson! Now stop looking at me like a lost puppy! I'll be out in a few minutes."

Instead of hurt he just looks angry, "Fine, but if you don't want to say anything then don't come running back to me pouring everything out when I gave you the chance!" He storms out of my room and I feel my nose and eyes burning as I push the tears out of my eyes and get changed.

- - -

~Julia's POV~

"Where's Kat?" I question as Ethan wraps a hand around my waist while we float in the cold water. Sam and Tori turn their heads around, confused like me.

Grayson stomps out of the house with his jaw clenched. "This won't be good," Ethan's eyes are full of worry for his brother. Grayson slides into the pool, red-faced as he joins us.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Grayson tries to clear his throat, but it sounds weirdly muffled, "I don't know. Go ask Kat yourself. She makes me so angry sometimes and I-"

"Woah, Gray, calm down."

"I can't! There's something wrong and I just know it!" All of us look at each other. I know how Kat begins to feel like a burden on people. It's happened to me a million times and we've fought over it for so long. She must be feeling guilty that of what happened with Jaqueline. I jump out of Ethan's grasp and into the house without any regard of their yelling at me to let her cool off.

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Hi everyone! Here's an early update for you, and just to let you guys know, there will be six chapters left of this story! If you guys want a sequel, I will put one up for you in a link after chapter thirty! Anyway, here's the QOTD!

Question #24 is... What Hogwarts House are you in? If you don't know, tell me which one is your favorite! If you don't like Harry Potter.....well....

I'm a Hufflepuff! Well, I'm gonna get going, I've got some more writing to do!

Bye! Thanks for reading!

-Tashi :)

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