Chapter Three - Caleigh, Toni, and Sam

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Julia's POV

August 23, 2016

"Hollis!" I turn around, in the middle of a crowded hallway. A girl from tryouts stands there, blonde hair put back in a perfectly curled ponytail, three other girls behind her.

"Yeah?" I reply, sounding bored. I don't have time to deal with these girls.

"Don't 'yeah?' me. I saw you at tryouts yesterday. You're not as good as me, but if you even try to be, I'll take you down. Understood? Oh, and don't you dare touch Ethan, or Grayson. They're mine." I scoff.

"Okay, 1 - I'll 'take you down' if I want to. And 2- I don't care for Ethan. But Grayson's already taken by someone else, so good luck with him, hon." I smirk at myself, and how taken aback this girl looks. What's her name again? Oh right, Turner. Addison Turner.

"You'll regret ever saying, that, Hollis. I'm warning you-" I voice cuts in from behind me.

"Umm, why don't we go now?" A random face asks me, and pulls me away. It's a girl with auburn hair and dark, almost black eyes. We're already walking away from Addison, and I'm with a total stranger.

"Who are you?" I ask as she pushes me through a crowd of kids, "And why did you pull me away?"

She smooths her skirt out and sighs, "Caleigh Pollux. And you owe me. That chick is nuts. And never approach her again, or you will regret it. She's done horrible things... unimaginable."

"She's the one who approached me. She thinks I'm going after her man." I laugh. Why would I ever associate myself with Ethan? We're just lab partners, nothing else.

"Which one? Ethan or Grayson?" Caleigh asks.

"I don't know. Both. She's for sure not getting Grayson. My sister's practically in love with him. By the way, my name's Julia. Julia Hollis."

Two more figures approach us. One is a short girl, probably my age, with dyed blue hair and olive skin. The other is a boy with sandy blonde hair and circular glasses. Huh, a living aesthetic. "Oh good, you saved her," The blue-haired one says. "Toni. Toni Ciere," she holds out her hand for me to shake and I do.

The sandy-haired one just gives me a little wave, green eyes sparkling, "Sam." I nod.

"You know they're famous on Vine, right?" Them? Famous? Grayson, sure, but Ethan? He never speaks, only when he has to, and doesn't seem to have a sense of humor.

"Since when?" I ask, looking at all three of them.

"Last year, probably," Sam pushes his glasses further up his nose and we start walking, until I get to my classroom.

"Tell me more at lunch?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"You got it!" Caleigh laughs and they turn the corner as I walk into English. I see him again, the dark haired guy, sitting in the back of the class and think,

How ironic, that he, the most uninterested one of them all makes other people happy? How can such a quiet person be like another online?

When I get home, I see Elisha and look down to see another one of her cooking attempts to have failed. I take Luna out for a walk down the street, and I see Ethan again. He doesn't even live on this street. What's he doing here? I don't make eye contact with him and when I finish the walk, I bound up to my room and grab my phone.

Once the Vine app is downloaded I make my account and search for the Dolan Twins. That's what Toni told me what they were called, after all. They have a ton of them, and I click on one.

The first one is just of Grayson launching himself at a shopping cart, which I laugh at hysterically. That seems like something he would do. I click on one of Ethan.

After the six seconds of vine is over, I just shut down!

Ethan falls on the treadmill and I can't help but chuckle. Soon I've watched almost all of them, and I realise I haven't done my homework.

"What are you laughing at?" Kat asks, popping her head into my doorframe.

"Come look," I say, and she hops on the bed, "Grayson and Ethan are famous on vine."

"Oh, I know! Grayson told me that, and they have a youtube channel, too. Then after, he kissed me!"

"He did not!"

"Yes, he did!"


Hi Guys! It's Tashi! Here I am, back again with another chapter! I know it was a bit shorter than usual, but I hope that's alright with you guys! But writing usually clears my head, which is extremely convenient for you guys, haha!! I also feel like I'm a lot more chill in these ANs than my last book on Quotev, too. Well, moving on, I should give you guys the Question of the Day!

Question #3 is... What TV Show are you currently watching? If you aren't watching any, what's your favorite?

I'm currently watching Pretty Little Liars! Thanks to my friend Tiana, who is obsessed, I decided to watch it, and its very good, I would highly recommend it!

I love you guys, have a good day/night, wherever you are!

-Tashi xx

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