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Hey everyone, I was tagged by @ZilliaM.

1. Mention who nominated you
2. Done in less than 3 days
3. Say 10 things about yourself
4. Nominate 28 people
5. Tell a joke
6. Write a spoiler about a possible story of yours
7. Put these rules in your nomination

Facts About Myself:
1. I'm 15 years old
2. My star sign is Virgo
3. I want to do something with anime when I'm older
4. I hate speaking in front of large crowds and unfamiliar people
5. I'm a loner
6. I love bubble tea
7. My favourite anime is Fairy Tail
8. I'm a very lazy person so I hate doing all kinds of physical activity/exercise
9. Apparently I always look weird and depressed
10. I'm a very boring person so you probably shouldn't become friends with me

Eh, can't be bothered

Joke (Sorry, it's gonna be bad):
Q - Why couldn't the bike stand up on its own?
A - Because it was 'too' tired

I'm writing a story based on Tales of Zestiria the X after this one and I may or may not be changing the AU.

Well, bye for now

Life Changer (Goshi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now