Chapter Fifteen - Volleyball

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Kathlyn's POV

February 6, 2017

I walk to school this morning, after declining Grayson's offer to drive me. I always enjoyed walking in Maryland, the cool breeze whipping around me. Here in New Jersey, though, the wind is more harsh and howls around me and the elk trees surrounding the well-paved sidewalk. My school looms over me in a mere fifteen minutes and I walk inside to the warmth. Ever since Addison's posse got suspended, they haven't said a word to me, but they still stare me down like hawks. Grayson is constantly sweet to me, and I still haven't told him the whole story. I'm not sure when I will.

The day whips past me, and I'm once again in the crowd bustling through the hallway to get to the cafeteria for lunch. I feel a hand on my back, and I turn to see the bright cheery face that I know belongs to Grayson Dolan. "Hi,"I say, my voice calm, and I grab his hand, which feels cold in my grasp. He returns a hello and we walk into the cafeteria, looking for our table. We all claimed it since about a month after school started. Jaqueline sits there, a curtain of long, raven hair blocks her face while she furiously writes on a sheet of pastel-green paper. Abby sits next to her, and fearfully glances with her icy blue eyes at Jackie, nibbling on an apple.

Grayson and I slip into the booth, and glance at them both with questioning looks. "What happened here?" I ask, looking at Jackie. Abby takes a sip of her water and goes through her phone, clearly not wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"That monster of a teacher Mrs. Restane gave me detention, when I promised Kaden that I'd meet him after school to go to the movies," she grumbles, and Grayson shows her a look of sympathy and understanding. We both dislike her the same way. But that last word that slips out leaves me confused.

"Wait, hold up! Who is Kaden and why are you going to the movies with him?"

Abby glances up, "About 6" 1", red hair, varsity football jock? From math?" I instantly remember him. He's a complete imbecile, flirts with whichever girl he pleases.

I snort, "Uh-uh, you are not seeing him. I'm almost glad that monster gave you detention. Come on, wise up Jackie! He'll flirt with any girl that comes his way!"

Jackie glares at me, "Frankly, Mom, I don't care. He was sweet to me and that is all that matters, right, Abby?" Abby shrugs, which earns another scoff from Jackie. I turn to Gray, who doesn't say anything. He grabs my hand and I soothingly rub tiny circles on it.

Grayson pipes up after about thirty seconds of silence, "Wait, where is Julia and Ethan?"

At first I hope they're together in the library exchanging love-letters or something but then I remember Julia's helping her volleyball coach set up, but I don't know anything about E. I say the same to Grayson, who looks a little disappointed.

"Wait, Gray, does Ethan ever talk about Julia?" I ask, realising that the question never came to my mind. We all should be studying for our ACTs and SATs right now, but this is more important to us. Abby and Jackie listen in.

"What do you guys think? Of course he does. He's so blind because he thinks she doesn't like him and that she's constantly friend-zoning him. It's honestly so annoying. I kind of wish he'd just tell her already."

We all nod, invested in the story.

"He says she's different, cares about other things. Like the values of people, and she doesn't care about getting a guy or wearing five pounds of makeup to impress them. I mean, not that it's bad to wear makeup or anything," Jackie calms a second after he says the last sentence, because she is a connoisseur of makeup. You could ask her anything about a brand or product and she could tell you it's whole history or biography.

"Well, I gotta go, coach wants me to help him too for Friday's game," Grayson states, and gets up from the booth, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and he kisses me on the cheek, which feels like I got zapped a little.

"My goodness, you are lucky to have him," Abby shyly says.

"I know," I sigh, smiling, "I know."

~Julia's POV~

I wait and wait for the ball to come close to me. We're tied, sixteen-to-sixteen. A piece of dark hair comes in my face, I breathe heavy, pushing the hair back up into the air. My uniform is gold and dark green, my knee-guards are scratched from this season. I'm sweating, and the material of the number on my back sticks to my skin like a sticker.

All at once, I see the mass flying towards me, I toss it up, and Jenna, my teammate slams it to the other side, which earns us a point. The crowd goes wild; they're ecstatic. And out of the corner of my eye, I see a certain guy in the crowd, one that claims his hazel eyes, and my cheeks reddened more than they already were from exhaustion. He was clapping, shouting my name, Go Julie! Come on, you got this!! I had asked him to come, because my dad couldn't come and neither could the rest of the family. I found myself wanting to spend more and more time with him. I wanted to be closer to him, get to know him, not roll my eyes every second at him.

Slam, slam, pass, pass, the ball sounds in my ears. We're so close. Just one minute left in the game. The other side is close to getting a point for overtime, and our defenses are tiring out quickly. I frantically try my best to hype everyone up, to not let them pass us this easily. I encourage Jenna, and Dylan, and even Giana, who I don't like much. "Come on, we got this, guys! The champion is ahead us," I croak as I watch the ball. It comes over me again, I jump up.

20 seconds.

"Jenna!" I scream.

15 seconds.

Jenna grunts, prepares herself for the slam.

10 seconds.

I leave it for her, and in one last final surge of energy she sends it flying over.

5 seconds.

I watch it sail; their defense fumbles, and the ball helplessly falls to the ground. The buzzer sounds, and the crowd erupts into green and gold flames, I smile as I'm lifted next to Jenna, who gets awarded the trophy. I see Ethan running towards me, and without thinking, I jump off and run back to him, and engulf him in a huge hug, my ponytail whips around me. Ethan smells of honeysuckle and mint, air I want to breathe much more often.

When he lets go of me, he tells me how happy he is for me, congratulates me, and in a flurry of emotion it whisks past me and we're in his car for celebratory ice cream. I happily lick a vanilla cone, Ethan a strawberry. I look into his eyes for the millionth time, still perplexed by them.

And in that moment I knew. I knew I had to come clean soon or I'd lose this boy forever.

Hi people! First off, I realize that my AN's are really long, so I'll try to shorten it from a paragraph to a few sentences. Also, I appreciate any comments  or votes you guys give me because they make my day, and don't be afraid to comment, I don't bite! Here's the QOTD!

Question #15 is... Do you write stories? If not, tell me your favorite on here!

Bye everyone!! <3


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